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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Let's just stick to being miserable to watch and the fans wittle away to do something else on a Saturday instead because they're fed up of watching that. There's no character or entertainment factor at all. As that's exactly what I'm contemplating. No longer attending games outside my already paid for season ticket.
  2. If you criticise the club you're a moaner. "2 cups" "we've improved since last season" etc etc I was starting to lose the plot towards the end there and I was getting quite a few funny looks from a few older fans. Lost count of how many chances we gave away from punts right down the middle as well?!
  3. Don't worry though lads. There will be a contract extension to announce Monday morning to try and distract everyone. Montgomery extension the prime candidate. Even better yet a loanee from Millwall.
  4. Liam Gordon being susceptible to making an arse of it isn't new unfortunately. He's exempt the most part from any criticism because he's "one of our own" though. Exempt from dropping as well it seems. They persisted with him on the park for most of the second half despite clearly being injured as well.
  5. He was hoping to "keep it tight". Steal a 1-0. Problem is, we can't defend. We also can't play out deep either so can't get out when playing like that. Aberdeen obviously a better side etc etc but they were struggling and we turned up like if was Celtic or something. Surely the players hate it as well? Likes of Murphy and Carey spending most of their time scrapping for second balls.
  6. Looking forward to another relegation battle? There's no way it's even being considered to remove him. The decision makers don't care the team are miserably depressing.
  7. Why did they persist with Gordon for so long despite being injured the whole second half. Looked very much at fault for that goal.
  8. I can accept a bit of negativity but we've got absolutely no clue or ability to play out. We're just a defence giving the ball back to Aberdeen
  9. Shite from Saints. Matthews probably has to save that also.
  10. Another awful example of an online ticket system for this game. Was it Saints or Aberdeen's idea to do it this way? Online ticket sales with no e ticket that need collected in person after bought online. They could have been posted out but concerns with postal strikes caused that. No ability to buy tickets after 4 o'clock yesterday. As there's no match day sales or patg. Why are clubs making it so difficult. Is it on purpose?
  11. You couldn't be more spot on. I won't be going. I'll be spending my £30 in the boozer boycotting it.
  12. https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/sport/football/st-johnstone/4034266/jim-spence-st-johnstone-could-be-set-to-learn-how-much-is-too-much-for-fans-as-rangers-ticket-row-rumbles-on/
  13. @Rorschach I won't/can't possibly comment on the stuff you're saying as I don't know anymore than anyone else. Some could be spot on. I'm just here speculating like football fans love to do. My frustration was partly about the decision but also the manner of it. Let's say some of the things you've said are true, why don't/didn't the club say those things publicly. They could do so in a manner that doesn't noise up the police/Rangers/SFA etc. Instead they've said nothing in detail at all and just given the fans the impression it's a big f**k you to them. That club through my choice get a considerable amount of my income every year, year in year out. If they want others to continue doing that then the acknowledgement of the fans needs to be better. (You can tell I feel quite strongly about this ) Many of us can afford the one off £30 but I know many can't and football (and our club) is for everyone not just those with no children. I just want it to be as accessable as possible for as many as possible. In life, were currently seeing strikes left right and centre to resolve disputes around pay, mistreatment of employees, poor working conditions, employers trying to reduce benefits etc. If you're unhappy about something, regardless you've got to take action to get something done. Regardless who's to blame, the club, SFA or all of them. If you hit the club & SFA where it hurts..... You just might see them learning their lesson. That's one thing that shouldn't be forgotten in all of this. The SFA will be very pleased about this arrangement as they take a good chunk of the money raised from the game I believe. My feelings are fairly simple, if the club isn't willing to go public with their reasoning I'm unwilling to believe them. I don't want a secret phone call or a personal explanation. I just want our fans to be given the respectable explanation they're entitled to. ----- If the tv companies can overrule the police then we've definitely got a bigger problem.
  14. I wait in hope a response will come. Even if it's, okay we hear the feedback as there's probably not much they can do about it now that it's done. But yeah you're right. If you break that emotional connection people, especially after decisions like this fans will drift away and pick and choose when they come along. Also, for those with families or people who are potentially still in education. These prices are utterly unaffordable.
  15. https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/sport/football/10017918/inside-rangers-ticket-talks-st-johnstone-fan-warned-backlash?utm_source=native_share&utm_medium=sharebar_native&utm_campaign=sharebaramp The club told the FCU about their plans and they warned them about the reaction that would follow. They plowed ahead. I can be quite critical at the best of times but there seems to be a massive disconnect between what the club claim they want to be to be in terms of a community club versus how they actually behave. It's not the club doing the great stuff that the St Johnstone in the community are doing (they really do seem to care) Am I the only one questioning some of the gestures done by the club. Things like visiting elderly or struggling fans during covid for example. Were those things happening because they genuinely care or because they seen is as the perfect opportunity for some good PR? You don't take action like they have in this instance if there was real held respect for the fans. Does seem like we're looked upon as a means to generate income above all else.
  16. You know what makes it funnier. Sinclair would be suspended too He was sent off in Montrose's last game
  17. Not many clubs would touch him with that. Didn't know he'd had a health scare. Definitely a shame Based on what we seen, his career wasn't likely to be at Saints type level but could see him still playing at a decent level. Could see him being solid at League 1 standard somewhere. Lower tier in Belgium maybe!
  18. I raise you Lars Dendoncker. Brother of ex Wolves and current Villa player Leander Dendoncker. Many international caps for Belgium.
  19. "His brother plays in the Premier League in England, so he must be good as well?"
  20. Sinclair isn't going to end up in goal. Davidson generally doesn't take risks throwing young players in. Generally, he doesn't play them at all. If Remi goes, Parish without doubt in my eyes be playing until we find another goalkeeper. Sinclair would be recalled but not to play. If they signed a replacement he'd return to his loan again as well. It's more than likely I imagine they have plans for him to be out on loan again next season at a level higher than he is now. Can't see Davidson going from him playing in League 1 to our first choice. If it goes wrong as well, it could be something he doesn't come back from. Jack Hamilton style. He'll be made to bide his time, like Clark was.
  21. I know a personal touch goes a long way and generic responses may wind some up more but struggling to see how phoning people individually will resolve the anger from the vast majority of our support?
  22. This time he's not going to be able to reply to fans individually. Too many emails! We're either going to get a statement response or completely ignored. Surely not the latter though as that's a double down on the to our fans.
  23. Right, who are we signing? We know a few are going. Perm: Mahon Loan: MOH, Max, Gallagher The reason I see MOH & Gallagher going on loan rather than perm is because they'll not be keen on a premature paycut and Saints will be happy to get some of the wage off the books. Daily etc to probably go out loan again. Doesn't sound like his loan was a success either? Could see Bair being moved on as well if we get another striker and there's interested shown in him. Also: can see our business in being loans if anything. All tying in with the sale and unwilling to commit to contracts. Who at Millwall is available?
  24. There's another payment in more recent documents as well but those weren't addressed directly to him. It had "Stellar" receiving the payment, so the business he works for.
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