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Posts posted by Ayrfix

  1. I have absolutely nothing against Rangers. Apart from them being cheating scumbags who stole the 2002 league Cup. Then get caught then die, only for it not to matter as they are 'The People'.
    Had they won there would be a great clamour to celebrate them. I can never celebrate them due to the cheating EBT years.
    I am not sure which I enjoyed more, last night or Engerlund v Italy.....

  2. Tbh I think that there is an argument on keeping a good core of the squad together. There is obvious deadwood which needs binned. Baird, Fjortof for two. However when McCall got us promoted he kept the squad together with a few additions and we came out the traps like a bullet and only started faltering in the latter part of the season. I think Arbroath did something similar this season. We do need some changes especially in defence.

  3. I am glad to see the back of that season. Delighted with the last couple of performances, gives me a bit of hope that Bully now knows he can get performances out of our players.
    Some (most?) need binned bit if we can keep Tomi and a couple of others along with decent recruitment, next season should hold no fears. A period of stability is needed.

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