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  1. Tuned in from 3.15 and the audio was faultless. Was walking the coastal path with the dog. Saw there were some issues at the start when I logged on. Not bad for a service that's totally free. My mate who was at the game said we looked capable of doubling the score. I know its kinda pre season vibes but best get out the group and test a big team at Starks.
  2. Very critical of the home release and a bit uninspired by the kit. Polar opposite of the away launch and kit. Well done to the club it is a cracker
  3. Kinda drifted from the podcast as I'm not travelling for work and can't find an hour and a half to listen. Will see if this pulls me back.
  4. Pretty much this, it's no where near awful just a bit meh. By all accounts the launch night was a success. Scratchy videos and players lounging about in their chinos not so much. At the end if the day it's a football top and looked OK when they were footballing. Oh, white shorts get it sorted. All clubs go for moody reveal shots when supporters would benefit from seeing the strip in clinical laboratory white light!
  5. TBH club won't give a hoot about written feedback. The cash register is all that matters and I bet it shifts huge numbers. Good detail on the Norwich design, not that it matters one bit. Different had it been a rival club or even a Scottish one.
  6. A rare miss from the club here, seems Ross County gave us a container full of tops to bring down the road. Hearing it's better in person so will hopefully see tomorrow. Navy shorts and socks are great for the kit team but don't think many fans love that combo. Why do all clubs do reveal videos where it's hard to see the actual kit?
  7. Brilliant interview with Andy Barrowman. It doesn't surprise me but it's really pleasing that the club haven't closed the office and headed on holiday. Raith TV can we have more of this type of interview please? Sorry if it sounds greedy I just really like them. Really pleased with Fordyce, maybe its decision time for Corr. Stay and learn or seek more games elsewhere. Would like to see another option up top and a right back. If Byrne goes then surely Mathews stays (would keep both)
  8. Utter dug meat from a once important paper now local rag with little function other than seeing its editor through to retirement. "Big games, of course, mean a big media presence - it’s been a while since TV gantries were built in the old enclosure" BBC are here regular and their gantry is left active for the whole season. In terms of being used well if you consider 6 days a long time! Poor attempt at writing a "Nutmeg" jumper for goalposts style review. You need to be a football fan and a far better writer to pull that off.
  9. St Johnstone benefited from Motherwell being in the beach and Ross county failing to defend their 1 attack midweek. Was in Dingwall and Ross Co looked good today. Home advantage 2nd leg, familiar with Var, 12 o'clock as a kickoff thus dwindling our support and no Turner. The benefits weighing up for RC. Thursday is huge, no chance we will be fearful but avoiding defeat at home huge.
  10. Pretty unsavoury stuff as we peddle Andys man club, Mental health awareness and the club being a safe place. However don't see anything other than personal red lines being breached. Hardly a Saudi cartel but not great given the wreckage that can be caused by betting in football.
  11. Decent enough effort all round, learned very little which is in its own way a success as no one went off script. I've attended many a Q and A over the years and a group of these have been time I will never get back. This fell North of that. Would have preferred if it was a seperate football and operations session. The group are willing to engage so that's the most important take away.
  12. Trying to be half full on this one. Every break has gone to Airdrie when we played them, coupled with their dominance it's been 1 way traffic. Just trying to find something to help me sleep pre play off games. Wonder if a bit less pressure could now fire us up again for what looks like a play off stint? Ashcroft was the key signing and it went pear shaped. Surely it's Watson and Murray till the end of the season. Full backs need an upgrade for next season. A couple of wider points, the exodus from the South Stand should be a worry for the board. Hope the numbers continue to show up. Also wonder why facebook doesn't get the interviews when we get beat, maybe damage limitation with comments. TBH our social media is unreadable with negative supporters and opposition fans seeking retribution. Definetly reaping what we sowed. Finally fair play Airdrie, but can we not just go back to you lot being a despicable bunch of hammer throwers.
  13. Bit of smoke and mirrors here as through an Ian M filter it paints a picture of Airdrie being a bogey team. Rovers still doing well accross the fixtures. Said many times McCabe gets the very best out of his players. Could he step up and build a team? Time will tell as he must have his admirers.
  14. Huge respect for McCabe and Airdrie as a whole this season. However 3-4 times the budget, that's an utterly wild suggestion.
  15. Played the game back today while papering the living room. Didn't realise how bad the wind was from my seat. Not sure there was a benefit to either team, to be honest. Came away thinking really professional job, some great interplay in the first 20. Fair play to Kev, I had my eyes covered everytime the ball went his way and he done a consistently good job. Mathews isn't doing himself any harm. Funny how we get blinkered on guys we like, hope he stays. The media folk have loads of cameras so if there isn't a full replay of the kids half time activity heads should roll. Saw the commentary comments so had it on. It was a bit bland like other clubs but the comment re "can't string a sentence together" is unfair. The full match replay is a great freebie. Steady 3000+ after the United game is a great sign. Thought even at 1-1 the crowd stuck with the team. Unfortunately caught part of the cameraman fall as I was looking that way. Glad to hear he got good treatment. First aiders were there really quick. Didn't know the club medic was involved also great support. Lots of positives though Tuesday gives me the fear. Hope it's Ayr that trip up United, despite our rivalry in the past they are a far more likeable bunch than ICT. Walked to the bus station chatting to an Ayr supporter and his lads, sound as you get post a defeat. No idea why Logan Chalmers treds water in his career. Must drive home singing "can I play you every week" when he faces us.
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