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Everything posted by Baggio

  1. I've signed up after this news. Will be straight back out again if the club ruins things by signing any rapists.
  2. There has to be at least 1 new CH brought in immediately for that useless lump of waste product aka Brad MacKay. We are starting 2 goals and a man down every week with him.
  3. If the individual who raped Denise Clair were to sign for Falkirk FC then that would be the end for me. It makes me sick to the stomach that this continues to be discussed. I hear it at matches, i read it on here - the complete lack of empathy for rape and sexual assault victims is utterly appalling.
  4. I was still getting negative lateral flows after I'd been for the PCR that came back positive. Same with my son. Waste of time.
  5. I can confirm the "really bad cold" chat. Blocked nose, sinus pain, sore head and a killer sore throat. Knackered.
  6. So been feeling like I've a particularly bad head cold all week, husband tested positive on Monday so 10 days kicked in, I think they started it on the 11th. Freedom day was going to be the 23rd. I've been taking lateral flows every day, negative after negative Felt like I was starting to feel better this afternoon, not great but better and boom there's your positive result and goodbye Christmas. Teenage son now hiding in his room refusing to engage with us. Joy to the world and all that.
  7. I suspect both players would improve dramatically with a competent defence in front of them as well.
  8. I've basically been forced to go for a PCR because I'm a household contact, despite daily negative lateral flows. It seems like a massive waste of resources.
  9. I'm enjoying Hawkeye, liking the little nods to Natasha and I am dying to know whose is the watch and why did they want it.
  10. This angelic little face has lost more collars than I can count and brought us home rats, magpies and a wide variety of small birds and mice like creatures. Often into the house while they are still alive. But he is super affectionate and chatty, cuddles up on my lap every night and purrs like a finely tuned motor engine. He is 4 now and we got him as a kitten from Cats Protection.
  11. Here's our Jeffrey and with his war wound
  12. Our cat is in a bit of a turf war with a big ginger. They've ignored/avoided each other for about 3 years but it has all kicked off recently, I had to take him to the vet for a big bite on his head. I think he's quite stressed about it as he has taken to sleeping on window ledges where he can keep half an eye outside. It's so difficult as there isn't much you can do to help!
  13. If you are looking for another wee hidden gem, go for a walk from the Colzium in Kilsyth round the loch to Banton and head to The Swan in the village for some food. Grub is amazing. Sent from my ANE-LX1 using Tapatalk
  14. This is grim stuff Sent from my ANE-LX1 using Tapatalk
  15. If you have had a positive pcr in last 90 days you shouldn't need to test or isolate again. Edit: link to NHS Lanarkshire https://www.nhslanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk/covid-19-school-update/ Assume that is the same elsewhere
  16. Any tips for testing a 3 yr old? Not looking forward to this at all. Kids are dropping like flies at the minute, loads off at our school, daughter's nursery was like a ghost town today as well.
  17. Much better than I anticipated. Bit of cutting edge up front and we are winning that. Has anyone mentioned that we need to get a striker in?
  18. Fair play, we've deserved that. Morrison has been terrific.
  19. We were pretty much in control until Wilson stepped in the pitch. From that point on we were under pressure. Less said about Miller the better. I'd have like us to have been a bit stronger on the ball throughout the team. Dowds >>>>>> Wilson every day of the week.
  20. Quick question , for those at the game the other night, how strict were stewards on the mask wearing when you were in your seat? Going today and having just watched the video it seems a piece of nonsense to be sitting with family outside, nobody near and being forced to wear a mask the entire time.
  21. He's a brilliant foil for Hiddleston, the scenes with the two of them are tremendous. Anyone else getting Wizard of Oz vibes about the Timekeepers?
  22. First episode of Loki was a hoot. Hiddleston was brilliant as Loki's bravado was stripped away - good to see the old Loki back if only for a short while before realising the free will he thought he had did not exist, seeing his MCU arc through his eyes was actually quite painful to watch.
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