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Blame Me

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Everything posted by Blame Me

  1. Regarding the new food and beverage supplier - As they say, fans can show their displeasure by not buying. That will soon prompt a rethink. They are only charging what they think the fans will pay after all.
  2. Totally a concern. As expected, the usual responses get trotted out about clubs like yourselves maintaining grass - without determining what acceptable standard is - or how "top" leagues don't allow it - without the context that their resources and distribution model allow them that luxury! It should also be noted with interest how Rangers current predicament is handled and what flexibility will be afforded to those promoted teams who choose to carry out the works when needed. It's also went very quiet on the mooted UEFA endorsed specialists. It's not like Scottish football to miss out on the opportunity of an easy PR win and talk-up the work being done to enhance the reputation of the top flight - Isn't that what this is meant to be about ...
  3. Saw it said elsewhere and still agree with the point it made - Football has a cost control problem not a revenue one. That we can excel in revenue generation off the park and yet still feel like we're poor relations to other, less supported clubs confirms that football will eventually annihilate itself.
  4. He replaced Mackie at LB, McIver took over Hendo's position at CB and we kept BSTL and Yeats in their regular roles.
  5. Impressed by Adam's even though he was played out of position. Looks pacey and looked like he can play a bit. Young lads who came on did well and all-in-all a good work out in the end.
  6. Question is would it allow you Premier league entry ...
  7. FALKIRK FRIENDLY ADDED TO PRE-SEASON SCHEDULE – Dumbarton Football Club I'm sure our match day info will be out today but for those unaware - This is a 2PM kick-off. Adults £10, Conc. £5.
  8. I don't think there are any easy games but in terms of interest the 1st five fixtures are decent.
  9. The word is the crane that's been sat on the pitch has killed off the grass and rather than manoeuvre it in-and-out they want to leave it in situ until the work is complete and make good the pitch once.
  10. Stunning admission in this article (my emphasis): ... and yet it cut-up - badly The grass proponents are going to be apoplectic when the pristine surfaces of their hallucinations don't materialise and TV pundits are discussing conditions as we saw in Frankfurt at Perth, Kirkcaldy or Airdrie!
  11. Splitting hairs here but a previous BOD were ready to sell. I'd hope once bitten, twice shy would apply now.
  12. Corr, I think, will end up in England. My understanding is he turned down staying at Raith in order to "take the next step" in his career. That says to me he doesn't want to come and play 2nd fiddle to Finn Yeats.
  13. I'm neutral on the new strip. Will wait for the away launch at end of June/early July before deciding whether I'll purchase one.
  14. I'd expect so. Depending on the design, folk will want one immediately and others will be happy to buy online and wait for delivery. I don't see a reason for a delay in sales starting.
  15. I don't think luck is involved unless it's incredibly lucky that the SFA happen to owe the Queens Park "benefactor" £2.5M! QP only exist in modern form due to the perennial help of the SFA renting Hampden until UEFA rules forced their hand and QP amateur status - bearing no transfer fees and the 3rd largest stadium to maintain - left both seeking a marriage of convenience. In stepped Lord Haughey to provide QP with the means to move to Lesser Hampden and the SFA a means to fund it and now QP can have the best of both worlds. A 50K+ stadia without needing to continually invest in infrastructure and pitches maintained to FIFA standard (and all that entails) without the outlay as I dare say Lord Haughey probably wouldn't even notice if the SFA didn't repay it.
  16. Lavery went on to have a decent career and Andy Irving somehow has ended up at West Ham! The rest I shudder at being reminded of
  17. The club sent an email last week offering to switch those who might want to sit with friends/guests in the KM to the main stand as there would be little (zilch) availability due to the uptake. To me this looks like mischief making as "families being split up" makes it sound much more dramatic than my son/daughter/spouse didn't renew in time and now can't sit with me.
  18. Keeping it "in the family" as it were. That's why you love them
  19. As a massive FU we should acquiesce to the grass demands and allow a funfair, waterpark or outdoor wax museum to be built on the land between the grass and remaining artificial surface. Force Sky to broadcast from the main stand and show the world our best product, grade-A grass surface surrounded by Elvis on the toilet and Obama in an open-air Oval office Nothing would scream "Elite" more
  20. There won't be a compensation scheme because of the intention to pay for the consultancy and associated costs of any recommendations to their own pitches. They aren't going to pay for all of that and additionally pay into a pot which potentially weakens them further. God forbid a promoted team decides to use the funds and pays to go over-and-above the minimum standard thus giving them a perceived advantage.
  21. Have heard it said repeatedly this "improves" our game but I haven't seen one tangible fact that this is so. I am still dumbfounded that grass has been prioritised and yet there is no work other than a commitment to engage consultants. Grass consultants appear to be the silver bullet to this scheme and yet the SPFL board realistically can't say whether the current clubs could have minimal or maximum remedial works to carry out or whether they have a choice over full-grass or hybrid - if recommended. Dundee plan to move to Camperdown afaik - if they voted in favour - are they prepared to do any potential recommended works to Dens knowing they will have to do it all over again or will they no-doubt be given dispensation to do the minimum mandated and so every other club can do the same? It's a complete farce.
  22. Thanks for this. Really just reaffirming that the vote was done on the hoof and the Project to Improve Surface Standards (PISS) has no standing - exactly when clubs will be literally laying the foundations for the season ahead.
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