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Everything posted by mcjameos

  1. There are accumulated losses (£9.6m) shown in the profit and loss reserve on the balance sheet. This has grown by £1m so by my reading this loss (and obviously net prior year ones) are currently funded by the owners existing capital and reserves.
  2. Another tough one. Airdrie doing pretty well on their return to the 2nd tier and deserve respect for that midweek result. Add to that our record against them over the last few years and a draw starts to look like it would be a decent result. Improvements under Davidson have been huge but the spectre of that Veldman era still looms so my confidence remains a bit shaky. Reckon we need at least 11 points from our remaining 10 matches - be good to start racking these up early on. Need to be taking points off those around us and definitely should be abe to win this however probably more likely to be a low scoring draw.
  3. Arbroath 0 3 Raith Rovers Airdrie 1 1 Queen's Park Dunfermline 0 2 Ayr Morton 2 1 Inverness Partick Thistle 1 3 Dundee Utd
  4. Appears we have brought a young goalkeeper (Jack Wills) on loan from St Johnstone. Assume he will be on the bench tonight. https://www.facebook.com/100063655512215/posts/pfbid02GmBZKvKyye2ET8FmjHNMffRUtfQTfuJmZzJvqRwWAB2AawecU32pdk7u1vahzyT5l/?app=fbl
  5. Am prepared to keep an open mind on Sheridan for now. Could be there was an issue which kept Williamson out the squad at the weekend. That said, I recall Davidson saying, in one of his early interviews, it was time for Williamson to prove himself or words to that effect. He's been here 2 years now and, for me, not really any sign of him breaking into the team. Believe he's around the same age as Paton and, although I have no evidence, do feel Davidson doesn't rate him or maybe this move/step-up has not worked for him. Shame if that's the case. Am sure, in his post-match interview, Davidson suggested Wilson wasn't fully match fit. That made me think the back line was set up to accommodate Wilson because of who we were playing. Guess we'll see over the next couple of games when up against the teams around us.
  6. Ayr 1 2 Partick Thistle Dundee Utd 2 0 Airdrie Inverness 1 1 Dunfermline Queen's Park 2 0 Arbroath Raith Rovers 1 1 Morton
  7. Might be going out on a limb here. Surely there must be a Championship player or manager that could be interviewed.
  8. To be honest, before being mentioned on here, had never heard of Sheridan. We're never going to attract experienced players without some kind of baggage. What matters is what he does for us. Maybe a decent option off the bench and his experience should be good for the likes of Paton & Williamson.
  9. Partick Thistle 3 1 Dunfermline Arbroath 1 1 Inverness Ayr 1 3 Raith Rovers Dundee Utd 1 1 Queen's Park Morton 2 1 Airdrie
  10. Second visit to Tannadice. Queen's continue their quest for mid table security while United will be looking to bounce back from last week's disappointment. Another tough test. Will this be a backs to the wall performance or could Davidson out-smart Goodwin and take something from this. Against top of the table would take a draw but Goodwin appears to be coming under fire from some of his own fanbase - away win .
  11. Would surely be a big risk for another team at the moment. Although ultimately suppose it depends what sort of impression he is making on Davidson.
  12. He extended before the start of the season for 2 years till 2025
  13. Yep. I think Heraghty still on loan and also out of contract in the summer. Our current backup keeper is a young lad from the B team. I know nothing of him or if it is realistic for him to step up should Ferrie get injured.
  14. Excellent news. Don't understand why fans of other clubs don't rate him but then again not sure I really care. Yes, he's made some errors but pretty sure everyone has. Absolutely no doubt he has earned us points, particularly this season. Great player with a fantastic attitude.
  15. Seems to like scoring from tighter angles. If he's been training with us for a couple of weeks, hopefully means he's ready to go. Possibly see him from the bench on Saturday?
  16. Raith Rovers 0 2 Dundee Utd Airdrie 2 1 Ayr Dunfermline 0 0 Arbroath Inverness 1 3 Partick Thistle Queen's Park 2 2 Morton
  17. Probably Davidson's toughest test yet. Morton on an incredible run and Imrie seems to have avoided the curse of being awarded Manager of the Month. However, of more concern is that he appears to have had our number over the past year or so. That said Saturday would be as good a time as any for all that to end. Given the Dutch debacle any hopes of a top four finish have long since evaporated. Need to continue adding points if we are to consolidate a safe mid-table position. Would take a draw but hopeful of more.
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