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Everything posted by VincentGuerin

  1. I think what St Johnstone are getting from Levein is what most folk expected. Grim to watch, but it'll stop you getting pumped every week. Not countering any of the criticisms you or other St Johnstone fans make, but I think the improvement since he came in justifies the approach and if St Johnstone are rebuilding next summer from the position of being in the Premiership, then he's done his job. Basiclly, this is what you signed up for and what you needed. Where you go from the summer is a different issue. How long is his deal?
  2. Thought it was the same as our penalty at Dens in that whatever call the ref made would have been stuck with. Take the breakand move on. A deserved win overall. Not much in the game, but we looked the more likely side. The highlights err... highlighted that we were much more dangerous than St Johnstone were. Got away with one for the handball though.
  3. Huge win for St Mirren tonight. Not out of it yet.
  4. Looking forward to Sunday. It'll be a good day out, but hoping for a dull as f**k cup tie nobody will ever rmemeber with a boring 2-0 win.
  5. Looking for Hibs in the table to see how far clear we are. But I had to read down the way for so long I got bored and gave up.
  6. Agreed. I reckon three wins would probably get us third. Fortunately, we've got as good a shot at the cup as anyone else. No reason for us to be worried about playing anyone. Exciting times.
  7. Great result. For the second time this week a win when a draw would have done me at kick off. Clean sheet, and excellent game management at the end. 3 more wins and a couple of draws to seal third?
  8. Oda's attempts to tackle people are actual laugh out loud stuff. He's like a wee dug jumping about.
  9. Shankland is brilliant. Didn't bother with the first half of this game. Seems to have been a wise move.
  10. Hibs v Celtic literally gets fitba stopped. No surprise.
  11. "Am I frustrated, Brian? Aye. Am I disappointed? Aye. Can I fault the effort of the players, staff, and fans at the footbaw club? No. But I'll keep fighting every day to make the Europa League. Every day. Every day."
  12. When Kheredine interviews Clement I don't know who's side I'm on. Terrible interviewer up against a coach who goes out of his way to be an arsehole about pretty much any question he's asked. I've had to put it off.
  13. With the Old Firm in freefall, it's hard to see past Hearts for the title from here, to be quite honest and frank with you.
  14. Just about spat tea down myself reading that.
  15. Most football writing is that, to be fair. Football has a huge readership who want new things to read every day, but there's not really that much to write about every day that's interesting. Look at any of the major outlets for daily football writing and it's the same shite. Simplistic, scoreboard journalism. Website need hits, so you need to write about the big clubs and write whatever you're going to write before everyone else does. It's a recipe for shite. To be fair, that's all there is really time to do. In three days there'll be another round of games and something equally facile needing bashed out. If you want proper football writing you need to go to the higher end magazines or books.
  16. You can spin it either way. The Championship team has just won at least one play-off match and is going into the final with momentum and on a bit of a high. The Premiership side are likely shiting themselves and have spent the season getting pumped.
  17. They're in a tricky spot now. Foreign owners with no real links to the club but an eye on a profit, and another club who view them as a vehicle for their own ends. Suddenly, making an arse of their fan ownership concept looks a dangerous mistake.
  18. Oh my God. You've gone full Vladsheep. Craigkillie's post was entirely accurate. Your denial of simple fact is very Charlie Mann.
  19. So, what do you call a loan that you haven't paid back if not debt?
  20. Who's to say? The owners are only there as the now-deceased Ron bought the club. Who knows what their intentions are, given they have hee haw in terms of real attachment to the club. Nobody can hand-on-heart say they believe the Gordons are going to put the future of Hibs as the number one priority here. And they've just accepted a minority shareholder who explicitly does not have Hibs as even his footballing priority. It's quite easy to see how things could go wrong from here. It's not an enviable situation.
  21. It's too late, basically. They just need to cross their fingers and hope the Gordons and/of Foley don't shaft them.
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