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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. If this season has taught us 1 thing then it is that you can't rely on a small squad. As much as it makes sense on a limited budget, I don't think it works. This league seems to be hard on a number of players. If we had stayed injury free, I do feel we would be top clear. I hope I am proved wrong and we can stay in the hunt for top spot till the end.
  2. True. It's like we had a perfect jigsaw and the missing pieces can't be replaced by random ones - got to be the original pieces. When you think about it, in full flow, it was perfect!! Just hope we see more of it before they all go their separate ways.
  3. Urgency is a big factor here. In my opinion, when we are struggling to break a team down, that is when we need younger, fitter, faster players who are competent on the ball. Forrest for a while was losing the ball, running into players and play would be broken up and we would lose possession and be under pressure, but he seems to have lost that last bit of his game, thankfully. Surely McGuffie gives us a bit of that too? I'd play him more than he has been. Think Robbie has been disappointing but as a lot of people say, play him in his preferred position. If you look back at some of the highlights from earlier in the season we have the players and had the system to trouble anyone. As soon as they catch on to what we are up to it can be a lot more difficult and is that not when we need someone with a but if guile, trickery, call it what you will. I believe that if we keep it on the deck, play through the middle from Murdoch to Kerr to Moff. Diagonal balls up to Shanks at the corners of the 18 yard box. Have McGuffie and McDaid pounding the wings and getting decent cross balls cut backs, we are sorted.
  4. The players re-signing on 18 month contracts maybe sends out a message to others that you will get a bit of stability here at Ayr. Being fresh full time now in amongst other established full time clubs means we have a bit if catch up to play. Players talk. We are slowly but surely looking, sounding and playing like an established full time club. Lots more can be done but to do it all within our means is a fabulous achievement in such a short time. The caveat to all of this is that i will be absolutely gutted and distraught if we don't go up this season. Being so close that you can almost taste it. Going to be a sore one if we don't do it. Not expecting or demanding it, just want it so bad. Hope the squad feels that way too. Can already visualise the pitch invasion to the tune of "bring on the Killie"!!
  5. Please uncle Ian, try and get us a couple of signings in, think we all need a wee boost / cuddle. We were all doing so well and dreaming of 2 in a row. Please let's not give this up without a proper fight. No regrets.
  6. C'mon folks, the wee yin is probably about 9 years old on their mammy's iPhone [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  7. 10 years ago, wow! I was in bed with the flu, proper flu, could hardly stand up straight. Was listening to the radio when the equaliser went in and jumped up and ran down the stairs shouting YAASSSS. Imagine the looks I got when the wife clocked me!
  8. We are a game in hand off top spot, not too bad a position for us either. Just hope the magic sponge works sooner rather than later. Any word on the farmer?
  9. I had a baked potato with butter, beans and grated cheese (mild cheddar) with some salt and pepper on top and a little Worcestershire sauce. Was working late.
  10. Bobby Jones, Cabaret and the Golden Disc, for all your double nudger needs
  11. Probably the club covering its own / manager's arse. A lot flying around about him being 'forced out'. Hopefully his head has been turned by McCall, sooner rather than later.
  12. Remember concept man, Oliver's sandwiches, wimpy, jumpers for goal posts.....
  13. Think realistically that everyone will be staying in this window. Do hope that we get at least 1 person in - even just to freshen things up - ideally someone with a big game attitude and experience - and ideally someone who can unlock defences
  14. We won't win it on money but hopefully on ambition and league placings
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