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Everything posted by mcjameos

  1. I stumbled across an article a few days ago. Cant remember where exactly but it was a rangers focussed news site and about him now seeing out the remainder of his loan with us and being released in the summer. Not sure if the article above changes that. Found article; https://www.ibroxnews.com/2023/01/31/josh-mcpake-headed-for-permanent-summer-rangers-exit-remains-at-queens-park-this-month/
  2. If it's "his" I guess that means the cash won't dry up
  3. I understand that sometimes things are too important however “Constructive Suggestion 2” will inevitably have an impact on those on the playing side. Just an observation and am not advocating for or against it as am unable to suggest a suitable alternative.
  4. I was disappointed at how poorly Ms Dempster came across in that interview. Whatever your thoughts of people at this level in business, most are very good speakers – believability is another thing. I can understand she will want to play down promotion prospects (as there is still a long way to go) and not want to divulge any associated plans - I suspect (hope) her words were poorly chosen (see first sentence). If not, as you say, what does she actually do.
  5. I see the Morton game has now been rescheduled to 11th. Are we only allowed to field players in this that were eligible for the original game?
  6. Not sure what I think of that. Knee jerk reaction would be to tell SFA to gtf however I realise that, correctly negotiated, this could generate an additional income stream.
  7. Thats as maybe but my comments infer we should stay at Ochilview (imo) for what is left of the season - thats the ground we know.
  8. Possibly contraversial but surely it would make sense, at this stage, to finish the season at a ground we know.
  9. Mmm, Ms Dempster saying to Amy Irons at HT that we will be in Lesser before the end of the season
  10. I had thought the same. He may feel its his responsibility of course. However (and even then imo) someone more senior should be taking responsibility publicly.
  11. I remember going to lesser in the early 80s but dont recall anything resembling stands only grassy slopes - but that could be my memory playing tricks. Mind you 12000 people would soon have made it resemble the photos posted above
  12. Yup, no excuse, someone has f**cked up. Take the punishment now, move on, and put smth in place to ensure its not repeated.
  13. Well, this has certainly taken the spotlight away from that guy that left us........ you know who I mean......... began with an S..... nope its gone
  14. Last night's win was important irrespective of what happens today. Murray leaves, no time for any doubt to set in and a confidence boosting performance before Friday.
  15. Completely agree. Its embarrassing if found true. Hopefully Ms Dempster will be addressing this imminently
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