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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. It's a few years old now but he certainly received payment from the club relating to David in the past. list-of-intermediary-transactions19to20 (1).pdf
  2. Guess which agent represents Mr Wotherspoon as well? Yup, you guessed it.
  3. Collins was too busy on the radio claiming Hibs were the better side
  4. Kane apparently took part in some form of session pre match yesterday as well. Hopefully that's a good sign for him.
  5. Heard the United fans were going on about it yesterday. Davidson doesn't seem keen to select him... There will be a lot of angry Saints fans if true...
  6. I see all the armchair fans of other clubs are out in force defending our boards decision regarding the Rangers game on Facebook. They're all like weird government bots. Nonsense about "well if fans actually turned up every week". Such nonsense from ill informed dafties. For our population the club is well supported. To fill McDiarmid we'd need a 5th of the WHOLE of Perth to turn up. Never ever going to happen.
  7. I wondered whether they'd even acknowledge the fan reaction... It's not like they were bothered about their own fans prior to the decision, why would that change after it?
  8. Don't have him anymore, probably why there's never enough food. Most weeks it's pretty much gone before kick off.
  9. That was a prime example of "Why does Davidson get stick, he won two cups" He's mustered something like 11 home games in 2 and a half years and performances like today are the standard. Especially at McDiarmid. "But he won two cups". That was fucking tragic AGAIN today.
  10. Yeah that's the issue here. The narrative from Saints has been very submissive towards Rangers and dismissive towards their own fans. It might have been the case they wanted it to be cheaper, if so they could/should have done so like United did with Celtic forcing a rip off price last season. I think they're absolutely fine with the price though based on the fact they doubled down on fleecing as much money as possible. Wondering if the club are going to just try and say nothing and hope it all goes away. That could be compounded by the snow we got last night(not sure where you're based). It's melting now but if all the water then freezes it could end up a right mess around the stadium as well hopefully fine though!
  11. One thing I will say is the pricing isn't a Saints decision on it's own. If the two clubs can't agree a price its set by the SFA at a set price. Which would have probably been very similar if not the same as the price that has been set. Saints can't override anything if Rangers don't agree.
  12. No one will buy the excuses now though. I strongly believe that Saints fans protest this one with their feet. The club need taught a lesson here. They've simply written off the experience of their own fans for the sake of appeasing Rangers and making some extra money. The club have shown exactly how important their fans are to them really...
  13. Not sure where it's come from. Not seen any, nor looked it up. In Perth I don't think it would be difficult at all to find Rangers or indeed Celtic fans as well that know the mural exists. There's plenty Old Firm fans who tag along with the FCU. Especially for "bigger" games.
  14. As have I. Mainly pointing out why fans are so unhappy about it. Fans show quite a high level of loyalty. This decision shows the club do not value that loyalty whatsoever as the second they can make a bit of extra cash in he short term they've stuck the up to their own fans and chased the cash. They can't just take take take and except the loyalty without question. This was a club where the relationship between the players, fans and club was a close one. They're at risk of completely ruining it with these kind of decisions. If they keep making this wild decisions no amount of PR videos of Liam Gordon knocking on fans doors will fix it.
  15. The irony in all of this is, is they'll probably be asking for volunteers to go down and help tidy up the stadium on the Monday.
  16. They've not thought properly about this at alll, let's face it. They got an increase in season tickets thanks to the FCU mainly. They continue to make utterly stupid decisions without putting real thought into it. No long term thinking whatsoever
  17. I think you're going to find that there is going to be one. I don't know anyone yet who has said they're willing to go. It's like they thought the criticism wouldn't be too much?!
  18. Mythical ones. The line about consulting fans is ridiculous in itself. Why are only a selection of fans being given an explanation?
  19. Saints have used that line so many times. The only fans they consulted were the usual yes sir thanks for my free tickets sir brigade.
  20. Struggling to see what McLennan offers. He isn't a goal threat, he doesn't hold up the ball or link play. He doesn't create chances through his delivery. He's got pace but doesn't use it in behind enough - suggests a lack of intelligence. Like others have said he doesn't have much ability in terms of touch etc. He also seems to lacks composure, he's missed a couple of great chances. Especially against Celtic.
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