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Everything posted by Florentine_Pogen

  1. Green is walking away, according to BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18314109
  2. "Cheating, vile, bigotted b*****ds finally rumbled. No-one coming to save them except charlatans and men of straw. Country celebrates."
  3. That statement sounds like the last desperate plea for mercy from a guy who's been on Death Row for 5 years. This venal slimebag and his "investors" (read "carpetbaggers") are on the hook for £5.5m and don't they have a "binding agreement" with Duff & Duffer ? As previously mentioned, Charlie boy is cakking his pants. Would love to know if Jack Irvine ghost-scripted that statement for him - it appears to have Media House's grubby mitts all over it. Looking forward to tomorrow's analysis by The Succulents.
  4. They're on holiday ? F*ck !! I was hoping that maybe they'd both fallen into a pit full of wolverines. BTW, loving this total pish in today's Daily Retard suggesting that the H*ns want to do a deal with the SFA re. "punishments". That would be lovely, they can get oxygen thief and EBT abuser Campbell Ogilvie to help them out. Let's not forget, he's still in post as President of the SFA.
  5. Wow, that piece from The Dundee Courier...Is that what passes for journalism these days then ? There's much better stuff on here.
  6. From offishul H*n site :- Roll up, roll up, getcha' tickets 'ere ! RANGERS will take part in this summer's Markus Liebherr Memorial Cup tournament along with hosts Southampton and Premiership giants Arsenal on July 14. The Light Blues will travel to St Mary's Stadium for the unique three-team event as part of their preparations for the forthcoming SPL campaign. Games will be 45 minutes in length and will be played on a round-robin basis, with drawn contests settled by a penalty shoot-out. Three points will be awarded for an outright win, two will be given for a victory on spot kicks and one will go to a side which loses on efforts from 12 yards. Ally McCoist's men will take part in the opening fixture against Saints at 5.15pm, with the second outing against Arsenal coming at 6.45pm. In addition, the Olympic Torch will be carried for a lap of honour around the pitch in between those ties. This will be the second time the tournament has been held and Gers are familiar with both of their opponents. In particular, they have played Arsenal many times over the years and the clubs most recently met at the Emirates Cup in 2009, with the Gunners winning 3-0. Of course, Arsene Wenger's squad may well include defender Kyle Bartley, who has just completed his second loan spell in Glasgow with the 54-times Scottish champions. Former Spanish favourite Mikel Arteta is in their pool as well although he is currently sidelined through injury but Jack Wilshere, a Gers fan, should be involved. Rangers have met Southampton on a number of occasions too, mainly in the 1970s and mostly at Ibrox in the old Texaco Cup and Tennent Caledonian Cup competitions. They also met in a pair of testimonials for Sandy Jardine and George Horsfall in May 1982 but haven't come together since and this will be Gers' first trip to St Mary's. Further information about Rangers' summer programme will be announced soon, as will ticket details and prices for the Liebherr event.
  7. The air is certainly a bit cleaner today. No H*n apologists spouting their "Scottish fitba' needs RaPeepul" pish. They've gone all quiet. Chick Faeces gone quiet. Fatty Traynor starting to sing from a different songsheet. Billy Dodds currently having reconstructive surgery. It's going to be a beautiful day. Oh yes.
  8. Mr. Regan and his cronies would do well to remember that society as a whole shall be better off without the H*ns. Lest we forget :- http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=fvY-AAAAIBAJ&sjid=aU0MAAAAIBAJ&pg=3550%2C2109541
  9. From Quiet Assassin on KDS :- http://croatiantimes.com/news/Sports/2012-03-29/26046/Hajduk_Split_suspended_from_football_league Obviously the Croatian FA have a pair of testicles.
  10. If your thesis is correct, it only reinforces the argument for a root and branch clear out of the SFA / SPL. You are basically saying that the SFA, as an organisation, are too craven and afraid to apply their own rules to one of their member clubs. We can but hope, eh ?
  11. There's every possibility that a lot of fat couch potatoes are actually Vikings. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leif_Ericson
  12. I wouldn't get your knickers too wet about this as the H*ns have already stuck two fingers up at the SFA. From the SFA Articles of Association :- The Association and It's Membership 3. The Association is a Member of FIFA and UEFA. Accordingly, it itself is obliged to :- (i) Comply with statutes, regulations, directives, codes and decisions and the International Match Calendar of FIFA, UEFA and the Court of Arbitration for Sport and The Laws of the Game issued by IFAB. (ii) Recognise the jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration for Sport as specified in the relevant provisions of the FIFA Statutes and the UEFA Statutes. Regan should have made his statement as soon as D+P mentioned the CoS, no ? Typical SFA, locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.
  13. If it's that doughnut Brewer asking the questions, Bungcaster will get an easy ride, no question.
  14. Certainly wouldn't be piecing together shredded documents. Cockwomble as Chief Executive ? My arse.
  15. http://www1.skysports.com/football/news/11669/7787958/Smith-out-of-Reds-running "Former Rangers director of football Smith was also in the frame for the role at Liverpool, but his adviser, Jonathan Hope, has confirmed the ex Scottish Football Association chief executive has ruled out a switch to Anfield and is considering several offers from abroad." Presumably "several offers" from countries that don't have an extradition treaty with the UK ? (As if Liverpool would give a buffoon like Wiggy the time of day anyway.) _________________________________________________________________ Nice to see Hughie Green squealing like a stuck pig now - "Please gaunnae talk to me Stewart, gaunnae please ?"
  16. Latest from Barcabhoy on RTC :- Barcabhoy says: 31/05/2012 at 9:28 am Lest we forget in all the recent drama, a key revelation in the BBC documentary was that Souness received £30k. He in fact received much more in both cash terms and in the number of payments made. Maybe a journalist could ask, formerly media friendly and always available Souness, why he requested multiple loans from Rangers EBT scheme 10 years and more after he left their employment. The protocol is as follows 1 that an employee, or ex employee , has to request a loan, with a reason for the loan being required. 2 the employer has to pass that request to the trustees 3 the employer will deposit funds in a sub trust if the trustees approve the loan 4 the funds are drawn down by the employee, or ex employee, once a loan agreement has been reached The questions to be asked are 1 what was the reason for the loan. Was it almost as if a template was being used so that all loan requests were remarkably similar. Did everyone who was employed at Rangers really ALL need home improvement work 2 why would Rangers agree to pass on a request for a loan, knowing that 3 they would have to place funds into the sub trust to facilitate the loan. Now remember the loan is never paid back to Rangers , it is paid back to the trust……..except no loan ever has ever been repaid. Why would any business pay huge sums (£48million) into a trust if there was no business benefit to them. The name gives the clue as to how it’s supposed to work EMPLOYEE benefit trust. What was the business benefit that made Rangers and David Murray pay very large sums into a trust for the benefit of Souness? We have already had Billy Dodds extremely helpful explanation of how it worked for him. The business benefit for Rangers is that they could pay a contractual amount without paying PAYE and NI. Now of course that is an abuse and in large measure why HMRC found the EBT scheme was improperly operated and send in the BTC bill. But why pay Souness this way. He wasn’t an employee. He couldn’t have had a contract , as he was contracted to another professional football club at the time of his loans being approved. It is absolutely forbidden for individuals to have contracts in football with more than one club at a time. So if he wasn’t contracted he could not have been providing a legal service to Rangers, which should not in any case have been paid via an EBT So just what was the compelling request for loans (multiple) that enabled the trustees and Rangers to provide huge amounts of money to an individual who at the time was one of the highest paid individuals in the UK Remember the order in the protocol , request , pass on, approve , fund , agree, draw down. Why did David Murray agree to deposit huge amounts of money into a trust to benefit Souness ? What was the business benefit? What did a very wealthy non contracted individual , who hadn’t worked at the club for 10 years , do to justify this largesse ?
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