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Everything posted by BigDoddyKane

  1. wrong choice of word by me, I was really meaning its not a sustainable business model. The players wages arms race , funded mainly by ever increasing TV money deals and sponsorship deals, increasing ticket prices and even with that these clubs are operating on huge debt At some point theres no more money increases coming
  2. It would be brilliant to see these clubs collapse, a house of cards. Football is a kind of ponzi scheme even though people have said for years me included that the bubble has to burst sometime, the tv deals keep going up and it doesnt but maybe we have seen the first cracks appear. In same way the housing bubble collapsed yet plenty people believed before it happened that houses prices would always go up.
  3. Has uefa increased the money or done any changes to get this climb down, i wouldnt be surprised if they have? My feeling is this will just be put to be for a few years, next time its raised it will be under a different name and there will be less backlash against it and it will get put through
  4. That Barca and Madrid were leading this breakaway and as 2 clubs with mountains of debt that are propped up by the local banks and others. It makes me think they are in desperate situation money wise. Probably Covid has meant those banks and other dodgy funds can no longer fund them
  5. It changed at some point, no sure when or that it was 50-50 but I think it could be relooked at and the way to do it is as an european wide agreement for all domestic leagues. Im not sure how it is in europes domestic leagues currently, I would need to look it up
  6. when no plans or ideas are put forward by any united group of fans, we have zero chance
  7. Im not saying full scale change will happen, Im just saying this is the last chance we as fans will ever get to do anything, as theres a momentum that if some leadership happens it could occur. Most likely your right it wont though but nows the time if it ever will happen
  8. I agree, I want a more competitive domestic league in Scotland and same in Europe, I want the money shared out as equally and as fairly as possible. It should be european wide. Aligned rules for sharing the cash in Domestic and Europe. Even gate money should find a balance and be shared more equally and be done european wide. That would create more of a level playing field and would help close the gap thats appeared since money started pouring into the game. It would also spread good players throughout leagues and clubs again instead of the few rich clubs having massive squads of players who rarely play. Im not saying those ideas are the best other people might have good points to raise against those ideas and have better ones. One things for sure, for Football in europe. We have a once in a lifetime chance to change its path. Whatever comes out of this will decide it for long time. The champions league is already far to slated towards the rich clubs and a complete imbalance in money paid out has created 1or2 horse races across europe. Stopping the superleague isnt enough its got to be full scale change or its going to go the other wrong way even if super league doesnt happen this year
  9. they need to be kicked out of the domestic leagues, then I dont care if they form this super league In fact it might make fans push all the other clubs for something better than we get now and a more equal as possible share of the pot for all the clubs. It has to be fans that push it as the clubs have shown they lack any ideas, leadership or motivation to do any worthwhile changes for the common good
  10. when the clubs main turnover comes from overseas fans and it may be at that point already then those clubs wont give a feck about the homebased fans
  11. The world cup has got worse and worse since 94-98 and I think its a direct result of the money going into domestic game
  12. Its a great opportunity for the rest of Football outwith these rich clubs to say bye bye to them finally. So now we should give them no option they have to go. We should take the chance now to completely reform European competition and Domestic leagues so its more aligned throughout europe. Theres plenty ways to do that just needs some leadership. One of the first things id do if it was up to me is that european money would be spread move even over domestic leagues than just to the clubs who qualify. Clubs qualifying would get slightly higher but it wouldnt be the way it is now. Which has caused nearly every league in europe to become 2 horse races. Maybe aligned gate money rules throughout the domestic leagues in europe. Thats just an idea or 2 someone may come and pick it apart with good reasons but thats the point. We have an opportunity that rarely comes along to improve the game and clearly throughout europe have a completely fed up fanbase willing to back change to a fairer distribution of the money.
  13. Maresca would be a gamble but it would be one I would be happy enough to risk should Howe not get job. Any new appointment is a risk to some extent and whoever gets it needs the time and support to build their vision.
  14. Whats the deal if you are flying into Scotland from a Green country for a visit?
  15. For international travel I think its fine and should be easy enough to enforce in the same way it is already for things like yellow fever in some countries, for domestic travel and recreation I think its a logistical nightmare probably not worth even attempting, its better just to get most people vaccinated and ensure people still get tested if they get ill, Once enough people are vaccinated then open up movement as close to normal as possible. Id guess that we will see small localised spikes at times after society opens up but with quick testing and localised light restrictions if enough people are already vaccinated it should be fine.
  16. You think we will ever hear soon about travel to and from abroad and what will be required. Im not talking holidays but plenty people nowadays living abroad or people in Scotland from other countries and at some point all wanting to travel to see family etc
  17. Ive been surprised recently just how much travel has still been happening , I saw on the Manchester news recently that In January alone 15000 people travelled to one country in particular from manchester airport, so the January amount in total must of been far higher for just that one airport. It cant all be essential travel. Im living outside Scotland and would really hope I can get over soon for a visit so its a bit surprise to see just how much travel has still been going on
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