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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. 3 wins in 14 doesn't scream "going well". Although I guess mid table in League 2 is about their level?
  2. Some might say sad but it probably better use of time than watching some utter crap on TV or Netflix
  3. This could be made into a bit of a game We've got a whole week to kill after all....
  4. I'm always worried about the overseas owner as more often than not in Scotland it's not gone particularly well. Likewise in the lower Leagues in England. Although I imagine there is people out there who know and if they had some concerns about them then they'd be leaking info regarding those concerns? Would love to know who they are. If/when we're confirmed secure we may see an announcement at that point.
  5. I'd have expected the name to have leaked if they'd been around the club regularly? Once they're at a match day I'd expect names/photos of faces/ rumours to start going around as to who they are. Can't see them finalising terms with league status in the balance either as the value of the club differs and therefore I imagine the value of the deal is likely to differ depending what league we're in.
  6. Scored a VERY good header. Puts plenty effort in but hasn't shown that much quality either. Although most of that was under Davidson and in his only start (I think) Considine got sent off early on so spent the rest of the game chasing clearances up the park etc. He looks miles better than Theo Bair (isn't hard). Now that Davidson is gone though I can't see us spending a penny on him.
  7. Agree re the official tender obsession. What broadcaster was going to offer more than Sky? No one. The very likely reason it didn't go out to tender was because the SPFL knew there was no real other interest, at least not up to the level of the current deal. If that went to tender Sky would have gained the rights but with less concessions than they ended up giving. Who's actually going to buy those other packages? BBC would only buy if it's going cheap. Viaplay will be only interested if its consistently Rangers and Celtic in the package - which it won't be.
  8. Don't want to harp on about the shape again as it's more than that and more about the roles. When you play 3 as conventional centre backs with two holding midfielders in front. Two wing backs supplying the width then a front two with one in behind, when you think about it there's no surprise there wasn't many bodies getting into the box. The front two and attacking midfielder in behind are the only ones who are going to get into the box with any regularity as well as maybe a wing back at that back post occasionally.
  9. Even small benefits for fans like if there's new blood into the league you get to visit somewhere new? As a St Johnstone fan the debate with other fans is "4 times a season is boring". I'm sure the same or similar experience and debate is had at the part time level for fans. The system doesn't need another League. I'd be in favour of less Leagues, Certainly not with Colt teams.
  10. Gatecrashing in here. I'm 100% against the Colt nonsense in the league completely. Our Leagues aren't perfect but one of the great things is the competitive nature of the lower part time level. That includes the junior clubs who've now got the opportunity to push on. Probably getting into conspiracy theory territory here but the continuation of making it harder for the ambitious, ex junior clubs or the current Lowland or Highland League clubs who've been spending money to progress their squad and facilities in a bid to make it into League 2 etc -has me convinced it's done to protect the current lower league sides scared of relegation out of League 2. Even without the Colts, another league simply isn't required? One already exists below League 2 . I'm no doubt missing some key details in all this as I'm not close to it but I just don't see the point!
  11. Online sales is just going to result in United fans buying in the home end anyway
  12. Seen someone in the replies to the tweet suggesting £20 would have been a good compromise in price. I agree. Does anyone know if they're going to go with some extra marketing for this one or will we just getting the usual scheduled "tickets on sale here...." Etc? Perfect chance for the guys who work in the social media side of things to show their creativity etc! (If they're allowed to)
  13. There's almost the outside chance of an Aberdeen or Hearts side putting together a team for a season to be up there. A few young lads coming through in quick succession maybe. The issue is though it's never sustainable long term if it did happen as within 3 windows every single one of the good players will been gobbled up by down south and it's near impossible to replace 3-4-5 top players if you're not the Old Firm.
  14. Belgium was the one I was referring to. They split into 3. Bottom third has teams from lower division. They cut the points in half etc at split point
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