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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Another statement from the club. Begrudgingly admitting some of the criticism is valid? See if they didn't just dig the issue deeper and compound it with untruths then this wouldn't be such a mess.
  2. Why are so many people so keen to be walked all over? Are these the same kind of people who're standing up for the likes of Royal Mail online?
  3. The claim they made about having to pay VAR isn't quite true either as that's deducted after the clubs expenses are paid. Lies lies lies.
  4. I think we know which way that's going. Especially as they'll want to avoid the stick they'll get for the inevitable Daily Record clickbait articles about how they gave Rangers more tickets than Celtic.
  5. What Saints needed was a few people to warn them about the backlash that this would cause...? Oh.. wait, many fans did?! They thought this was an internet forum only issue. I imagine the Saints fans on here cover a wide spectrum of ages in terms of our fan base so hear what fans of their demographic think about the decision so actually probably provided a good measuring stick for the wider supports views. The Facebook response to it confirmed that. I was speaking to someone again earlier who played with Ian etc for a number of years. Yet again the comment was "I'm not sure how he got that job?" They don't have anything horrible to say about him, not a bad guy etc but he's not the first to think he is somewhat under qualified and maybe even out his depth? He could well prove us wrong though! Fair enough if he does!
  6. Did similar on like fm07 or something back in the day with a couple of friends from school. As it happens we did the Championship as well. I got sacked
  7. Both combined with the clubs attempt at justifying it by just essentially blaming the fans for the decision as well as the horrendous patronising tone and lies to justify it. They've basically said to their own fans, we don't care if you attend. They're being taught a lesson by the fans. They've doubled down and made a massive PR disaster. The response of "we have to pay £5 vat for every ticket" being right up there with a fucking pathetic excuse. Blaming VAR - which they voted for. Also trying to claim it's costing them £18,000 to cover the cost of 600 children tickets. Why lie? 600x20 is not £18,000!
  8. Purchased Tomb Raider 3 from CD Keys and gave that a go last night. I was 8 when it came out. Loved the games but struggled as well. Not sure if I actually played it when it came out or whether I was a few years older. Can see a child would struggle when replaying it now. No guidance whatsoever, not even the controls. I managed to finish the first & 4th as a kid. Didn't have the second one. Played through a remaster of the original on the 360 that was delivered as two paid dlc pieces of content for one of the TR's released during that period.. TR3 is as blocky as a I remember. Can see why they appealed at the time though.
  9. Has there ever been an fm P&B online game? Imagine the mayhem.
  10. Still astonished that it wasn't game, set and match for this thread after St. Johnstone's attempt at responding to (some) fans for the shambles that is the Rangers cup tie. Blaming VAR, VAT & police costs etc. Not sure much could top that?
  11. Flaherty is getting quite the hard time about the response we received. Question. Did he write it or was it Mark Guidi and Flaherty did delivered it via some questionable copy and pasting? Just think he's getting most of the blame but is there others who should be getting more stick. Also #DavidsonOut
  12. I contemplated watching it. I'm just not going to bother doing that either. Not paying for yet another channel and Saints certainly aren't getting my money. The whole fiasco combined with the miserable football and general depressing vibe is killing it for me. I'm going away and doing something else completely instead for the day.
  13. Surprised he's not called them out before now on the limiting access to journalists. Davidson walking out of a press conference because he was asked a question that he didn't like as well. it's starting to paint a picture...
  14. I was only young then. Not quite due to league position do due to that said league position some of the support will be patient. But off the field attitude towards fans I'm disgusted and more willing to protest/show my anger for that reason. I want the manager out tbh but willing to be a bit more patient about that than I am about the shite coming out the boardroom. I just feel like they're taking the piss.
  15. How far away are we from protests? I know many are constructively angry about whole thing but... action is closer than the club think....
  16. This isn't @RandomGuy.level stats but I out out there he's won circa 10-14 games. Total at home as manager. Which id estimate at 35% ish. Putting my guess out there early. I m sure someone will share the real stat in detail though
  17. I don't know him personally but I do know the view of his peers, many of which are in their early 30's now, some of which were also in their 40's+ as well now. None of them had a negative thing to say about him on the park. One individual who is also a direct relative to me did ask me "how the hell did " Flax" get a job like that?" I dont know him so take that response how you will. My view. I didn't email about Davidson before so thought fair play for responding and I still think that credit is worth giving. I also think the Rangers games, he can't reply to everyone so fair enough. The decision itself. Shambles. How do they solve it? They need to listen to someone that knows how the fans will react. Will they listen? Will they f**k.
  18. I've been saying it to friends and other fans in person for ages. Maybe even to you in person!!!
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