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Posts posted by MEADOWXI

  1. My lack of belief in a God does not mean there isn't one.

    You want to believe in your Christian, Sikh, Muslim, Jewish etc God, go for it,

    I'll only get annoyed if you try and force your rules or beliefs on me.

    They're your rules you live by them, I'll live by mine and mine won't hurt anyone, if you can try and manage the same that would be great.

    I have no more ability to prove there is no god any more than you have an ability to prove there is.


  2. Interesting article on real boat crisis for Mayotte, French island in Indian Ocean, and the right to French citizenship for those born on French Territories overseas, which are just treated as if counties of mainland France,

    Both right and left wing in France arguing that rescinding the right will cause problems for different reasons,



    The start of the article,


    A speck of France in the Indian Ocean has become the latest battleground over the laws on immigration.

    A French possession since 1841, the tiny island of Mayotte is now a département or county of the Republic which means, in theory, that the same rules apply there as in the Moselle or Maine-et-Loire, or anywhere else in France.

    But the territory's difficult experience of mass immigration is pushing President Emmanuel Macron's government to abandon the sacrosanct Frenchprinciple of equality for all.

    Visiting the island at the weekend, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin announced that the automatic right to French citizenship by virtue of birth on the island is to be rescinded.

    A constitutional change to this effect is now to be pursued by the government. Crucially the end of "birthplace citizenship" would apply only to the island of Mayotte - not to France as a whole.

  3. 14 hours ago, D Angelo Barksdale said:


    Even with all the characters in the show like Green and White,

    The terror of the power of the Blue Pound,

    The Big Hoose Balloon,

    The United DJ playing Zombie, and they complained

    The above deluded  bampot with his organ and shooder dance is a favourite highlight.

  4. On 10/02/2024 at 10:33, Billy Jean King said:

    I see Mone and Barrowmans racehorses are not subject to their asset freeze and they will continue to run in their name and colours. One of their horses is 3rd fav anti post for the National. It would be unheard of for winning owners of a GN horse not to be there on the day. Usually that would result in massive publicity especially when they come from outwith the racing community. 

    What the nag called,


    Bought With Your Money Peasants

  5. On 08/02/2024 at 23:22, Artie said:

    Had a look at the website again https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/ppcs/details/?region=Scotland and Reform UK currently up to 17 candidates, = with the Scottish Conservatives and ahead of all other parties except for SNP and Labour. One hell of a gamble with funding, looks like all or nothing. Not sure why they need to do this in Scotland since there is no hint that right-wing popularism will ever take off here like it has done in England.

    The crunch will be just after the GE called, when they have to hand in the nomination papers (all signed by 10 people on the Electoral Roll) and £500.00 deposit for each, only then will they stop being PPCs (Prospective Parliamentary Candidates) and become PCs (Parliamentary Candidates).

    If they putting anything out with PC on it now they already spending their election expenses and will be broke and have zero money to spend by the time of the GE. 

    Wait till they have to start spending, costs nothing to get named as a PPC, being a PC is very different.

  6. The SJC in has always been all in from the start (80s and 90s had 150+ teams in the hat for the first round ( first round just took it down to nearest working number 128 ) and was possible that a game in the first round could be a repeat of the final from previous season. 


    A true open and fair cup competition and how it should be for all.

  7. 21 hours ago, Artie said:

    Any guess on how many Conservatives will switch before the next GE?

    Could be the beginning of the end for Tory domination at the next GE and for the future if the Conservatives really do have their core support split, not just UK but in England. The more voters transition to Reform UK the bigger the advantage Labour will have. Labour could be clear large majority winners at the next GE and going forward the UK could see a Labour government in power for many years to come completely unchallenged, thanks to Reform UK.

    In Scotland Reform have pledged to (as everywhere else) have a candidate stand for every seat at the next election, it will be interesting to see if this takes root in Scotland after years of Tory failure and the usual one horse race every election. In Scotland I doubt any candidate will come anywhere near the top five for any seat, they will struggle here since we don't seem get a lot of overloaded small boats from France. Its an English problem, why should it concern us?


    They are not the first and probably won't be the last to pledge this. As the deposit is £500 a seat that's £325K before they've printed a leaflet or done anything. and they have to find 650 candidates, and get 10 registered voters in that area to sign as nominees to get someone on the ballot. 

    As they need 5% of the vote in a seat to get their deposit back they are looking at a mountain of work to spunk £325K up the wall.

    It bluster and if they have more than 200 candidates, and only a handful of them in Scotland I will be amazed.

  8. 9 hours ago, Tony Ferrino said:


    Most of the Royalists that like this type of crap are the Gammons that would want that wee Peruvian bear on a plane to Rwanda.

    Poor wee buggers career tarnished and destroyed by association with Chucks mum in a 1 minute clip that was meant to relaunch both their careers, 

  9. On 20/12/2023 at 10:02, scottsdad said:

    On the gluten thing, over time my missus has become more and more intolerant of various foods. In particular bread and pasta - if she eats too much it gives her really bad stomach cramps. Also most types of juice and wine, if she drinks them give her serious bad guts. She can only really drink Irn Bru and one type of wine. 

    This has developed over the years. 

    The GI that I don't get is the ducks......

    When I was kid ducks coped being fed bread just fine.

    When my now adult son was wee took him to the park and fed the ducks bread and they were fine.

    Now have a wee one again and suddenly every duck in the park is GI and giving them bread will kill them.

    When in the last 30 to 40 years did every duck on the planet develop GI,

    I say stuff them with bread and eat the ungrateful sods.

  10. 12 hours ago, BukyOHare said:

    Managers, players and fans deliberately looking away when their team is taking a penalty kick.

    Like somehow them watching it affects the outcome?

    There are lots of things in life that people can control, the success of a penalty being taken through the power of their sight definitely isn't one of them.

    Totally irrational behaviour.

    I'm on this thread too often at the moment. Therapy required.

    Whilst understanding  what you're saying,

    I was at Them v Us Euro 96 at Wembley, and that miss. I have on occasions looked away, and I have a fucking fear of fans celebrating a penalty being awarded, the thing still has to be bloody scored. But if for the for camera posturing oft seen by subs and managers I agree. 

    I sometimes have a fear of watching penalties from that moment in 1996 ( and even though Uri Geller had nothing to do with it, his claims he does must surely let me off with a warning in a court of law if I administered a P&B kick in the pie to the bam). Penalties are a nightmare.

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