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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Apologies if I've got the wrong person but were you not banging on all season about bringing a banner that you'd made which was subsequently never seen? Still in the boot of the car. We lost the day I was going to bring it so left it till the last game but bottled it again. Bloody superstitions!!! Will have it for this season starting though. And still have the balloons too.
  2. Going to get a few flags made up for the new season. First one will be in this style but in tribute to Jamie Adams, will show his face with 'The Godfarmer' Any other suggestions for other players?
  3. McCall has already stated that he will not be changing the way we play, which I'm sure went a long way to secure the likes of Shankland and Moore for another season. So, attack, attack, attack. Question is, where will that get us this season? It should get us more wins, league safety etc. Like has been said, keeper and defence is what will place us further up the table. If we can get a rock solid defence we should be optimistic.
  4. .....before he sets off on his latest adventure as a marauding number 10 with newly promoted Championship club Ayr United FC. Calvin Ayr said, "When I heard what he was up to, it was a no brainer for me. He is still very fit and has great ball skills, and his soon to be wives will be perfect for our kit launch" Manager Ian McCall said, "When Lachlan called me I nearly spat out my cosmopolitan mocktail. The boy has great potential and I'm sure he won't mind a cold December Tuesday at Alloa, not with those 2 wee crackers keeping him warm"
  5. I hope that the 500 fund keeps growing quickly while it has momentum. Could make the difference in getting the best quality in these crucial positions. Would still love to see a bit of a 'wildcard' signing, an unknown from deepest, darkest Poland, Slovakia or somewhere. A new hero in the making. Or just some random that McCall saw playing keepy uppy on the bench while on holiday. What's Ronaldinho up to these days?
  6. Me too, but unlike some, I'm not too bothered about bragging rights, I just like the chance to beat them. You never know how long it will be till we play them competitively. Every time they looked doomed for the drop, we are pants. Every time we get it sorted, so do they. I really hope we get them at Rugby Park.
  7. Get him set up on twitter to tease us with some potential signing tit-bits
  8. Killie away St Mirren home Stranraer away Airdrie home 'av it!!!!
  9. Don't know about anyone else, but still feels amazing when you are going about your day and suddenly remember... 1. We won the league in such a dramatic way. 2. We were an absolute joy to watch at times. 3. Lawrence Shankland has re-signed for next season. 4. Championship football awaits next season and I for one am full of optimism. One last thing, we done on everyone who has stepped up for the 500 fund. I know not everyone can commit to spending money, some people just don't have it, but it's great to see the club step up, and the support follow. 2 main things for next season for me. 1. Decent away support. 2. A chance to right so many wrongs and stay up!
  10. Think he sees Ayr as his last managerial job. He has hinted before at working for the club in another capacity, probably looks at Partick in the same way. Close to home for him. He will be with us as long as we want him.
  11. Amazing to think what Livi have achieved. Think we should be targeting top half as a means of keeping the 'r' word not being talked about.
  12. Would you say keeping the same team and same tactics is the way to go in the Championship? We will obviously have a right go at teams, try to score goals and be attractive to watch - that sounds ideal. Will be great if we can have a big, strong defensive line up. One that puts the fear of God in our opposition's eyes. I've never felt so optimistic, even though the league will arguably be the most competitive that we have seen, especially with the prospect of Partick coming down too. I trust McCall. Looks like he is enjoying his time with us, as much as his grumpy coupon will show us mind you, but glad to have him. Can't wait till the league kicks off. One last note. There just HAS to be a place for Jamie Adams in our squad.
  13. Photo makes it look like McCall waited till Kerr signed them fucked off to the airport, TAXI!!!!
  14. 500 club here I come Club has done their part Time for us to do ours Everyone will do their wee bit I'm sure, whether it's 500 club, season ticket, show up etc Happy days - they don't come around often enough but to know the good times you have to suffer the bad
  15. It would be nice if we could unearth another Shankland-esque signing this season. Must be players looking at what he did after Ayr took a gamble on him and vice versa. After all, we've groomed a couple of 'gems' for a while also, for Aberdeen and Rangers, even though we didn't really see it when they were with us. What a boost though it would be if Shankland signed on again.
  16. Templeton Terrace Sludden Street (has a big turn in it) Walker Way
  17. I think it would be a signing and possibly loaned back to us to see how he manages with the step up.
  18. Can't believe you guys are down with us, again! Hoped you could have scraped through the playoffs and stayed up. More of a distaster for a full time club than us I would say. Will you stay full time?
  19. Somerset Park with slightly more supporters than will be there this coming Saturday
  20. Surely a national stadium? Built brand new, between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Used for football, rugby and a retractable roof for concerts. Rail line, hotel and conferencing, business park style with business tenants providing rental of office space. Forming part of the Scottish sport centre of excellence, so have all the museums, sports science, injury and rehabilitation, tours etc all in one Scottish national stadium. Acts are coming to the Hydro and selling out like hot cakes, so a large scale concert venue with a roof would be viable. Sell hampden and Murrayfield for scrap (nae offence Queens Park)
  21. Hello. Not long till the season starts (still too long, though)
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