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Everything posted by MEADOWXI

  1. Please also add the bawbags with the flags that obliterate the view of about 50 fans behind them every time they wave the bloody things, and arseholes with flares (trousers or the smoky variety). I actually am there to watch the football. Main stand and a pie and bovril for me these days.
  2. Have you considered counting down towards zero, much tenser as the numbers lower.
  3. So that would be the original city council planners that decided ' this will be a good place to build, those extinct volcanoes are barely noticeable'.
  4. Farage has now gone full Trump, from the launch this morning, So he fully expects to take over a political party and be running for PM by the next GE. Has anyone explained how being UK PM works? NEW Posted at 11:5711:57 This morning's news in 150 words Reform UK's Nigel Farage - set to launch the party's manifesto today - told the BBC the UK's "exploding population" should be a key election issue and he "absolutely" intends to run for PM in 2029
  5. If the Tories end up with less than 90 MPS, which some polls are saying, even if Reform only it 1 or 2 MPs fully expect a stormy summer and autumn. The Tory Party will implode with infighting and a new Reformed Conservative / Conservative Reform party may emerge with Farage holding some sort of Shadow cabinet post. The infighting will be brutal.
  6. If you use the ends of the country names its all Denmark SweDEN v DenMARK SWEden v DENmark
  7. Exactly 54 years ago today W Germany beat England 3 - 2 after extra tie in the QF of the Mexico 70 World Cup, knocking them out of the WC, leading to Scotland qualifying for the next 5 in a row (and England kept failing), and a glorious era of Scotland being at tournaments was my youth. Just 90 mins later I was born and if my dad had his way my name would have been ****** Beckenbauer Seeler Muller ******, now that would be some middle names, again today sees another hopefully great day in the annuls of scottish football, I've seen a few over the days on this date. But enough of this distraction, only scored bloody 8 today. 2 from McGinn will make it ten today please.
  8. The final paragraphs of that story are, Former Tory MP Bob Stewart had represented Beckenham since 2010. Ms Gray, a Conservative Bromley councillor and former opera singer, is hoping to retain the constituency for the party. Liam Conlon, the son of Sir Keir Starmer’s chief of staff and partygate investigator Sue Gray, is standing for Labour candidate. Wonder how he got that job.
  9. The De War one made it as far as the BBC. Few years ago was watching Heir Hunters (chasing estates of stiffs with wills but no known family). And one of the appeals the voiceover did was for someone called De War, and then the name Dewar appeared on the telly, they screwed up another Scottish name that day too, but can't remember that one.
  10. Do you ever think sometimes the ground staff do these sort of things for a bet or shits & giggles. They probably have a monthly pool, and this months winner was Eric that managed to send a couple of bams to Kaunas instead of Barcelona.
  11. Think you need to check this week, On Monday I checked I was registered (couldn't remember doing the still living there form either), got it confirmed, registered again for my postal vote (that had lapsed), and by Tuesday PM had an email confirming all good and I have a postal vote. Best get it done this week, it closes on Tuesday, A General Election has been called for 4 July 2024. Register to vote by 11:59pm on 18 June 2024. Types of election, referendums, and who can vote: General election - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  12. I don't even know where to start with the front page of the Mail today, but first I'm away to totally reassess my understanding of a Socialist......
  13. Boris Johnson, Farage Brian Donohue Stick the right coloured rosette on it and any clown can get elected.
  14. Is there a difference between a gaffe, and a preplanned gaffe laid before the election was even called as a booby trap for later, other than the level of stupidity involved? Craig Williams: Sunak aide admits placing bet on general election - BBC News "I put a flutter on the general election some weeks ago. This has resulted in some routine inquiries and I confirm I will fully cooperate with these. "I don't want to be a distraction from the campaign, I should have thought through how it looked." A truly amazing understatement.
  15. He ended up with a Cameron shirt after Sunak subbed himself off at half time.
  16. I wholly apologise to Jim Henson and all of his creations for the unforgivable slur our their character. And this is a real apology not a Sunak slither.
  17. So an interview that starts with apologising to interviewer for being late as the D-Day stuff overran, then the worst hardship of his life was not having Sky as a kid, this has to be the final nail that Starmer should be driving through the wee scrots forehead in tonights debate. Starmer is going to be an awful PM, but anything is better than this muppet Sunak.
  18. This is a Unionist manifesto for a Greater England, Scottish marmalade from Spanish oranges........not in a Tory manifesto.
  19. Didn't even win the Battle of Britain alone, the most successful RAF squadron of the battle was 303 Squadron, An all Polish squadron, and another Polish Squadron 302 were almost as good. Polish Pilots and the Battle of Britain (historic-uk.com) The Commander-in-Chief of Fighter Command, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding, was blunter in his assessment, ‘Had it not been for the magnificent work of the Polish squadrons and their unsurpassed gallantry, I hesitate to say that the outcome of battle would have been the same’. This assessment was echoed by the Secretary of State for the Air Force and indeed, during some of the most desperate points of the battle, the RAF had ‘only 350 pilots to scramble, of which nearly 100 were Poles’. Yet at the end of the war Polish troops were not allowed to participate in the Allied Victory Parade so as not to aggravate Joseph Stalin. Brexiteers or not, we should all be grateful for the sacrifice made by so few for so many. Without the two squadrons of ‘plucky Poles’, it is eminently possible that there would neither be a Britain, nor an EU to vote out of.
  20. Hence urban legend I was told when I moved here.
  21. To be fair, she asked a question, you answered it. Job done and move on.
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