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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. This concerted battleplan by the club chairmen is having one other effect, namely it has pulled the rug out from beneath Doncaster and the proposed vote on 4th July. I believe this is a deliberate strategy to keep the incompetent buffoon away from the control panel. Wouldn't be at all surprised if there have been moves afoot in the background re. his tenure and fully expect his sorry arse to be the first one out the door very soon. Closely followed by Ogilvie.
  2. The absolute maraschino cherry on top of the Knickerbocker Glory is going to be watching the next moves of The Succulents. Will Jabba, Chico, Forsyth et al commit a ritual mass suicide ? Will they try and resurrect their careers by being metaphorical Holocaust Deniers ? Will they have a Damascene Conversion and blow the gaff on how Tinlegs corrupted their souls with money, fast cars and dancing girls ? Or will they just quietly, and with no announcement, disappear forever, like Lord Voldemort ? Personally, I think they are now unemployable in Scotland. Fvck them all and good riddance.
  3. Agreed, but I'm more than happy with Rod Petrie's original statement a few weeks ago which I'm sure must have got a few sphincters twitching in Ibrox and in the MSM.
  4. Of course, assuming that Charlie has got good fire insurance on the Deathstar, he could always get hold of a couple of wee neds with a habit who need some ready cash................................Nah !
  5. A few posts appearing on Hibs.net saying that the club will be e-mailing fans today with a statement re. ZombieNewcorpse. It's a fait accomplit from Petrie, as soon as he made his "sporting integrity is beyond any price" statement, he had crossed the Rubicon and he knew it. If he were to vote 'Yes' now, he may as well put a gun to his head and pull the trigger.
  6. Ah yes, Jimmy Bell. All he'll be good for now is midget porn movies and dwarf throwing competitions.
  7. Nice touch on Radio Scotland where they trailed Spencey's announcement re. The Dons with a piece about Terry the Kitman, been at Pittodrie for 50 years.
  8. Leggo scribbles a damp squib / piece of doggerel today about Charlie Green and ST's. Scribbling for scribblings sake, the old jakey b@st@rd knows the game is up. Still no denunciation of Cardy Consortium tho'. http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/
  9. You can take the overnight sleeper to Truro and sleep the sleep of the righteous.
  10. This has been a great day so far. Vladimir Romanov, take a bow. He's waited a long time but revenge is, as they say, a dish best served cold. Great news from Tannadice. Doncaster appears to be getting a metaphorical kick in the baws from every club in the SPL for the chaos he's created, and rightly so. I'm just wondering if any other clubs will 'announce' before the vote. Everyone saying that Hibs are a stick-on "Nyet" but might be nice if Petrie strings the ZombieNewcorpse out for a while longer.
  11. "Fourteen years ago our football administration brought forth, in this country, a new Premier League, conceived in greed and dedicated to the proposition that two clubs should reign over all others. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that League, or any League so conceived, and so dedicated, should long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to bury the inequality and corruption, as a final resting-place for the club who here systematically cheated and lied and bullied, that our other clubs might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot erase, we cannot eradicate this one club without examination of the people and the structures who helped maintain that hegemony. The diddy clubs, living and dead, who struggle here, deserve so much more from the incompetent and corrupt administrators and journalists, those who pretend to act in the best interests of all, without fear or favour, but so rarely do. The world will little note, nor long remember what happened here in this small country. It is for us, the internet bampots, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which the RTC Blogger and Mark Daly have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these bigotted songs, EBT’s, tax scams and illegally registered players, we take increased devotion to that cause which ensured their vile club ceased to exist—that we here highly resolve that RFC cheated in vain—that this nation’s Football Association shall have a new birth of freedom and that the Beautiful Game of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from Scotland."
  12. I was speaking from a point of principle, not viewing numbers. Edit :- That f*cking avatar of yours is driving me to distraction........
  13. You touch upon an interesting topic. I read a couple of weeks ago that the BBC have forked out £150 million for the EPL Match of the Day broadcasting rights. Given that the BBC is the NATIONAL broadcaster and that we pay the same Licence Fee as our English neighbours, my argument would be that they should pay the SPL, pro rata, the same amount.
  14. I think the SPL, and to a lesser extent the SFA’s organisation of this scenario has been woeful in the extreme and they have brought Scottish football, as a league, into sustained disrepute. I think that the people who manage it, not just the Chairman, but the paid executives of the SPL, should hang their heads in shame and in the case of some of them, should actually offer their resignation for the chaos they’ve allowed to reign. If, however, they’d stuck to their own rules and been consistent about their own rules we wouldn’t even need this vote because currently the SEVCO Consortium do not meet any of the criteria to be a member of the SPL. They may have a stadium but they do not have an SPL share, they have no audited accounts and have been given two extended grace periods to bring this disgrace further forward. Every single thing possible has been done to accommodate them yet they still cannot offer up the principles that would allow them to be an SPL club. Therefore even the vote itself is a compromise. Stuart Cosgrove 16 June 2012
  15. Really ? So are we right to assume that Doncaster does not consider ZombieNewcorpse to be a NEW CLUB ? Is he really saying they are a NEWCO ?
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