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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Never mind the VAR adoption. Just a thought I have and it doesn't really require a new thread and this is the closest place to discuss it. After watching the United Liverpool game all I can think is Scottish football needs to adopt that approach to refereeing a game. Allow the competitive aspect flow! The ref got a few wrong towards the end but I was at Livi St Johnstone yesterday and it was just constant stop start with players throwing themselves to the ground at the slightest and sometimes next to no contact. As the referee was giving everything it just turned into players trying to "buy" fouls. It was both sides but a prime example was McGowan nipping in to cut out the ball in his own box and just blatantly throwing himself to the deck. Of course it was given. The game was never going to be brilliant viewing but there was 38 fouls given in the game with not a single bad tackle in it. I'd hazard a guess at least a third of those wouldn't be given if refed like the game today. It's horrific viewing for the paying customer. I'd also hazard a guess that most fans in Scotland are keen to see a more combative game than, frankly the nonsense I watched yesterday with massive strong guys flailing about constantly.
  2. It was in the Courier sometime last year I believe. Surely just share with United that makes MUCH more sense?!
  3. That's another point. If Livi are a big side strong at defending balls into the box why did we just launch all the throw-ins in there anyway. Work it quick to draw them out of position etc. Do something different. Nope. Into the box it goes. Predictable and potentially just playing into the oppositions strength. Certainly an example of the game plan for the game not being thought out at very least.
  4. Another observation from recent games. Set pieces are the majority of the time are terrible. They got the goal against Celtic from the free kick but aside from that especially the corners have been quite poor. Usually those free kicks from that area to straight to the keeper also. The throw-ins are launched into the box each time, I can't think of a single one the defensive side haven't won the first ball from. It's just hopeful stuff without any plan. The corners though are the biggest mess. If Carey isn't taking them they're zero threat. They're more often than not into deep areas and so floaty that even if a Saints player does win it there's little chance they can get enough on it for it to be a realistic threat if they head it directly at goal. We're so predictable in every aspect of our game.
  5. Just seen the goal back. Utterly shite from Considine. It's hit right at him and he shits himself partly turns his back on it and it brushes off him into the net! The whole lead up to it is far to easy as well.
  6. One of the biggest issues is the last two away games the opposition have seemed MUCH more motivated and up for it than Saints. Also after going a goal down in both we've regressed massively. Weak mentality. So much wrong with how we go about things. Out numbered in midfield resulted in Livi being first to nearly everything but we continued to keep things that way. We made basically zero attempts to play through midfield. Why bother playing it short from the goal keeper if you're just going to lump it down the line anyway? At a loss as to what the game plan actually is. Liam Gordon's distribution is absolutely horrific and teams just stand off and allow him or the other 2 members of the back 3 have the ball as they know they're almost guaranteed to give it away easily. Absolutely zero leadership throughout the team as well. Often complete silence. Theo Bair a waste of space. I almost feel sorry for him, he just doesn't have a clue what to do. The coaching and instruction clearly isnt helping and he looks more and more confused the more he plays.
  7. Weird behavior from the Stewards at full time. All ran on the pitch like they were expecting some invasion. Odd. As for the game. Saints are down.
  8. Ball boys refusing to give Saints the ball and time wasting. Sad stuff.
  9. Theo Bair. Jesus Christ This team are in trouble again this season. Utterly lost in possession. Again, what's the game plan? Again we watch a team struggle in midfield because we're a man short in there.
  10. Who could they be watching? Looked up those in their squad who are likely to be up for a pre in Jan. There's a few in the midfield available? Bannon?
  11. That's definitely right out the Hibs fan book of quotes. Usually just after they've watched Porteous spend 2/3's of the game tripping over his own shadow.
  12. How many tractors you bringing? You'd probs all fit into the one tractor anyway the whole 6 of you coming. Is that better?
  13. They're always going to say that if asked at the "VAR Media event" Davidson was asked last week on the radio and he didn't sound overly sure about it...
  14. He managed roughly 1 league goal in 7 last season with the majority of those minutes in league 1. He might resurrect his career but I doubt it based on seeing him play for Dundee last year. Looked completely done physically, never mind mentally.
  15. Don't worry. They're probably used to being left home alone.
  16. He's hit and miss. Hot and cold but that's what you come to expect from the kind of pro footballer clubs like ours have. He's one of those if the team are struggling and low on confidence his performance ends up being exactly that - low on confidence. If they're playing well he seems to have unlimited energy and seems to be everywhere. As for the game. 0-0
  17. Wasn't that I was expecting them to air the audio. It's was more airing the video without the audio is effectively showing absolutely nothing and serves absolutely no purpose. It was just daft. They showed video of a Hibs player catching a ball from the crowd and handing it to a United player for a throw in with multiple bleeping of the audio If they show it again you'll see what I mean. They could have shown absolutely any video. It didn't serve any purpose.
  18. Racism is vile and the clip is horrendous from Tannadice midweek but Sky sports are showing the incident on Sky Sports news with the audio cut out. Wtf is the point in showing the clip then?! Without being able to hear the racist remarks the clip is pointless!
  19. This is where you're going to find a lot of people will have a problem with it and I think quite the opposite. I think those who think its totally normal to just go along with rearrange everything because someone is getting a priceless gold and jewel encrusted crown placed on their head need their head examined. It's honestly batshit crazy.
  20. Why do they need to move anything? I thought it was all as a mark of respect because she'd died? No one has died this time. It would suggest that wasn't the reason at all and simply a way of prioritising the Royal events over everything else. Regardless of what the people want.
  21. What'll happen is a fan will get hurt once in the near future when they go into the crowd etc. It'll be clamped down on and for a few seasons after they'll make an example out of players who do it. Booking someone for taking their top off is stupid as well. While it's a bit pointless taking your top off. Why is it a yellow card for running about waving it about your head?
  22. Are they going to use it to imagine something wrong? I cannot think of a single thing wrong with the Saints goal and I've seen it about 7 times?
  23. The fact the SFA believe the rollout of VAR is going to be "horrendous" tells you all it needs to about this. Forcing it through asap. If something is "horrendous" it's clearly not ready. Why continue full steam ahead regardless if it's not ready? A complete shambles potentially impacting teams, games and results isn't just collateral damage of "teething problems"
  24. Are 14 year olds legally allowed to be working? Seems a wee bit child labour to me
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