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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. England having national anthem across the board. SPFL are going to copy I'd guess. Mayhem to commence.
  2. I'm sure if they gave a shit they could hire some kit or even a competitor broadcaster would let them borrow some? Especially when the only loser here is Pollok & Huntley.
  3. At some point I hope Saints clarify what their plan is pre match for this. I need to know how late I need to be.
  4. You can imagine him telling some p***k agent to GTFO of his office anyway
  5. Hi Craig, I think I'm sorted, just confirming it now. If it falls through I'll check back in with you to see if you've still got it! Thanks!
  6. Yeah - I also don't want to end up finding out a few of the guys around me are royalists etc. It'll taint my view on them Not sure that's safe in a football stadium toilet
  7. He was honest and tried keeping everyone aware of what the problem was though and how he tried to get the doors opened but the match commander said no. We didn't miss much tbf
  8. If anyone knows of a ticket available then let me know! Turns out my mates decided they want to go. 4 tickets, 5 bodies so don't want anyone missing out!
  9. You didn't have to stand outside queuing for over an hour and miss 20 mins of the game I presume? (In hindsight it wasn't worth getting in to watch)
  10. I'm the same. Don't want to lead the booing thats for sure. Although planning on not entering the stand until after all the *nonsense* is finished. I stood with my face tripping me when they did Phillips minute silence and not willing to just stand there this time.
  11. I'll not be partaking in any "God Save the King" nonsense. If people want to, that's their choice but if that is happening I won't be entering the stadium until it's over.
  12. It's been one weekend without football you lot. Control yourselves!
  13. Put the radio on just there. Realised there was no dj and just sad songs on a loop. Off with that. ------ All other sport basically continuing on Saturday but football & rugby in Scotland only. They've made an arse of this haven't they.
  14. You're missing the point. It's not about football on its own. It's the enforced mourning. If people care about the queen, that's absolutely fine it's their choice but everyone having to simply tow the line and stop aspects of their life and have zero choice in the matter is completely wrong. Cancelling kids football as well? Amateur football? The whole thing is a farce and people should rightfully voice their views.
  15. People who believe that the everything should grind to a halt because the Queen died genuinely come across like they've got mental illness. I worry about them.
  16. Now this game will be on some obscure Baltic Tuesday night mid winter. There will be about 6 Saints fans there. Was meant to buy my ticket for this yesterday and the minute I seen the news she was potentially dying I held off and thank f**k I did!
  17. I don't want to be... That guy but isn't this just all "virtue signalling"?
  18. They'll not want to be seen to the only one not cancelling. The dithering on announcing the decision as well does suggest they're unsure though?
  19. They're also the kind that post "I'm not racist but" If the Gov were in touch with the population, especially those interested in football, they'd say go ahead. Issue here is gov's are not known to be in touch with societies views. For what it's worth I don't think the Scottish Gov will get involved at all. "It's up to you to decide" I reckon they'll say to the SPFL etc.
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