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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Brighton are committed to this god knows what tat they'll be punting in the club shop.
  2. I whole heartedly agree with this and we've had plenty of good players written off by other clubs over the years. That said when Stenhousemuir are warning you off somebody because they couldn't cut it in the bottom tier it's going to be a case of expecting the worst and anything else is a bonus.
  3. Scotland have until the euro 96 kit always worn white shorts. These days they seem to rotate the shorts as well as the red or blue socks. This kit would have benefitted from being all one colour as the white looks out of place. As for the away right blue shorts they won't match the home kit so cannot be interchanged and also for some reason remind me of scotrail.
  4. Not a massive fan really, I think its lazy and the worst adidas kit so far. It would have looked better with blue shorts. As for the away it's slightly better but the purple stripes look shoe horned in as the rest of the accent colour is bright blue.
  5. A fair few Chelsea supporters were in a full on seethe last night about this sale. He is a very talented young player with a lot of potential still to be realised and a European cup winner as well. I think he is more of a continental style of player and could do well playing in Italy or Spain where there is more emphasis on technical ability than the physicality that there is in England.
  6. After the best part of a year with airports looking like ghost towns they are going to claw back money from every angle they can. That said you can get a lot in a decent backpack. I came up with my daughter in winter for 2 days, we just wore all the big thick stuff and rolled everything else up. In fairness folk got on and off the plane a bit quicker .
  7. Bring him home and throw him on to cause devastation in the last 10 minutes.
  8. Tait was ill advised and picking up on the Sim interview his parents are the pushy type who probably act the c**t at kids football games. He would be a strange signing and even if there is a delay with Spencer I still don't see where he would fit in.
  9. When the win comes which might or might not be within my life time I want it to be with a 98th minute winning goal, completely against the rin of play with more than a whiff of offside to it.
  10. Condolences etc etc. Points please in what has become a very disappointing season.
  11. I think our loans have a 1 in 3 success rate at the minute. ORiordan thankfully has been a roaring success, in fairness he'd still be getting game time even if he wasn't. Ngwenya is a strange one, Liam Dick seems to have reinvented himself over the summer and Young looks capable but needs development. Connell could come onto a game but at the minute we're not getting the most out of him. Compared to the permanent signings Nolan is solid, Easton is up there with the best players in the league when he's on form and Brown has been invaluable. Millen the jury is still out for me, he was much improved against Hamilton but has been lacking in other games, I also foresee he will become the boo boys go to player.
  12. What is the most unusual.or unique thing you possess which relates to your club. Do you perhaps have one of those Kingsley mascot shirts, a life size model of Dick Campbell made from lego or a ukulele with the Ayr United crest on it. The more random and obscure the better, please show and tell. A bit tame but I own the only pair of Raith Rovers flip flops in existence, that I know of.
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