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Everything posted by Jimmy1876

  1. Not sure where my previous post went. Great to see Falkirk TV will be showing full replays of matches for 7 days after the game!
  2. Fun idea but would probably end up with us having to foot the bill. Don't want to stoop to their level either. The Accies and any of their fans defending it are proving themselves to be a bunch of inconsiderate low life's and I have no issue with them showing everyone that. Just a shame it's our fans who pay the price at this time of year.
  3. At the end of the day no matter what excuse Hamilton fans try to use to justify it - whether it's passing off management to Falkirk staff, forcing them to work more because they don't want the responsibility, or because they are trying to avoid people buying home tickets (even though there is nothing stopping people who want to do that doing it anyway) or trying to stop people buying concessions (even though 1 person can still buy 5 concessions for other people with no proof) it's a load of nonsense. Even the ridiculous excuse that our support will match that of celtic and rangers doesn't consider the resources those clubs have for distributing tickets far more easily with club shops in different towns and cities around the country. Never mind giving us 7 days for it. Not one of those excuses justifies the hardship they have put on staff who have to stay longer in the club shop, and on people who won't get to the game as a result. We all know at this time of year football is a much needed reprieve for a lot of families. Disappointing behaviour and as I said before no room for that kind of disdain for football fans, it ruins the game for everyone. Never had an issue with Accies before and was somewhat enjoying the relatively "friendly" competition. But this is inconsiderate at best and low life behaviour at worst.
  4. Fantastic. Largest shareholder in FFC using its voice to represent the fans. Exactly what we have wanted and how it should be done.
  5. From CEO Jamie Swinney on Twitter clarifying about the situation after fans concerns. So much for autonomy on selling tickets and also confirms that they have the capacity to do online tickets and specifically chose not to. While reposting paper ticket announcement: We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. We are not sure why the decision was made, it would not be our preference & we know it’s not ideal Club shop is open all week including late Tuesday & Thursday to give everyone a chance of getting to the ground. In reply to a question of why paper tickets: They have the option of digital tickets so no idea why they have went down this route. In reply to a suggestion we should do the same for them next time: Far more hassle for us to do physical tickets so we won’t. We will continue to offer digital tickets, tickets through the shop and cash turnstiles to give fans as many options as possible to buy tickets.
  6. I also don't stay in Falkirk and can't make it up to get a ticket. Happen to know someone who is getting me one but many people in my boat won't be going as a result.
  7. In the last two seasons we had Hibs and Pars sell out their away allocation. The process was the same. Security might change, supplies might change. The online system is the same.
  8. I see so that's why our CEO said he asked for links to online sales a week before and had no reply until they were told it was going to be paper sales. Confirmed on twitter. Clearly we have been given autonomy on selling the allocation as we see fit. Trying to say that you've stuck to how it's been since online sales have been possible is hilarious. In case you hadn't noticed technology has advanced since then.
  9. I get that this could be an argument but it just doesn't track for me since you've managed for other away sides this season. The size of support doesn't really change the process of selling the tickets online so the capability is there.
  10. You are doing backflips to try and justify this. Very hard to predict sell out vs close to sell out so its not the argument you think it is. And if your board wanted the revenue they would have facilitated it by making it EASIER. They would have given tickets 2 weeks ago and put them up online to MAXIMISE sales. Instead they have done the opposite so your logic just does not follow. Instead you are coming up with hypothetical scenarios about sell out vs large support and why paper tickets somehow facilitate that rather than realising that is just not how any other team in the last several seasons has maximised revenue. Even our games against the pars last season which were far more likely to sell out than this game were dealt with better, advertised by both clubs weeks in advance to try and maximise the support. It's so clear what your board is doing its amazing you can't see it.
  11. We have had demand issues a couple of times this season with away tickets available to us being close to sell out. All sold online by the home side.
  12. Online sale is always managed by the home side platform. Cannot think of any time this season that has not been the case.
  13. E-Tickets even for away fans are always sold on the home platform. We sell online away tickets on our website and every other club this season (including those that use fanbase) sold their online tickets using their platform. So there must be a specific reason that paper tickets have been used considering that there is very clear capability for online tickets to be provided. It's pretty clear your board have weighed up the costs - a few hundred extra tickets of revenue or hinder the away atmosphere in the hope it will stifle the team and increase the chance of a home win. Considering they don't seem tight for money I think they have gone for the win. Not exactly wide off the mark it's pretty explainable and really the only feasible reason.
  14. I don't think there is confusion about us selling the tickets and our club shop has opened extended hours over the weekend and during the week to try and mitigate the effects of it. People are frustrated because your board decided it will be paper ticket only even though you have capability for online tickets and waited until the week before to provide us with those tickets. That means lots of fans who work won't be able to make it into our club shop to pick up tickets and gives a lot less time to plan to do so, especially for fans who don't necessarily live in Falkirk but make the journey on a Saturday. What it appears is that your board have purposefully tried to minimise the sale of tickets to away fans which appears really petty and a bit pathetic. Pettiness like this when it escalates is what leads to away fans being banned from grounds and ruins the game for everyone. Don't think there is any room for that kind of action against fans to try and hinder atmosphere and ruin the game. Fortunately I don't think it will work but it's frustrating nonetheless.
  15. I like Lawal but I just don't think he is beating anyone else to a first team spot. Miller, Ross and even Nesbit are probably ahead of him in the pecking order. No doubt he has a huge amount of talent and skill with the ball and can be unpredictable which can cause havoc. But his first touch is often abysmal, balls run away from him all the time and he is so weak that any defender coming close to him is almost surely getting the ball with a gentle nudge. Maybe going out on loan and getting game time would help strengthen that up. If we had more money or were in the championship I would say he would be worth a gamble for extending his contract to see if development would make him a sellable asset in the future but don't think we have the flexibility for that at the moment.
  16. https://www.hargreavesland.com/news/new-agreement-heralds-next-phase-of-100m-plans-for-falkirk/ There is to be a pub/restaurant plus fast food places which will be great on match days for home and away fans I reckon.
  17. I've no idea of any proposals or any of that and truly am not really interested - I would trust the current board to make the right choice and think hiring a company who does queens, airdrie, dunfermline, ICT and few more that I can't remember is a pretty reasonable, tried and tested thing to do. My main comments were regarding this quite constant narrative on downgrade in quality which having watched around 70% of the games on FTV this season and probably more than that last season and those before I just don't really see other than the replays. So to me it really does just seem strange and a way to pit the old team against the new team. Considering these are both two dedicated volunteer teams it just irks me that this seems to be the case. Maybe I just have good WiFi I don't know but the camera quality has been the same for me and I really am sure someone has said the camera is the same although I am now doubting if I am misremembering about the operator.
  18. I am sure it's been said here by Bainsford Bairn that the camera and operators were the same, maybe he can help? If I'm wrong fair enough and will take that back!
  19. I also subscribe despite having a season ticket because I live far away so often don't get to many games. The only thing I could agree with is the replays, but honestly don't know what the fuss is about regarding that. If you're at the game you don't get replays and have to wait for the highlights. I have had no issues with reliability other than the games in the first few weeks that were not broadcast at all. Maybe you should take a look at your own WiFi coverage if you're having issues. Likewise with the angles, you've just ignored entirely what I said. It's impossible that the camera angles are worse because it's THE SAME PERSON and SAME CAMERA which has been said a couple of times here and possibly the COYB page if I remember correctly. So it's nothing to do with new FTV being worse or in relation to the pay as you are hinting at. Also Aidan nesbitt was literally on as a prematch talk and as a commentator the other week.
  20. I'm sure it's been said a few times here that the cameras and camera operators are the same as has always been. The change has been in the software and in commentators?
  21. Agree with the handball, was surprised a free kick wasn't given for that and thought we got away with that. As for the handling of the ball - I was right in line with Hogarth and he distinctly waited for the ball to cross the line and even leaned back in a weird way to make sure he picked it up inside but one foot was just outside the box which made it look off. Was actually surprised the linesman saw that because it looked like one of those things you'd have to be right in line with to see the ball go over the line which the linesman was not.
  22. At the time we got him was he not joint top scorer in the league, in a terrible Clyde team as well. At the time I thought given a better team around him he would have been scoring for fun and was a good move bringing him in for a final promotion push. But he has just not lived up to that at all. Definitely think January needs to bring someone to compete with MacIver.
  23. Is this now officially our best start to a league campaign in our history?
  24. Will corroborate. Caught us on the break a good few times down your left side as if there was a hole in our right defence. Cannot fathom how you are 8th. Comfortably on par with montrose for best teams we have played outside Hamilton.
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