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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. If we want to play with the big boys, in the big boy league, we need to pay for it. Some will, some won’t. For those that can, and more than can, why don’t we set up a separate support fund for those that are struggling. Maybe a ‘pay it forward’ type of thing where someone buys a season ticket, and then buys / sponsors a match day ticket for someone less fortunate.
  2. Quick Poll: Where do you stand / sit at Somerset? 1. Stand 2. North Terracing 3. Somerset Road End 4. Enclosure
  3. We’ve had our fair share of good / bad goalies over the years. Whoever we end up with, I’m sure the gaffer will have crunched the numbers and looked at all options. Hopefully we will be playing more up the other end of the pitch next season anyway.
  4. I’ve managed to raise over £100 so far for the AU500 fund with sales of the print of Somerset Park. I’ve got a 25% OFF code for today only, as a wee sweetener for taking part in the Handmade In Ayr virtual market. Code: 25OFF If you or anyone you know would like a print of the Somerset Park artwork, it’s still £5 from each sale to the AU500 fund even with the 25% off, so you can save a few bob while still contributing. You can get your hands on it here: http://www.stevenmcclureart.com It’s under the prints section Or here http://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/stevenmcclureart Cheers
  5. Let’s face it, we shouldn’t have a player like Harvie for more than a couple of years max. Getting better with each game, stand out in the league, international caps. If we can have them at all, for any length of time, and get some good game time out them, surely as a second tier club in Scotland that’s a positive. The club’s stock is on the rise because of players like Harvie, but also because they can get good moves for themselves off the back of it. Not many lifers with testimonials out there anymore. Excited with the new signings already!
  6. See, that’s where you are going wrong - otherwise normal people
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/22085474 Does that count as having no money [emoji4]
  8. Who is writing the script for Scottish Football? It’s absolutely nuts what is going on. One minute Dundee are doing fine, covered by insurance, now it panic stations, wage cuts and contracts potentially being ripped up. Dunfermline - no money, got money, spending money. Have they not got creditors to pay still? And why exactly did they dump those players that should have been furloughed in the scrap heap? Hearts and Thistle - need I say any more? Then the 3 defendants asking for a whip round to pay their legal fees. Hibs splashing cash while pleading poverty to their players. I don’t know about TV money, but the BBC or Netflix might be looking at all this for a box set of some kind. It’s like River City got shagged by Donald Trump!!!
  9. Do you think you would get as many as that in the stand? When you watch those social distancing in the stands on TV - English prem - looks like very few people in a huge space - and that’s supposed to be 2m apart. While it’s encouraging that the deaths are minimal (Scotland) it breaks your heart when you hear all these places having to go into a lockdown again across the globe. I’m sure I speak for most on here when saying we are desperate to go along and watch our team play, but would also hope that it doesn’t end up contributing to another lockdown - local or otherwise. I’m getting to the frustrating stage now and I’m really missing following my team. Must be tough for the players - anyone here spoken to any of them personally?
  10. Now that’s what you call investigative journalism - good digging my friend [emoji106]
  11. Watching Norwich v Man Utd - i’d fancy us against either side!
  12. Can the club organise a poll? Do they have an email mailing list? At least try and test the temperature out there amongst the majority of the fans who turn up each week - there could be surprises that would help the club make a tricky decision.
  13. His thumb is fine at least - followed me back on Instagram today [emoji106] That’s 12 prints sold so far troops £60 for the AU500 pot so far
  14. Still, when he is on his game, he can thread balls through to Luke and Craig like no other, hopefully
  15. 8 prints sold so far (£40 for the AU500 fund so far) Preference definitely leaning towards colour print with black mount!
  16. This is a brilliant point, and indeed points to where we should be aiming for. For too long we ended up with scraps, but improving, evolving and growing the club was never going to be quick. I think we’ve come a long way in a short period of time (hats off to McCall for his part). We are beginning to get the reputation as somewhere there is: - A good dressing room - A good style of play for all the ballers out there - A better and growing ‘back office’ ‘back room’ - A better off field with sponsorship, shop, ticketing and communication from the club. There will always be the money issue for paying players, which will always be a large percentage of any players decision at this level. But, we are heading in the right direction, to attract the better players, to be able to get players to commit to longer contracts etc. We need to be an established Championship team to keep building, and that takes time. We are going forward though, still not easy, but as long as we keep improving off the park, we will improve on it.
  17. I have trust in the management team and the board. We have been perennial rebuilders for a long time, but our success of late has brought its disadvantages with so many players of quality moving onwards and upwards (Doc aside). To a degree we have carried our luck but also it has been earned, by those that have filled the voids left. However, my ‘worry’ and its only slight, is that our luck might run out. Where my ‘confidence’ comes from is a belief that the management team will be looking everywhere to put the pieces of the jigsaw together. Don’t know about anyone else, but I’d be delighted if we are mulling around that top 4 again this season. I’d be happy with mid-table considering the squad position / age at present.
  18. Feels a bit of a blow, but can understand the top league thing. Hope he does well.
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