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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. I'm going to rant. Sorry. I can accept now and again we'll not show up, well struggle, well when play poorly. It happen, you can't just turn up and expect to dominate. Effort wasn't even lacking today. I'm happy for you all to tell me I'm wrong? I don't think our issue was commitment etc? Our issue was our game plan. I think we were out thought and put played? An incredibly level of thought Livi, in our final third they evidently planned on cutting it back. Well done . Good on them. Is it just me or have we spent a shit load of money to end up exactly where we were?
  2. It got a bit better but it's easy to have a go against a team 3-0 up. Defensively were pathetic. Most of it comes down to an ongoing Davidson issue that is playing a midfield of two. It was a problem for periods in the covid season and again Davidson outsmarted by jailbait Martindale. That wasn't an coincidence they were cutting it back to the edge of the box consistently.
  3. The club are sleep walking into mass protests. They're completely unwilling to admit they got it wrong and WE are now paying the price. I even tried to explain why the fans were so unhappy in my email. I explained it based exactly on how other fans are feeling. Unfortunately, they didn't read it. They did the opposite.
  4. Think they just need to bite the bullet and get on with the ground share with St Johnstone.
  5. If Livi play this one smart. Retain possession early on, frustrate Saints and the fans the fans will very quickly turn and it'll become quite toxic. Saints fans are already more angry than the club realise. Many have lost all patience already.
  6. Re the goalkeeper. Recently I was going on about how Sinclair won't be number 1 next season and another loan on the cards at higher level etc. Since then I was told that Sinclair is going to be no1 next season. That's certainly been what either Sinclair himself has been told, if not him directly the senior players in the squad have that understanding from the manager
  7. Seems a mad choice. Can't play for another club in Scotland apparently? Won't play for Saints. Davidson doesn't play youth unless they're on loan from England.
  8. Don't know anything about the decision itself but it's fairly obvious from the outside as a fan that the decision had been made. Lack of involvement etc makes that fairly obvious. The loan stuff when hearing it doesn't make sense. He was so far out of Davidson's selection there was no coming back. Unless they thought they could avoid paying him off and him going out on loan could get some of his wage paid. If they're bringing someone in this is where a young loanee does make sense as they're 4-5th choice. Rather than a Devlin type on a big wage. Personally I'd prefer a proper wing back for the left hand side though if we're bringing someone in. Booth, if he's ever fit does a job but if we're relying on him we're going to end up with the same attacking problems as last season. Like we do when Brown plays there as well. GALLACHER (to please the spelling police) not seen enough of him to base much opinion on still!
  9. Surely we don't sign another striker. Smells like a Dundee signing
  10. For what it's worth. I wouldn't expect us to make many perm signings right now. Can't see them being very willing to commit much due to ownership situation.
  11. It's interesting because he's quite happy to publicly slate certain players. His behaviour towards Eetu was horrendous, regardless of performance. Gordon on the other hand, you even ask a question about him and the press conference is over
  12. Genuinely confused what he's got to be upset about. Media asking him why players were subbed?
  13. He did what? Acting like a stroppy teenager is not acceptable. Surely no one is scared to upset that bumbling dafty?
  14. t's alright. It's an incorrect spelling. You don't need to have a seizure about it. No one really cares.
  15. Both the local and national press never ever challenge him on the crap he waffles though. after the Aberdeen game it was just word for word quote of how we played well. Why is no one asking him more about that? "Not a single shot on target in the first half and only one in the second. Is that really evidence of playing well?" Same with the stuff there, Gallagher has barely played. First start this season. How can he show more if he's not playing?! The contradiction re Brown as well
  16. That's with them spending that COVID loan on players! Are we going to end up the same this time next year with the size of our squad and fees we've been chucking about on diddies?
  17. Has the squad of 74 players resulted in the club losing more than they thought?
  18. I think the fact he's been consistently left out recently says a lot about Davidson's views. Again, could have had niggles. It's not like we're going to know that for sure but I don't think that's the case on this one!
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