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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Funniest bit earlier was the commentary team trying to convince each other we play better with 10 men
  2. Biggest riddies - multiple choice: a. Somerset Boab in 2023 b. Nutz the squirrel outed as a paedo c. Rolf Harris recording a song for Killie d. Queens Park’s new stand e. Our alternative strip being Killie’s training gear f. Bullen singing in the hub after Partick
  3. Shankland - the movie to be commissioned just as soon as he scores the last minute winner against England in the Euros final in Germany
  4. This whole season seems like a car crash in slow motion. We could see the oncoming truck when certain positions weren’t filled / replaced in the summer. We are on a collision course now that the manager can’t get a tune out of many of them. Teams around us have already pushed the big red button and jettisoned their managers in time for the next transfer window. While we seem to be closing our eyes and gripping even harder onto the steering wheel, inching ever closer to the inevitable.
  5. I don’t have the foggiest idea to be honest. Anyone who is not Bullen / Duffy / Hopkins / Hughes
  6. This should be such a hugely positive time for everyone concerned with Ayr United - a golden era with all the off field progress and once in a generation or two (or three) ground upgrades. All this though is sorely tempered by the inadequacies on the pitch and the dugout. I just hope that, fickle as us fans can be, that no lasting damage is done, but I would bet that we are not tapping into our potential at present - getting to the point where most of us can predict the sometimes farcical substitutions and outcomes of most games as they play out. We need our hope back this season, and I can’t see it coming under Bullen unfortunately.
  7. Sad to say it but we really need a rebuild - again. This one is clearly not working and the question about whether the manager is included in that I’m sure will be made in the next couple of matches. By my reckoning Bullen has two must win games coming up or I can see him being binned. The table looks scary, and the best we can hope for is pulling out a win every 3 games to keep our head above water, just. In my opinion, regardless how good or bad the table looks, we are in a relegation fight for sure this season and must act accordingly, before it’s too late.
  8. I think the most annoying thing about this season, and the squad, and the gaffer is that we are not losing goals / games to absolute worldy goals. It always seems to be basic errors that are our downfall. So basic that the vast majority of the support can see them unfold before our very eyes. Really really frustrating
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