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Everything posted by SJFCtheTeamForMe

  1. Rangers fans on Twitter (most of who never attend games) are showing that they are indeed one of thee most stupid breed of human on the plant. I've seen idiots with thousands of followers claim it's a "political stunt". "It's ego related" etc. The FCU are making political statements? Aw for f**k sake It's like they're happy to continue to pay over the odds. As long as they don't need to say a bad thing about their beloved Rangers.
  2. He's in self imposed exile after upsetting a few fans on Twitter.
  3. What's the attendance at McDiarmid got to do with the price of away fan tickets anyway? I see this debate all the time as well. If you half the price you'll get loads more fans. I find it incredible people don't understand that if you half the price, you need to sell double to make up the difference.
  4. The bigger the fan base. The more chance they've got of it being populated with complete MORONS.
  5. I've seen some responses claiming it's simply using Rangers to get fame and other equally weird responses of "I'll pay no matter what to support my team it shouldn't matter the cost, this is just an excuse not to attend. I'd be there no matter what!" like its some weird badge of honor being a fucking mug. When tribalism is so deeply engrained some individual's will never ever accept when criticism and their football club are mentioned in the same breath. We see the same amoungst our support. Its up to people whether they support it or not but unless fans including Old Firm ones support and contribute to tangible efforts. Prices will continue to go up. We're already at the point where next summer it'll be £35+ for Old Firm fans around the country as well as for away fans visiting the Old Firm.
  6. How seriously were Fraserburgh taking the game? Its not like I'd know if they'd made 5-6 changes
  7. Sportsound wanting Malky to get the Motherwell job at the weekend I hear... Not sure Motherwell are into potential PR disasters like that though.
  8. Solid start by the sounds of it for Ross Sinclair at Montrose. 2 starts, 2 clean sheets. Both 0-0.
  9. As we've all discussed. What a difference with a player in the middle of the park who isn't a hindrance when the ball is moved into his feet. MacPherson in there made a difference today. Not shy to take it under pressure. Not shy to try that adventurous pass, maybe needs to work on the decision making sometimes with how to execute the pass but I'm sure that will improve. I was quite critical of him last season at times because he'd often give the ball away but thought today was much more like it. (Ayr first half also!) Mitchell, the guy needs help. Absolute rock and will stick his head on anything. Seems a huge competitior and battler.
  10. Why do we always just stop doing all the things in possession that are working once we're ahead? Inverness & today both examples of it. Delighted with the end result of course.
  11. Don't know why Saints fans even bother suggesting the back 4 formations in their lineups.
  12. Wasn't even half full. Not sold many at all. Front few rows were closed.
  13. I don't claim to be some perfect special nice person but it's apparent there's people who are next level in terms of greed and selfishness than the likes of you and I could even comprehend. To have the attitude they have is absolutely disgusting and I genuinely don't understand how they can sleep at night with the level of distain they have for what's actually the real people living in the real world. It's genuinely "f**k poor people. If they die so be it. Peasants" Indeed they're all c***s.
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