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Posts posted by RedWeb

  1. I had it on in the background - she took a right pasting. Don't forget - Trina vs Francis is on tomorrow night!

    Wonder how Anastasia Whatsername would do against the Lakeside lassies. You'd have to imagine she must be struggling for form as she's nowhere to be seen at the PDC.

  2. As an aside did anyone see the No 1 woman seed at Lakeside ? She was fucking awful and got her arse handed to her 2-0 by some big lassie who looked 10 times the player the No 1 seed was.

  3. Oh aye and I am in general agreement about the BBC coverage, terrible. Some of the comments from Tony Green are cringeworthy. Also hate the way the players linger on the stage after the match. Get off !!

  4. Anybody else slightly concerned by the way James Wade is going these days ? Think back to the fresh faced, focus Wade of a couple of years ago to what you have now. Looks like he's been partying hard and practising infrequently. When he first broke through I think we all that he was the man to challenge the dominance of Taylor. However, he seems to play in bursts these days, usually when he's dug himself into another hole. Don't get me wrong, he's still a cracking player but I fear he may piss it all away unless he gets a grip. That "44" against Whitlock was the sign of a player who is mentally just not there.

  5. But I just feel that Lewis misses more than he hits

    First dart is huge for Lewis. If it goes in 60 he has a good chance of 180. Seems to like aiming for the previous dart so if it was a good one the the next one is often good too.

  6. But the day he retires into the sun

    Will be a sad day for darts. It's like wanting Pele to hang up his boots. Love or hate him he's the best thing that's ever happened to darts. Without him players would still be winning world titles with a 95 average.

  7. Still think "Dreamboy" is worth a wildcard. The reason why is the PDC clearly think he is a potentially top player and will be disappointed if he doesn't work out. Therefore chuck him into the PL and see if he sinks or swims. At the end of it he'll either be a more confident player on stage and ready for the top 10 or his nerve will be shot to pieces. If it's the latter the can return to the BDO.

  8. Come off it. Of course they are.

    Only if Barry Hearn has a garage full of Hawaiian shirts and inflatable palm trees he's trying to shift :lol:

    Honestly if "The Entertainer" does get in then it's a disgrace.

  9. I just hate that catchprase or, more specifically, Martin bleedin' Fitzmaurice.

    Aye, it's fairly pish but you can't beat a bit of Lakeside...Mon The Count !!


  10. Thought Kevin Painter was fucking garbage last night

    Never been sure why people think Painter is actually any good. Other than the World Final against Phil he's been a let down pretty much every time he's been hyped up for a big match. No better than the likes of Dudbridge or Osbourne.

  11. Why Hamilton stopped when he hit the two T20's is beyond me though.

    Aye, he had just nailed 120 so why stop...keep the momentum going and slam in the 36. Biggest leg of his career and he made an arse of it. That said I'm glad Wade won as he's a million times more likely than Hamilton to give Taylor a game.

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