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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Does mass death not have the same impact? Do you have any concept as to what would have happened, had we NOT had a 4 week lockdown?
  2. If you look at the longer term - players will remember who treated players like shit - and who looked after their own. I would agree about offering terms - at least give all the guys a chance to keep a roof over their heads
  3. Right folks - as I’m furloughed, during my lockdown and have a bit of spare time I’m looking for a way of raising a wee bit of cash for the club. I do a bit of drawing / artwork / illustration on the side, so I’m looking for a good photo of Somerset - ideally from the outside - that I can turn into an illustration - then I’ll it as a print, with profits going to the club. Can you send me any suggested pics you might have? http:// https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/StevenMcClureArt
  4. Got to say it’s an immense effort having sold all those POTY tickets - massive round of applause to all those that have dug deep - not a lot of spare cash going around [emoji106][emoji106]
  5. It’s not easy and everything right now is a balancing act really. I’m a furloughed worker right now, and if I’m not back at work in about 6 weeks, I don’t see how my employer can survive, and they are a large corporate uk wide business. Equally, my job involves customer contact, in their homes, up to 8 different ones each day. How is social distancing going to be implemented there? Who knows! The biggest problem I see with all that is going on is time. There is a limit on how long business and institutions can go on, doing nothing, earning nothing, without collapsing. There is the ticking clock to try and come up with a best guess solution regarding ‘treatment’ that can hopefully keep those out of ICU that contract the virus. Then you have the whole vaccine issue. Running along these you have the lack of mass scale testing, either for having the virus or for having had it. The closer we reach all of these is when we will see things scaling towards normality - but to me the major issue will be what will normality look like? Will it involve crowds - I don’t think so. The chat already is that pubs, clubs and restaurants will be the very last things to be relaxed - where people gather in a confined space. I’m hopeful that we will see some kind of football by the start of next year, but not holding my breath. Could Scottish football live stream games on a pay per view basis for a season? Would this be a middle ground and the best of a bad bunch? Imagining you could sort out testing for players, staff and support staff etc. Advertising could still be sold in some capacity. If clever, delivery services could set up a ‘match day pack’ which could see clubs sell merch, even food, for your club. Could sell half time draw tickets. The technology is there - could this be the new normality at least for a while?
  6. The point I'm trying to make is this. Why would government introduce lockdown and social distancing, night after night, address the nation to explain why they are doing it, and the importance of doing it - to then just stop it and risk another surge in infections / hospitilisations / deaths? Surely crowds at a football match will be near last on the list of acceptable 'gambles'? I honestly cannot see how a government can do so much to try to save lives, to then just let things run wild and take risks. I just hope and pray that the timelines are wrong for inoculation and it comes quicker than 18 months. I also hope that if you get it, that you 'are' then 'immune'. Please dont let it mutate. And please let it be wrong that animals are testing positive for it, and that there is no trans-species contractions. I think football is fucked unless it can find a way without physical crowds, for the next season. Can anyone realistically see a way that we will be back at Somerset in August 2020?
  7. Would any club let people into their ground when there is a chance of someone dying due to people converging for a football game? Would there not be a huge risk of the club being sued for negligence? Knowingly bringing people together while there is a killer global pandemic would surely be an ‘ambulance chasers’ dream! I tell you what - if we are let back into Somerset Park before 2021, I’ll pay everyone in [emoji106][emoji16]
  8. Would you happily contract the virus for the opportunity to watch a game of football? Maybe I’m old fashioned, but with a wife and a child, I’m not taking any chances of contracting a virus that ‘could’ put someone in a box. No thanks. If the turnstyles open and the club can guarantee me that nobody in the crowd has the virus - I’m there. Realistically, after what has happened so far, and the lockdown measures, how could you take the state seriously if they said,”f**k it, you can all go to the football now” with no blanket testing / vaccine. I think that clubs in Scotland would be best going into hibernation. That should safeguard the existence of the clubs themselves but shit for employees including players. Alternatively, all clubs should be looking at playing behind closed doors, with a Pay Per View / Season ticket option for fans. That way the games are played, the clubs keep going, the fans get to see the football and they pay their money. Please note, I may completely change my mind on all or some of the above by dinner time [emoji23]
  9. Sounds about right If ever there was an opportunity to shake things up ‘big time’ surely it is right here, right now!!
  10. Buzzin to see what he says. It could go either way. a) Cameron puts forward a compelling case and we see an increased top league and we are up into the promised land in my lifetime [emoji16][emoji106] b) Cameron bows out after 45 mins, realising that everyone else is a walloper! [emoji23][emoji30]
  11. I agree that we are diddies. Diddies that followed McCall, near and far, and loved the guy, the team he put together and the football they played. Diddies that have watched us all being right royally shafted by McCall, and Partick. Diddies that now watch the bonfire that you built, burn and smoulder to the ground.
  12. It would be absolutely rubbish if Inverness end up going up and Falkirk end up in the Championship with us - or worse still - Partick!
  13. Whole sorry episode absolutely stinks. An embarrassing joke of a tale, that you could not make up. Corrupt to the core.
  14. The powers that be don’t even know if you will be immune after having it / how many strains there are / why some people show absolutely NO symptoms yet spread it far and wide / young people with NO underlying health issues are DEAD. DEAD! Let that sink in everyone Fucking DEAD!!! Football is a pish stain compared to what is going on. We all miss it Will be nice if and when it comes back Until then PLEASE DO NOT PLAY WITH PEOPLES LIVES PS - are Patrick doon yet?
  15. Economic impact placated = more deaths Are we just seen as collateral damage now?
  16. I’ve read about, listened to and watched those that have had the virus and when it is nasty, it is very very nasty. Why would anyone consider taking a risk in catching it? Surely the country needs a test first, then everything else follows? Anything else would be playing Russian roulette
  17. Like a Turkish delight - or an ice pole - definitely not for sharing
  18. It’s all fucking apocalyptic no matter how you look at it. There simply is no good scenario. The world has changed, and it will take years to get any where normal again. Life as we knew it has gone. Only a vaccine can save us, society, and indeed, football.
  19. I quite like it - then again - cabin fever can affect you in many ways
  20. They have been placed on redundancy notice (90 days I think) including the manager, but not the players I believe.
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