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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. I'm sure I heard before he doesn't have a driving licence so good chance he'd need to move up there. Maybe that's not something he wants to do.
  2. Obviously I don't know the ins and outs at all of MOH's situation but what's the downside for guys like him going out on loan to play? He'll still get his full wage. Maybe even get a loan move closer to where he lives. He might even do well, impress a manager to gain a deal elsewhere. Unless he's already got something in the pipeline of course. Unless he believes he'll get an opportunity at Saints and be able to impress. Can't see that happening though.
  3. I see they've tweeted about it now. Missing some key details like the kick off time though... They've not said which pitch either but I think it's a safe bet to say it won't be in the stadium.
  4. They thought we'd all grumble but still turn up in numbers like the usual Old Firm games. So they thought they could get away with it. They presumed the very regular contingent would show up regardless. The financial cost for this one game is negligible I imagine. Still probably have earned more than if it was £25 and no stand moving. The real cost is those who stop going longer term/decide to go less and obviously the terrible PR won't do them any favours. Was it worth it? The fact they seemed completely unwilling to address the reasoning properly and be honest. They even doubled down on it and still won't admit they're wrong suggests they do think it's worth it. Although I think now based on the tone of most recent statement they're more upset that the fans have managed to control the situation and narrative. It's like they think we're subservient to them.
  5. It's funny, they're quick to point the finger at other fans. It won't be their fault those seats are broken, or their club went under etc etc. I can accept that the seats will break occasionally through over excitement (which I've accidentally done myself before) or even leaning on them. If that was the case fine. If they broken through being a moron that's not fine, although we'll never know. A sideways question for everyone. I obviously wasn't there on Saturday. Does anyone know if there was a noticably larger police presence than usual against the Old Firm? One that would explain that "reason" being used? It was about the only one on their list that that I thought might have produced a real increase in cost, ie if the police demanded additional 30% police numbers etc!
  6. Hmmm... Not sure the manager agrees either. As fans we do want him to be a success though. I think his issue is he knows he's got to do something to get a start so can't play with the freedom of someone who knows they won't get left out immediately after a poor performance.
  7. I reckon he would do much better in a 4. Solid enough full back but he's not a wing back. He's not got the ability to to be the main attacking threat in the wide area. If he could combine with a winger in front of him he might be able to produce now and again offensively as well.
  8. Tommy Wright tried in the past. He's nearing or is getting a Testimonial I think so we should be safe.
  9. It's not our fault your fellow supporters are incapable of critical thinking.
  10. Its definitely encouraged "f**k this" *deletes Facebook* type over reaction doesn't it
  11. The level of stupidity from the Old Firm on social media about this game takes it to new levels. Claims of the boycot being "eMbArRaSsInG" etc etc. While those muppets continue to be fine with having the piss taken out of them. Saints could have charged double and they still would blindly go along with it under the facade of "loyal". Other claims of the boycott didn't work because they made the same amount of money because of the number of Rangers fans is miles wide of the mark as well. The boycott wasn't to cost the club money. The boycott gave the club a complete PR disaster and taught them the lesson that we will not be so easily dismissed, lied to and frankly treated like shit. They've learned that the hard lesson.
  12. One glaring issue I see in Davidson's "not" preferred shape is the back three because of the players we have. The team is hindered in possession severely by 3 "Old fashioned" defenders in the back three. While not a total bomb scare most of our realistic back three options can't offer much going forward. The likes of Mitchell & Considine aren't capable of overlapping or providing any real attacking threat at all in possession. They're offering other qualities but attacking threat in possession isn't one of them. Teams sussed that weakness out last season at times and the same issues are happening this season. The opposition allow our back three to have the ball and we inevitably gift them the ball playing out. If we do manage to get higher up the park if we're forced wide around the half way line it often results in the likes of Mitchell just knocking it down the line because they're not capable of stepping out or playing and making another forward run. Being able to play different ways like today removes many of these issues. If you're playing a 4-3-3 type formation you're not asking players to play roles they're not comfortable for a start. It provides an extra man in midfield as well if you are forced to go longer. It also gives the team another player much more comfortable in possession to play through teams who can drop in (Millar style) and take the ball from Gordon without vacating the midfield and leaving the other central midfielder isolated like would happen in the 5-2-3 shape. Didn't see too much of tonights game as decided to do something else instead of sitting in the house in a huff but I'm pleased Phillips seems to have done well. He was the best player on the park in Dingwall after the break and felt he was unlucky to be left out after that as well.
  13. I'm just pleased the majority of the Saints fans felt the same way I do and refused to go. At least 2000 season ticket holders made their views known.
  14. Don't want to ruin your evening... But... Convinced Davidson is one of those people who won't admit they're wrong and stick to their guns on it.
  15. Do we think he'll stick to that shape or revert back to his comfort zone? Latter?
  16. 450 that decided to go along tonight. I do hope for them it's a good result or at very least a performance from Saints to be a bit more proud of than in recent weeks.
  17. All this debate about Jordan White. County will be paying him significantly better than we'll offer. As will some of the other clubs interested so he probably won't end up at Saints anyway
  18. Like I said 90% of his signings have been an utter disaster. He signed like 1 of those players that played any major part of those cup runs. Tommy Wright signed the rest. Since he's been allowed to sign players he's signed 3-4 players for quite significant money. None of them have played. One released after 4 games another out on loan in Ireland until his contract expires. He's had more money to spend than every manager since the 90's has had combined. Here's some examples for you that'll evidence the point. Don't listen to everything you hear his agent say on Sportsound. Vertainen - played 3-4 times then shipped out on loan. 40k Mahon - 100k played 2-3 league game and release for nothing after 12 months with another 2 year on his deal. Crawford - the fans really don't like him. Will have 1 good game and then 7 shite ones. Was given a 3 year deal despite not impressing during a loan period. Dendoncker - sent back 6 months early during his loan spell. Muller - recalled because Davidson wasn't playing him. Butterfield - unfit, absolutely past it and released after 6 months. MacPherson - ALWAYS injured. Paid a fee for him despite him already being at the club on loan and had already signed a pre contract. The club was ran rings round them by St. Mirren. Ingram - signed and did not play a single minute before being released. Reece Devine - recalled as Davidson wasn't playing him. Theo Bair - 6ft 3 target man who can't jump, win headers or compete physically whatsoever. 40k. 1 goal. Charlie Gilmour - Jesus fucking Christ. Effe Ambrose, signed played 5-6 games then was completely jettisoned from the squad. Ended being sent out on loan for the remainder of his contract after being at the club probably 8-10 weeks. Solomon-otobar - produced very little. Left after like 3 months. Zero goals 2 year deals to multiple players in their mid 30's. Considine who's played well but a 2 year deal with option of a 3rd at 35? They've offered over 100k for Jordan White. There's been a few that have had pass marks but none and I mean none you'd say have been a brilliant signing. Without question the majority of the fans want him out. They don't expect miracles but the team on the pitch are just absolutely depressing and he combines it by walking out of interviews when asked a question he doesn't want to answer like he's Jose Mourinho. If he does speak, he mostly speaks complete shite. "We played really well" after a 2-0 defeat with no shots on target etc.
  19. Well... Ann Gloag & family won't be buying Saints anyway. That's for sure
  20. What I said and what you thought it said were two different things. I didn't express any opinion on whether he's good or bad. What I am saying though is 100k for him is utter madness. Davidson has signed a whole squad of 32-35 year old players, many of them journeyman. Many of them have been a disaster. He's used 35+ players since he became the manager. The point stands. Why did he bother going to watch the younger players. He won't sign them. We have games recently where there's only been 3 players starting the game under 30. The club invested and worked very hard to bring the age of the squad down. Davidson completely undoing it and spending money not seen by a Saints manager since the 90's. Yet going backwards rapidly. I'm afraid you'll need to forgive the many Saints fans who have zero faith in Davidson and his recruitment as since he's joined the club it's been 90% disaster. Jordan White himself should think twice of joining any team managed by Davidson anyway His treatment of players. Occasionally publicly berating them directly has left a lot to be desired.
  21. Here in lies the issue with Saints under Davidson. Completely disinterested in signing younger players with the aim to develop with the chance of him progressing and doing well. Like Hibs did with Nisbett etc. They went and watched a couple of younger strikers in the lower leagues... And then decided nope. 100k for Jordan White because we can "Trust him". Why did they bother going to watch the younger lads? They weren't ever going to realistically sign them
  22. See Theo Bair, Nicky Clark, Cammy MacPherson and John Mahon signings.
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