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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. So at what point do we admit he's full of shit? Henderson's dive was even worse.
  2. It's the usual from him though. I've seen it at McDiarmid multiple times even since covid.
  3. Heard the reasoning behind Cleary leaving tonight. Cleary is just doing what's right for his young family and the club haven't been stitched up or anything like that. Cleary wasn't aware of the issue until recently. For those who think the club should have looked for a fee. They possibly could have done but for the nominal fee they'd end up getting for me, it was the right thing to do. The loan move that was mentioned probably isn't a goer as the issue isn't just going to go away. It fits well with the "family club" and if Cleary is ever asked by another player in Ireland about a potential move to Saints, it'll paint the club in a good light. The club have put the player and family first and ahead of financial gain. In the modern era of football that's not often the case anymore! edit: the good news: No one is dying or has cancer or anything like that.
  4. @PSJ.84 your pal Steve Bright is featured in tomorrows matchday programme
  5. Our issue is May has scored something like 10 in 70ish league games. Theo Bair hasn't had much chance so won't judge to harshly but has shown glimpses in pre season games but the min the competitive games came around he looked miles off it again. He was signed last January and the manager failed to give him a single competitive start from January until the League Cup this season. Jumping to conclusions here but I'm presuming the manager has a reason for that and top of the list in my head is that he's not very good! Time will tell, I know Doidge isn't a world beater but we've started putting some good delivery into the box recently and its wasted with May hoping around getting nowhere near on the end of anything. Doidge would give me more faith in being a threat. I've put an awful lot of explanation into this considering its all a completely hypothetical point about Mr Doidge it certainly does explain why Saints fans would bite your hand of for someone like him.
  6. Davidson would love to do so. Let's not lie. He's miles better than who we've currently got.
  7. Doubt it. Maybe though. If there's one in the pipeline we'll maybe get the "I seen XXXXX in the Main Stand" after the game.
  8. Think we knew it was coming. Papers started hinting at it within hours of him leaving Saints.
  9. Yeah, I dont think any of it was from the lack of application either. Definitely more suited to a wider role (IMO) and often struggled playing behind a striker. Especially last season when most of the time the ball was fired to him 2 feet above his head.
  10. He's still at Rangers with another year on his deal. They tried in January. I think the issue could be him not overly keen to give up his current wage with a year left and move to what the likes of Saints will offer. Plenty effort last season without much end product. Passionate little guy as well.
  11. It'll be Murphy off the striker & MacPherson is a cert to start. Mahon a cert to not start also.
  12. Playing for us would have tied him to only one loan move though, I presume? That certainly was the rules pre covid. Was extended to three during that period. Presumed it had changed to back to 2 now. It would mean if the Montrose loan didn't go well. He would then be stuck not playing post January as he'd not be eligible to play for a third team this season.
  13. Looks like Stevens fills the mould of that younger player. Surprised he's given him the chance but i'm presuming he's shown to be worthy of it during pre season.
  14. In my opinion Saints have an element of the support who think/behave like think they're better than the other fans. They see themselves as "better" more loyal fans etc. They're special because they get a bit ITK info etc. Because of that they show a bit of snobbery and because rightfully or wrongfully RG has criticised the the club in a manner they didn't like they've all jumped to its defence. It's a bit like a mean girls clique I'm sure all clubs have it but RG has felt the brunt of it. He probably would have been best served to not even comment on the subject due to the inevitable response but we all live and learn. They wouldn't say a single thing of it to his face.
  15. Have some pints in town. Group up with some other Hibs fans on the train cause the pubs will be dead as no many go to town before the football because it's the opposite direction from where most live. No2 bus up the road outside the ground. In ya go. 0-0 and off down the road again.
  16. That was a massive frustration of mine last season and for some reason I've completely forgotten the problem existed. Half the League have sussed out to do if at McDiarmid as they know we've got that problem. Especially if you add Davidson into the midfield. Very little in the deeper areas with the ability to penetrate with a pass. Resulting in us gifting possession away or losing possession in a dangerous area for ourselves. I can see that still being a continued problem if the Annan & Ayr games are anything to go by. Hopefully Carey's delivery from set pieces helps. We're likely to have better delivery from both sides in Montgomery & Wright but I have very little hope that those in the box will finish the chance. When's Kane fit?!!
  17. Interesting what other fans think of him... I wasn't overly impressed. He was alright but not a stand out. In terms of his personal views... He's a bit of a Novac Djokovic.
  18. He's signing for Shamrock Couple of articles saying it popped up.
  19. There's a certain group of Saints fans for some reason who turn their nose up at other Saints fans. Like they're somehow a set of superior supports who are more knowledgeable and "bigger" supporters than others. They turn down their nose at anyone who questions the clubs professionalism and organisation etc. You'll know who I mean. Football isn't about who knows more or who is a bigger or better supporter. It's a hobby and everyone should enjoy it in a way and extent they like. If that's being fanatical or if that's doing a Twitter account doing match analysis then those things are fine. People don't need to be so negative towards others because they view the hobby in a different way. I wouldn't stop what you're doing because of anyone else if it's something you enjoy. I'd maybe just change how you phrase criticism when someone has left for family reasons
  20. Whatever the reason is. Good luck to him. Hope he and his family are alright! It gives the young lad from Millwall an opportunity. Good luck to him. I hope for our sake he takes the opportunity and does well.
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