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Everything posted by PedroMoutinho

  1. Unless there’s a total clear out in January, I’m not convinced we’ll avoid the relegation play off. How Holt is still at the club I don’t know but I get the impression the new board are keen to just brush it under the carpet. The idea of him having any involvement in the January recruitment is terrifying.
  2. Looks like a good few of the squad either injured or for the off
  3. So the SG have cut the health budget in order to protect public health. Money that should’ve been used to increase NHS capacity is instead being spent on nonsense theatre. Insane
  4. I think that’s a ridiculous accusation. Firstly, there’s absolutely no evidence that there’s any link whatsoever between fans attending outdoor football matches and ‘people dying in corridors’. In fact, there may well be more risk of transmission from some of the hundreds of thousands of people who would have attended these matches over the next few weeks instead going to the pub or round to mates’ houses. Secondly, people have faced 2 years of enormous restrictions on their lives, in some cases suffering from poor mental health, job losses etc and football has been an important release. The vast majority of Falkirk fans will have had 2 vaccine doses (3 in many cases) and were told that these were the way back to normality. Covid is not the only issue in society and it’s out of order to accuse people who have done everything asked of them for 2 years but frankly now want to live their lives of wanting people to die.
  5. Tbh they may as well have announced that nightclubs were closed on Tuesday as they couldn’t operate with table service, no dancing and 1 metre distancing between groups. Virtually all that I’ve seen have already announced that they’re closing from Boxing Day.
  6. It’s absolutely crazy- I’d love to see Leitch provide the evidence that it’s safer to have people packed into mates’ houses and pubs than an open air football match.
  7. Apparently 500 is the maximum amount allowed in the whole stadium so has to include staff and hospitality etc
  8. So Falkirk are allowing in 380 season ticket holders on Sunday, with those who can’t get a ticket able to book tickets for the bar inside the stadium to watch a live stream. Absolutely insane rules from the SG Has Leitch been asked for the evidence showing it’s safer to have people packed into indoor pubs and mates houses (tens of thousands on January 2nd) than outdoor stadiums?
  9. So what’s the point of say a healthy 20 year old getting their booster then? They’re not at risk of serious illness and the SG have made it clear that restrictions on activities they enjoy like football and nightclubs will still happen (and would probably have shut the whole lot if they got the chance).
  10. Looks like virtually all nightclubs are closing from Boxing Day as far as I can see. The SG have effectively closed them without saying it as they can’t have table service or 1 metre between groups. There’s bound to be job losses as a result with no furlough as I can’t see them having bags of cash in the bank as it is after the last 2 years.
  11. I think last night’s dinner just came back up
  12. I see Why Not nightclub in Edinburgh is shutting from Boxing Day. Presumably they’ll all have to do the same or operate as bars?
  13. I would happily attend a protest against restrictions now but the issue is they’re all dominated by anti vax weirdos.
  14. It was unbelievable how long the SG kept gyms and pools shut last year. They didn’t reopen until September iirc.
  15. Presumably nightclubs will need to be re-purposed as bars to meet the social distancing rules?
  16. Surely table service only means nightclubs closed?
  17. Just had a look at Reddit there as if my blood pressure wasn’t high enough. My particular favourite comment was about pubs being open until 5 am DURING A PANDEMIC. And how dare people want to go to a street party- b*****ds should be strung up.
  18. I see independent sage have branched out into event planning. I assume everyone will be following their 10 step plan for household mixing over Christmas, including ‘avoiding singing and aerobic activities’ and ‘paying special attention to those who might have difficulty adhering to the agreed arrangements’.
  19. The BBC reporting that “large events, such as Hogmanay street parties, concerts and major sporting events” could be for the chop to “free up emergency crews.” I don’t know how they’re going to fund that if it happens. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-59739797
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