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Everything posted by PSJ.84

  1. Just trying to find any way possible to stay relaxed!
  2. Hopeful McCann being away on international duty is a real stumbling block
  3. Not to mention the supposed 5-figure wage packet is something he’d have been foolish to turn down!
  4. Imminent meltdown on twitter from all the usual fan accounts Won’t even mention the banter page…
  5. At least deals are on the table for a number of players. Usually wait until New Year to start offering new deals
  6. With wages, age etc. I’d be inclined to agree. May probably tries a bit harder than Hendry but for the wages he’ll be on I’d like to be able to say a bit more than he tries hard…
  7. Is looking decent, other than the goalscoring aspect but I do have slight worries as to where we’ll be next year. The loans will obviously go back as well as probably losing McCann, Kerr, McCart and potentially Rooney, Zander + others which will leave us very short. However, a week is a long time in football, never mind 12 months!
  8. 3 minutes 23 seconds on for St. Johnstone related stuff
  9. could be total rubbish to be fair, just thought I’d pass it on!
  10. Would agree that keeping players remains priority but for one reason or another I’ll be amazed if at least one doesn’t leave today. Also in dire need of a different option upfront - whether or not Eetu’s creativity changes that remains to be seen - at the moment, we’re too reliant on Kane and Middleton.
  11. Very long time ago, just making sure my memory still works! Managed to find it on YouTube - not much of a screamer…
  12. May be imagining it but did Crawford not score a peach against us at NDP in a 1-0 as well? Could very well have been a tap-in or even not have happened…
  13. Do worry this is a panic signing because a certain player is leaving…
  14. Can anybody remember if Liam Craig has had a sustained period out injured at any point in his Saints career? Can only remember the odd niggle here and there
  15. Big afternoon for May and Hendry - getting towards last chance territory…
  16. Kinda expect this to resolve itself and he’ll be on his way…
  17. Think Scott Burns had said a couple of weeks ago Killie had a deal for a striker pretty much done but was reliant on the selling club finding a replacement. Hendry was the first to spring to mind..
  18. No doubt mostly from those who only turn up for the European games
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