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Everything posted by MazzyStar

  1. The polis are very right wing and even make the yank cops look tame. I saw a poll of who police officers were voting and I’m sure it was about 70% national rally.
  2. National rally areas=middle class
  4. Have you ever read the tartan army section?
  5. If Scotland were in this position (lol as if) and a Scottish actor had done this folk on here would be singing their praises.
  6. I’m in favour of any party that will make fags and drink cheaper.
  7. Seriously what is the point in orange marches?
  8. I just cannot understand the thought process that leads you to come to that conclusion. Lenin came to power because of a mass movement by workers against the ruling class, Mussolini came to power with the help of the ruling class to prevent a mass movement of workers against the ruling class. In the ussr workers controlled the factories they worked in and land ownership was collectivised, while in Italy factories remained in the hands of the bosses and land in the hands of landowners. Socially they were both completely different too. The ussr was the first country in the world to legalise abortion for example, whilst Italy remained a deeply patriarchal country. Of course, Italy was also a very racist and anti semitic country, just as the Tsar and the white army were deeply racist and anti semitic, whereas the Bolsheviks came from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds.
  9. I thought you’d have been just as disappointed at the left winning as you would have been had the far right won, since you can’t tell the difference between them.
  10. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c87rgj4e0rzo Fair play to Keith for this one.
  11. Minter for Kinnock. Imagine being plagiarised by Joe fucking Biden.
  12. Some of you mfers would rather every game of football involved each team passing the ball around in their own half 200 times before even attempting to score.
  13. The French Dispatch - I do not like Wes Anderson.
  14. Which team does Scott Arthur support?
  15. The real question is, which was more evil - the Dutch East India company or the British East India company?
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