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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. ^^Not that I would ever condone gratuitous violence but that was a beautiful, and fully deserved, right hand lead @ 5m10s.
  2. Just what is it with **** and green foliage ? From Brechin's hedge to Pedro's shrubbery to the wild woods of Almondvale.
  3. I just knew a pic of Nonce Andrew waiting in line at Woking Pizza Express would turn up eventually. Is that a wee bead of perspiration on his forehead ?
  4. I thought Gerrard had already stated "no more loans" for McRorie ?
  5. I'd love to see Donnie Dingbat as head of FIFA. Surely to f*ck he couldn't be any more corrupt or batshit crazy than recent incumbents.
  6. Seriously, listening to Levein, English and Foster making up a litany of excuses for Sevco's expensive dillentante's shortcomings is absolutely boak-inducing.
  7. I dare Tom English to use this as a headline tomorrow.
  8. English has found a new mountain to die on in Livi's pitch. f**k him.
  9. "Just hit it as hard as you can and see what happens." - Richard Foster. Shitfest-a-Rama at the Spaghettihad.
  10. 78th....Morelos blatant dive, should be booked, ref sends off defender.
  11. Tom English BBC Scotland's chief sports writer " This is a massive test now for Rangers. Are they good enough to break this team down? It's games like this that will determine whether they have the mental capacity to win like this This is a massive test now for Rangers. Are they good enough to break this team down? It's games like this that will determine whether they have the mental capacity to win like this" Such insight from Ann Budge's favourite sock puppet.
  12. Two words not normally seen in the same sentence. Such a pity Levein didn't manage to translate his insight into a winning formula at Ann Budge Ltd.
  13. I was in no way insulted. Without boring the arse off you, I was merely alluding to the fact that Hibs were the first to play in emerald Green by some 13 years. There is also a famous pic of the 1876 Hibs team bedecked in green and white hoops. As regards baseball, Mrs. FP is from Cincinnati so you can imagine my thoughts on that front.
  14. 'Colors' can be forgiven. Your ignorance, however, cannot. [emoji16][emoji1783]
  15. Sounds like it's only a matter of time.......... [emoji53] Am I just imagining things or has Biscuits used "we" on 2 occasions when talking about Hibs ?
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