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Chicken Soup

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Everything posted by Chicken Soup

  1. Positive - didn’t go to the game and had a smashing day. Negative - uphill battle for a playoff spot. Airdrie fans giving it big licks (justifiably so). Weird - Airdrie fans OTT reactions to the last game coming out around this one. Don’t really understand the narrative from their side but there does to be an extra bit of spice in this fixture from their perspective. Some football still to be played but hard to be confident after that. Reckon a few of our lot are playing for a contract offer in this final stretch.
  2. I’d be amazed if McCabe employed the same strategy as last time, considering how badly it went. We were on a 14(?) game unbeaten run at the time so maybe his thinking was primarily about stopping us, but with the current form of both teams he should have more confidence in their ability to outplay us this time.
  3. Very much so, it was a terrific win. Can understand why you’d rather erase it from memory though.
  4. Not quite an absolute must win for us (in this mental division anyway) but very close to it. Hoping for a repeat of the last game but with Airdrie actually receiving multiple red cards this time to make it a more comfortable affair. Would like to see the same lineup as Saturday to see if Bearne can repeat that performance.
  5. Surely this is a minority opinion? Watching QP games at Hampden is absolutely soul destroying. I’d be shocked if most QP fans aren’t aspiring to one day have a proper stadium to enjoy.
  6. Great, enjoy your substandard goalkeeper, and your completely unrelated relegation battle… And I’ll continue to enjoy supporting a club where, if a goalkeeper made such comical errors on such a regular basis, they would be rightly hounded back down to league 2. All the best.
  7. Doubling down, bravo. More baffling must be QP fans wondering why they keep conceding soft goals and losing points despite having such an obviously outstanding keeper. Hopefully Davidson is as deluded as your fans and persists with him. Most supporters wouldn’t be happy to accept errors of that regularity (and hilarity), but I’m truly glad your lot are well beyond that and in fact delighted to have him.
  8. You must’ve missed Quitongo and Bearne being kicked up and down the park, Ferrie and Paton being more interested in fighting their opponents than playing football, and Longridge losing his mind at the fans and ref for being told to take a throw in where the ball actually went out One team was visibly showing their frustration at being outplayed, and it wasn’t the home side.
  9. Ferrie is lucky to have avoided red cards against us last time at Hampden and again today. And he’s flung yet another one in after QP fans shouting about how he’s the best keeper in the championship. Do they think every other keeper in the division does this stuff regularly? Spoiler - they don’t. Delighted with a win that was not only important but comprehensively deserved. Bearne was fantastic as was Waters, and Broadfoot, French and Muirhead were all under question but performed well. The ref compounded his performance by refusing us a clear cut penalty. Standing behind the goal I could see not only how clear the foul was, but how clear his view of it was. A despicable performance.
  10. This refereeing display has been disgracefully one sided. Bearne being wiped out while dribbling into the box was the clearest yellow you’ll see. The QP goalkeeper was being physically restrained from getting to Bearne by his teammates and didn’t even get a yellow. Then they had a free kick in a dangerous position given for literally nothing and a throw in pettily overturned for something that happens 100 times a game. What he’s been lecturing Oakley about all game I’ve no idea. We’re the better side here but it wouldn’t surprise me if we fade and lose this 1-0 through a mistake.
  11. If we opt to send our centre backs forward for a corner or free kick then we obviously wait until they’re in the attacking position before we take it. Why would a long throw be any different? And in what form would he be “pulled up for it”?
  12. It would appear I’m in the minority, as he’s clearly become the target for our fans’ frustrations, but I hope French’s injury has cleared up in time for this, he’d be a big miss. Some of his distribution is terrifying but he’s usually solid defensively and any other RB option is a significant downgrade. *Puts tin hat on*. Injuries permitting, I’d like to see us shape up like this. For me, Garrity has shown enough in his recent substitute appearances to earn a start. Mullen French Baird O’Connor Strapp Power Blues Muirhead Crawford Garrity Oakley Even while being poor recently we’ve created big chances and been incredibly wasteful. We started well last week and Oakley is now another week fitter. If we can repeat that start and get a lead to defend, I expect us to win. If we go behind, we’re going to huff and puff to another miserable afternoon.
  13. Don’t think it was a foul on either keeper, Mullen made a mess of his and Mehmet had too many bodies in his way. In fairness I’ve also highlighted that McGrattan avoided a clear booking. The funniest thing about our pen was he didn’t give a clear foul on Quitongo right in front of him a few minutes before then gave us a pen for much less of a foul. Agree to disagree on the Oakley stuff. He was the stronger player and being hauled all over the place in front of the ref and linesman all game (until he faded). Kicking the ball away is common but some of it today was wild, I actually laughed at the one near the end where Welch Hayes smashed one in to the Wee Dublin End to no consequence. I’m always greeting about refs but usually they’re nobodies promoted above their station. Frightening that today’s was from the top tier, and that people watched that game thinking he was fine.
  14. Assuming it’s Crawford’s tackle - I don’t think so. He was late but with laces rather than studs, looked a yellow. Power’s yellow after was clearly deserved, as was Welch-Hayes. Then Hamilton got away with hacking down Muirhead, Mcgrattan also literally rugby tackled Kane (?) to stop an attack. Dunfermline players got free rein to volley the ball into the stands after the whistle. No yellows for any of it. Plus Fagan Walcott ripping the shirt off Oakley all game. Another poor display of officiating all round. He’s supposedly one of our best as well.
  15. Dunfermline defender dangled a leg as Quitongo was dribbling away from goal and Quitongo was happy to go over it. Looked like slight contact around the knee, soft but very silly defending. Great save from Mehmet though, who I thought looked very shaky otherwise.
  16. That’s a sore one, we actually started quite well. But after Dunfermline scored a great header they should actually have gone 2-0 up - incredible save from Mullen - despite them not looking like a good side at all. They got themselves into a defensive mess in their own box time and time again and we just couldn’t capitalise. Crawford missing from about 4 yards and Muirhead missing a pen sums us up at the moment - losing without forcing opponents to even play well. Also, it didn’t impact the outcome today but the standard of refereeing is appalling.
  17. Broadfoot didn’t gift hearts their goal. And he certainly didn’t have a stinker at Firhill. Seems like by including both of those falsities that you do in fact have a problem with him. I’d have O’Connor in too but Broadfoot’s distribution is far superior so at least Oakley should have more to work with with him in the side.
  18. Oakley back and 11 players in their best positions. Ton win now expected. Mcgrattan and Broadfoot the only two who possibly wouldn’t be in my team today but both are capable of performing as required. Looking forward to this.
  19. Would like us to persist with the back 3 for this. Gives Muirhead some support in the press, maximises our threat from set pieces (our only threat recently) and allows us all to marvel at Broadfoot and Graham grappling all over Firhill. Hoping that the Partick keeper struggles with our long throws and corners and that Adeloye isn’t available to come on and tear up our tiring defence (again).
  20. Full disrespect to Airdrie, we should be capable of beating them in our next fixture even without Oakley.
  21. Agreed on Power, Strapp and I’d add Mullen too - their level of performance was outstanding. My comment re Muirhead’s “shift” was specifically about his workrate. I think the fact he had to work so hard off the ball for the team is one of many mitigating factors as to why it wasn’t a night for him to produce many moments of quality. There are valid criticisms to be had, but in my opinion no Morton player can justifiably be accused of a lack of effort last night.
  22. On the game overall, I thought we competed really well and managed the game as well as we could with our limited options, Quitongo and Oakley were missed. We created 3 clear cut chances against a top side which is pleasing, but none were bad misses, Craig Gordon is just an outstanding goalkeeper - the highlights don’t do his save from Strapp justice. We also managed to reduce Shankland to the Morton version of himself so the back 3 deserve huge credit. I thought the Hearts goal was just superb play from Biringeme (?) and Vargas, who missed a sitter just before. Overall they deserved the win. Hopefully there are more nights like that to come at Cappielow.
  23. When reading this I did wonder if you might be the guy near me who was shouting abuse at Muirhead all game, and was swiftly clamped by his fellow supporters after the goal for loudly blaming him. If not, I think you’ll join him in a very small minority. He led the line (not his role) in a game where we played 361 and surrendered the majority of possession, to question his workrate and blame him for the goal is just inaccurate. The shift he put in last night was incredible and his involvement in the goal happened deep within the opposition half. One of our best chances was a Baird header which came front a great delivery from a Muirhead corner. It’s baffling that some fans find themselves “incensed” by one of our most effective assets.
  24. Expecting an extremely negative performance from us, which might be a more suitable style given our injuries. We couldn’t break Inverness down so if we concede first we’re in trouble. Hope we can shitfest a draw.
  25. We've seen that with this Morton side before. If we concede early we can struggle to break teams down when they're happy to camp in and shitfest their way through the match. Only Strapp, Garrity and Power get pass marks for me. It's a shame Garrity seemingly doesn't have the stamina to play 90 minutes because he was the only one who looked like he might unlock the Caley defence. As frustrating as it was to be on the other end of those tactics, if we take the lead against Dundee United I hope we do exactly the same and that we have a referee as far out his depth as today's to allow it. He looked terrified. The Power booking was the biggest laugh of the lot. On a side note, who corrupted Alex Samuel? He's one who's always been well remembered for his short spell at Cappielow, but was absolutely at it all game today. Rose from the dead several times and played the ref like a fiddle.
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