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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. UEFA/FIFA surely will not be happy campers about this. Someone mentioned earlier that this is exactly what got FC Sion crucified. We can only hope then. Edit :- Another forum speculating that there are 2 possible reasons for H*ns appeal 1. To piss UEFA right off and they revoke the SFA licence, no Scottish clubs in Europe next season. 2. They think that transfer ban might be rescinded whilst the appeal runs it's course. They are mentalists.
  2. Still waiting for someone with more smarts than me to confirm this theory. Duff + Duffer's fee to come out of CVA. Hughie Green said his investors had 8.5m in escrow which was for CVA. Obviously Green didn't transfer money before BBC doc. Meanwhile Duff + Duffer left with their finger in the dyke, so to speak. Hughie and his pals shit their breeks once they see BBC prog. and start looking for exit strategy / hide behind sofa. Meanwhile, Duff + Duffer can't seem to get their finger out of dyke. Happy to be told this is complete Rafael, byrawaybigmanbut...........
  3. Think of it as being analogous to winning The Lottery. Some folk tick the publicity box and some folk don't. RTC obviously is happy to let the facts do the talking. Capiche ?
  4. Thanks for that, ribzy..........I'm f*cking amazed that he wasn't punted, or at least put on gardening leave, as soon as that came out. The more this thing drags on, the more info. that comes out, the more I'm thinking that Ali G. should have called his Borat movie Criminal Leanings of Rangers for Make Corruption Glorious Nation of Scotland.
  5. Highly unlikely that CVA will happen, ergo Zombie H*ns (newco) would need to come into existence and they would need 3 years audited accounts. Is this correct ? Besides, starting in SFL3 is nowhere near punishment enough for the decades of criminality at The Deathstar.
  6. Duff + Duffer will be expecting to be paid through CVA, no ? Hence their enthusiasm.
  7. I presume you are referring to the First Tier Tribunal ? If so, this is a civil tribunal, not a criminal trial. Happy to help. http://rangerstaxcase.wordpress.com/2012/04/16/balance-of-probabilities/
  8. If someone is "leaking" information regarding alleged illegal activity, then I believe it is called "whistleblowing". It is looked upon as a public service. I would have thought even the dimmest of the dim on FF / VB's / RM could comprehend that. Then again.................
  9. Dingbat a suspect as the RTC Blogger ? Surely not, as a basic grasp of reading and writing is required.
  10. And you can bet your boots some poor innocent is going to have to replace his windaes (or worse) because the knuckleheads are seriously frothing over this. Vigilante mentality to the fore, torches and pitchforks at the ready..................
  11. Sad to say it, but I have to agree. The first thing that should have happened after Tuesday's prog. was that Campbell Ogilvie's arse shouldn't have touched the floor.
  12. Don't believe the Doublespeak on VB. Keep your mind open. Remember, the world is full of loud and arrogant people and they are a vexation to the spirit. Be calm. "I am the RTC Blogger !"
  13. Not sure if this applies to Scotland but regardless, it may stiffen Hector's resolve to ensure they don't lose out against the H*ns.
  14. Any pronouncements from "Gapeass" Johnston at Rugby Park today ? Don't be shy, Mr. Johnston................
  15. Does anyone happen to know if Gordon Smith was ever The Man of God's agent ? Jist askin' likesay...............
  16. Dear Michel, Do you remember a few years ago how I told you that I'd left Ra Peepul to go and work for some Lithuanian despot who'd bought a club in Edinburgh ? And do you also remember me telling you that one of the reasons I'd been made this offer I couldn't refuse was because I knew of some interesting ways to assist players, owners and agents to avoid paying tax ? Well, the merde is definately starting to hit the climatisation over here and I'm in a little bit of a bind regarding un conflit d'intérêt, what with The RTC Blogger and those little wanks on Pn'B gunning for me. As you've probably gathered by now, that stupid bugger Murray forgot to tell Bain to shred the papers hidden inside the lambeg in the Boardroom at Ibrox and they've fallen into the hands of some little upstart called Daly at the BBC via. the RTC guy. (Thank Christ they only think I managed to get 90K !!) The riff-raff are calling for the SFA to investigate further and that slack-jawed idiot Doncaster is in my office every 5 minutes begging for me to "help him out" because he's been labelled a "cockwomble" by the guys that pay the gatemoney. Anyhoo, maybe you could give me a call when you have a minute to discuss further. Yours avec amitie, Campbell.
  17. Yes. It means any citizen who is deemed to be "An Enemy of Rapeepul." Google the following for further info :- 1. Josef Stalin 2. Lavretiy Beria 3. GULAG 4. Breaking Wheel 5. The branks. I'm sure Leggo thinks of all these topics as he concocts his bile of an evening. He is deffo certifiable.
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