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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. I think we will end up seeing Budge and Levein in a Louis Theroux documentary soon probing deep into the couple’s weird marriage arrangement
  2. Sounds like free money! Which means there is a catch, as there is always a catch, so what is it? Also he gave 9 million to Hearts? What the hell did they do with it??
  3. “Is it warm in here? Think I’ve got a bit of a temperature!” “Cough” “cough”
  4. There is such contrast between such a small number of clubs in terms of income and potentially what they can pay players in this country. It makes you wonder what IS the best for Football in Scotland. Is it fewer teams? Is it bigger leagues? We seem to be tied to the TV deals and the 4 old firm games that it really is strangling the rest of us. Some argue that the old firm make Scottish football and are the attraction for the money. My argument is that they are simply too big for the rest of us and I would happily see the back of them to another league or setup. Whether that would diminish income to the leagues - i don’t really care. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have a hatred for the old firm like many do, but the rest of the setup, especially in the top leagues, have become like junkies, living day to day from the smack handouts from the old firm dealers who entice it from the TV company suppliers. It all stinks and I just can’t see any of it changing, which is even more saddening than the lack of football right now.
  5. I agree, but you quoted ‘deny promotion’, which in fairness, is what has happened so far to the clubs finishing 2nd, 3rd and 4th - as by finishing in these positions opens up the opportunity to gain promotion, which subsequently has been denied.
  6. If the top division is increased to 14, then surely the ‘fairest’ way would be for the top 3in the championship to move up, while the ‘relegated’ team (Hearts) remain just that - relegated.
  7. Would it not be the case of the play off teams missing out on an opportunity (Dundee and Ayr)
  8. Some people are just scared, especially when you see the footage of the poor souls in a coma hooked up to the ventilators with little or no hope. And of course, the death toll. Some people are less so - human nature for you. On another subject, that’s some amount of testing being done in the premier league down south!! Must be costing a pretty penny!
  9. Come to Ayr You can visit Burns’ Cottage. Or if that’s too modern for you, there is always Somerset Park.
  10. Unless the furlough scheme gets extended into next year, or a huge cash injection from the Scottish government, players will end up on the scrap heap and clubs will just go into hibernation. You will then end up with the scenario of those clubs that can just about survive ticking over will do, and those that can’t will fold. At least if games are put on, with some form of income from live streaming, it delays the death somewhat and, you never know, if done correctly, it might just save a few players from scrap heap and a few clubs from the grave. The best model may be the ‘Netflix’ one. Keep the subscription small enough that every Scottish football supporter across the GLOBE can and will pay for it. Then you can argue how the money is split between the clubs. Are you telling me there aren’t enough Scottish football fans globally to support the product? What is the real alternative, just roll over and die?
  11. McCall was always battering his eyelashes at Thistle. That was the hardest part to take, certainly latterly. He is the girlfriend that was never going to marry you and was always going to leave for his true love. Now, he has found out that his true love has no teeth, stinks of B.O. and has just been kicked out of her flat. But he is stuck with her, holding her hand as they wander the darkened alleys, kicking rubbish along the street. When he sleeps, he dreams of snuggling up on the ‘top four’ sofa in ‘championship house’ with Ayr Utd. Remembering how it felt, all cosy and safe. But morning comes around, and as he wakes to the stench around him, the stark reality of his decision comes to pass. Oh how he must gaze at his ex, as he clenches his fist into his black Ayr bunnet, gently caressing the badge that he once knew so well, that adored him, that he spurned. But such is life, and McCall - you made a bad choice mate - and it has truly made you look like a right whore. You had a job for life and you set it on fire. Best of luck - don’t forget your bucket and spade!
  12. “Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio”... “Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio-oooo” “Cheerio, cheerio, cheerio” “Cheerio, get tae f**k”... “Get tae f**k, get tae f**k, get tae f**k” Ha ha ha ha ha ha fucking ha
  13. Can we not call the bluff of this debacle and state that, with Hearts and Partick having been relegated, that they do not benefit from restructuring of the leagues? Hearts go down, Dundee Utd up and so the 2 teams below (ICT and Dundee) go up to make this ‘magical’ 14 team top league. Same applies to Partick - they go into the bottom of the pile. That’s only fair [emoji41]
  14. If ever there was a circumstance to lose a treasured scarf, then surely that day was it [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]
  15. Just heard..................absolutely nothing! It’s weird reading these little headlines that pop up regarding football on the continent - they serve to give you a slight glimmer of hope - until you read the last paragraph. Football starts in Italy - you think, what??? Teams are back training next month - you think, ok, that’s like the end of this week type of thing / you start to think - ah, football, yip can just about remember it Then you read on - all subject to lockdown, blah blah blah blah blah Another non story. Must be shit being a journalist right now. When’s lockdown ending? When’s lockdown ending? When’s lockdown ending?
  16. Is anyone else fed up with the ‘gun to our heads’ TV deals and the whole ‘4 old firm games’ garbage.
  17. Correct - we are all just giving our tuppence worth - trying to ease out some form of balance from between going 100% loco to remembering what life used to be like before bat soup burst the baw.
  18. Any update on the POTY tickets? Have we reached the magical £10,000 figure?
  19. [emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122][emoji122]
  20. Closed door games Sell season tickets - paid up front or direct debit. Sell advertising (mainly businesses who are ‘online sellers’ to maximise potential. Live stream on a ‘season ticket’ and ‘pay per view’ basis for home and away fans. Either do it as a league, or club by club basis, but you would think by league you could maximise advertising (larger companies getting max exposure - amazon etc) and keep costs to a minimum Clubs could sell virtual half time draw tickets. Could arrange with online retailers / food outlets for a ‘matchday food pack’ - pie, Bovril, etc. There are so many ways that you could run with these - just takes the balls to actually realise that as things stand - nothing else is going to happen and clubs will fall like dominoes
  21. By balanced manner, do you mean ‘how many deaths are acceptable’? Every person that talks about getting this back and starting that up again and doing those things once more, it’s too early. The right time will come, and the data will call it, but please let’s not rush into it? Lambs to the slaughter? Cannon fodder? Collateral damage? All for what - good old capitalism [emoji16][emoji106] Never mind, we can have tax dodging millionaires / billionaires telling us all to dig deep for the NHS next [emoji120]
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