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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Struggling for fitness late in the game? I think they focused on that quite a bit in this one to try and nerf gegenpress
  2. I knew it was going to be one of those shite wind up attempts.
  3. More than one person that know Flax from the junior levels have has said similar to me. Nice guy etc but talker. Out his depth
  4. I got corrected after the last meeting when asking why of all the questions they could ask people were asking about the seat colour didn't realise they had special needs! I get your point though.
  5. Blame the guy not there Surely someone has to tell him there's no budget left though!
  6. Did anyone ask why the squad was allowed to get so large? Only reason I ask that is us lot could spot that a mile away yet they're the ones who can see how much it's costing.
  7. Yeah that's pretty much where I'm going with it. I don't want to be too much of a bitch about him as he's often spoke highly of Saints including before Davidson as he played here etc but he's basically being given a platform to sell his clients and make himself money via that. It's a conflict of interest indeed.
  8. It would have been irresponsible for the club to allow it to go any further. The anger at McDiarmid on Saturday would have been very prevalent and risked damaging the relationship with the fans even further as well as obviously making it even more difficult to play in - which of course risks relegation even further. Action just had to happen for so many reasons.
  9. I think they do. I just think they're wrong and frankly don't have a clue. Hence using phrases like "immortals". It's like they're on some other planet and wee bit delusional. You find this in many conversations with football fans. Like when you read the banter page and they're suggesting ridiculous signings or manager suggestions in the genuine belief they're decent suggestions. They don't understand how the real world of football works. Lacking any realist understanding of how football and also a business world works. Using Bright as an example, he believes without question he is correct and anyone who challenges him are wrong. I don't want to sound derogatory here but in my opinion someone who is completely unwilling to accept any reasoned conversation or anyone with an alternative point of view to his own certainly says a lot about him and his mentality/intelligence.
  10. Yeah that's it. I just don't go on or read anything on the banter page. Totally ignored those on twitter screaming that it's an outrage as well. Can't be arsed getting myself all worked up arguing with dafties. It won't change their view. I'm already wound up enough at the state of the results and club! We want the same thing as the likes of him as well. The club to do well. They just seem to want to make a fight out of it with their fellow supporters.
  11. The people are genuinely unwell. They fit right into the category of "I can't understand how they've survived to adult age"
  12. This is something that has annoyed Saints fans for a while but it's something this weekend that has especially pissed me off. Alan Preston. He does talk positively about Saints generally after his time at the club etc which is obviously good for the club but how can he be allowed to go on BBC radio Scotland, on Sportsound and talk about players and managers, especially related to St Johnstone? He would regularly talk about how he much of a great job Davidson had done with St Johnstone and some would say he's just being a journalist and that's just his view...? The issue being though is he actually represents multiple St Johnstone players including Davidson and because of that financially gains from them having a good reputation. He's received multiple payments from St Johnstone for his services and none of that is made clear when he's regularly assigned their games. This weekend was the worst yet where he told falsehoods about Davidson's time at the club including "The club failed to back him in the transfer market". (Davidson has spent more in 3 years than the club did in the previous 20 years in fees). These comments were made to protect his client and not as a journalist reporting on the football. Isn't the level of self interest here very unethical?
  13. The neutrals take on Davidson being sacked is absolutely horrendous. So much opinion with so little clue. That includes many pundits.
  14. He'll be lining up another candidate to sell to the club as we speak.
  15. Karaoke guy from the half o tanner already fearing for his life at that thought. Of course allegedly!
  16. Multiple claims of "this is even more ridiculous than the Neilson sacking"
  17. He also isn't the type to woo clubs with the football on offer either. He's anti anything that involves entertaining or attacking.
  18. Statement well worded. To the point but fair to Callum as well.
  19. Most of that is probably based on Alan Preston's unbiased punditry on Sportsound. On that subject it's absolutely mental that he gets to work as their agent then publicly sell them on the BBC where he than has and continues to personally financially benefit.
  20. Agreed. Was genuinely excited for the first time in a long time. All my friends I go to games with all saying they're not renewing. Its heading towards the beginning of the end of the group. All Davidson created.
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