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Everything posted by Jedi2

  1. Where am I either taking the Telegraph at 'face value' or indeed which part of the article do you believe to be disingenuous or dishonest?
  2. 'Stopping someone from “dressing in a way that reflects their sexual orientation or gender identity” was put forward as an example of an action that would become illegal, even if a parent believed they were acting in a child’s best interests' Yeah, parent saying to their child 'you're not going out dressed like that' sounds like 'Conversion Therapy' right enough
  3. Can we possibly stop referring to this as 'Conversion Therapy'. Conversion Therapy is not 'parents expressing concern/not necessarily being on board with/showing some opposition to, their child wishing to transition....and then potentially sending them to prison for doing so. I'm glad pretty much the whole country is on board with te above though..should make your consultation so much smoother and we should see legislation passed resounded by Holyrod in the next few months.
  4. Its 'unhinged' to have concerns about this becoming legislation?
  5. 'Howling at the moon' = wondering about the merits of proposing to introduce prison sentences for parents who take part (not in conversion therapy btw) but in not necessarily being 100% on board with their child's decision to transition...so in summary to not fully support this proposal at Consultation stage in the hope that it soon becomes legislation equates to howling at the moon
  6. Meanwhile, the Humza's latest 'priority' for govt: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/09/parents-refuse-child-gender-change-jail-snp-conversion-ban/
  7. 1st half Dundee kept the ball probably better than any other side at RP this season, pinged it around nicely, but lacked a final ball most of the time. It was clear that we needed an extra body in midfield to compete. Credit to DM for changing shape at HT and making the right subs at the right time. 2nd half with two 3-5-2's was night and day, some amount of balls into Dundee's penalty box which on the whole they defended well and in depth. With that level of pressure though it felt like a goal was coming, to get 2 late on was testament to the hard work in the 2nd half. Just switched off for a moment at the wrong time to see it out
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/apr/29/free-tuition-scotland-benefits-wealthiest-students-most-study
  9. 'Concern troll' accusation essentially was any questioning/criticism of SNP policy. Anyway..not convinced that it's 'left wing' to provide free prescriptions (which cost the Scot govt around £1.5 billion a year) or indeed free tuition to Scottish students...you still have someone on say £100K a year getting free medicines, and stats suggest that it is middle class parents who benefit most from free tuition fees for their children. Both policies are still designed as a sop to the middle class/earners in the same way that Council Tax freeze is...which means Council services being cut...middle earners are better placed again to offset such cuts while low income families are not. Ultimately, up until this weeks 6 bands of income tax, the only 'redistributive' policy enacted by the SNP was arguably the Proceeds of Crime outlay. 'Left wing' they ain't.
  10. Thought that the Greens had a 'red line' on getting the GRA through and therefore appealing the recent court decision? Or do they like the trappings of powers and govt limos too much? Kind of like when the SNP waved through the sale of the Scottish seabed to noted polluters and multinationals, Greens didn't bat an eye.
  11. Meanwhile, just 19 bills passed by Holyrood in the past 3 years or so, with the 'flagship' bill of course being the GRA, while the National Care Service and A9 Dualling was shelved: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/snp-asleep-at-the-wheel-as-just-19-bills-have-been-passed-in-900-days/ar-AA1lUGUO
  12. Of course if they moved to small charges for prescriptions, placed some university tuition fees on Scottish students, (both at lower rates than England), and hadn't implemented a Council Tax Freeze then they would be under less pressure on taxation. However, as a part of the centre right,(economically), they have to keep those middle class voters happy.
  13. SNP support is at about 10% of a difference between the 2 polls though
  14. So, in one poll Ipsos the SNP could be on 49 seats at the GE, and in the other Redfield and Wilton they would be on 20, with Labour on 22...and both polls conducted around the same time. Wildly different outcomes.
  15. Surely there is a chance of ditching Humza, pre-GE, in the next few months. Any party looking set to lose between 25-30 seats in the polls are they are just now, can't simply carry on with a deeply unpopular (with the public) leader...and that's before he probably announces deep cuts to public services in the next budget, while continuing a CT freeze, and then appeals the GRA ruling with public money. Lose that number of seats, and trying to regroup for the Holyrood election would be very difficult to say the least.
  16. Spot on. Whether in England, Wales or Scotland, no administration is 'doing well' (or has been for some time). We have seen financial shenanigans both north and south of the border. Although in fairness, the Covid period is still a factor in slow growth in any of the 3 countries, the madness of Brexit is clearly biting as well. Unfortunately we have administrations across the board which are happy to pander to the middle ground either in the form of 'tax cuts' or Council Tax freezes, both of which clearly starve public services of much needed finance. We should never be in a position of local Councils facing bankruptcy, high NHS waiting lists, or crumbling education in the world's 6th largest economy, whether in Scotland England, or Wales, the stench of 'I'm alright Jack' pervades, along with financial corruption. It truly is a depressing state of affairs which would understandably have voters reaching for a 'none of the above option' doesn't matter if its Tory, SNP, Green, Labour or the much diminished Lib Dems.
  17. Wales of course has an 'Assembly' not a 'Parliament' and therefore much less room to enact legislation than Holyrood does.
  18. Is it though when most powers other than foreign policy/defence, immigration and some parts of employment law are devolved...or does the Scot govt still not really have responsibility for 'anything'?
  19. Ah the old 'but it's pure worse in England, Wales and N.Ireland' in all the metrics equals Humza and Co are actually doing a great job.
  20. Sure have. So apart from a poor record on health, education, transport, the Environment, poverty, policing, hospitality, and housing.....Humza is doing a cracking job.
  21. 1 in 4 children in Scotland continue to live in poverty, the Hospitality Sector sends a letter to Yousaf declaring a 'crisis', some Councils on the verge of bankruptcy, biggest cuts to rail timetables for 30 years, drugs and alcohol related deaths much more likely in the poorest areas.. ItS AlL ThAT WesMInSTeRs FaULt
  22. National Care Service (which was a 'flagship policy' shelved for at least 3 years, and parts of the policy watered down), rising waiting times at A+E, police stations being closed, terrible Pisa Educational results, deep cuts to public services coming, exp3nsive legal case over the GRA lost, and meanwhile Humza just wants to talk about his swanning about at the COP summit and Palestine.
  23. Don't think so...2 term Lab govt incoming, as the Tories will continue to tear themselves apart in opposition..they can bring Cruella in if they like but they will still have Reform to deal with.
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