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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Jobby's jobs for the boys. He is good at spending other people's money. Think Thistle should really sort out his club gear though!
  2. Kerr and the club need to be ruthless too. If you are not 100% committed, go, get them out. Margins are too tight in this league to be carrying any passengers, or anyone who is not giving 100%.
  3. I know this is all part of football, but when it's a club in the same league, they can just f**k right off. Dead to me now.
  4. That is absolutely fantastic to hear. So many managers just wouldn't admit it, and stick with their 'philosophy' but we have a style of play that works in this league - stick to it, and we will win more than we lose and look attractive in the process.
  5. We need to play the 'Ayr way' (can't believe I have actually typed that, but you know what I mean). It has worked against every team in this league (except for the Highlanders).
  6. When Mark Kerr was installed, I think we all hoped that the continuity in personnel would see the same in play style and results. I don't think we are seeing this. I'm sure he has his own ideas, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. He had (and still has) an excellent opportunity to keep with what was working, and tinker with what wasn't (ie, a plan B when the weather turns to shit) under McCall. I really hope for his sake, and ours, that he goes back to basics as it actually looked like we had a style of play and identity about us that other teams genuinely feared.
  7. Who was all on Inverness at the bookies? Joking aside, it's still early days, but the signs are a bit worrying under Kerr. Hopefully he can turn it around. If we drop out the top 4, the knives will be out from a lot of our support.
  8. In an ideal world, admission would be standardised across the league / leagues. Whether it is an app, prepaid printed tickets or cash. That way EVERYONE would know what THEY have to do to get into a football match. Wouldn't it be great to have one card / app that allows you into every ground - just as long as its topped up. Anyway, what a time to be an Ayr fan!!! I mean, we have had to suffer some amount of shit to get here, so get a smile on your face as it never lasts forever. Is it Saturday yet? How many do you think we will take down on Saturday - 400? 500?
  9. What are the chances of McCall getting the sack before the end of the season. I'm sure he will be given the January window to try and work his magic with a few signings, but if results keep slipping, how long would he get? Or is he there for the long run, even if relegated? Someone asked me at the weekend if we would take McCall back if he got the sack - hence the question.
  10. Well done Ayr - big win against the 'ton
  11. John Robertson has certainly been fluttering his eyelashes at us for a wee while now. Might be one for the Somerset hot seat at some point in the future?
  12. Inverness, all around the park, were fast, skillfull and strong. They had an game plan, and executed it perfectly today. We have a small team, and are never going to win any of the man on man physical battles with a side like that. We had a number if chances and the scoreline could have been very different, without too many grumbling. We really had to score first today. There were quite a few 'clever' niggles and a bit of 'gamesmanship' going on all over the park, and that shows well drilled 'game management'. All-in-all, it was closer than the scoreline shows, but Inverness fans must be pleased with that team. They really look like they would run through a brick wall, and seem like a team of captains. Wish we had some big, hardy b*****ds!! Onwards and upwards. 8 games in and joint top of the league - I'll take it!!
  13. Team needs us big time tomorrow, both ends open so get in there. Can't wait now. Excellent chance to try and get a result against one of our bogey teams of late.
  14. Shhhhhh! Don't let Dunfermline hear that one!!!
  15. I just want to comment on the attitude and comments of the Arbroath fans on here. Pure class. That first half today was sublime from our point of view and in no way fully expected, but was always achievable. Like many, one of my favourite away days and glad you guys are in this league with us. Sincerely all the best for the rest the season. First half - sublime Second half - foot off the gas
  16. On my way up for this one. Going to be 10 mins late. Could someone kindly pause it for me till I get there. Cheers.
  17. I don't see anyone being 'loyal' to McCall. He has fucked off and left them after all. Money, however, is a motivator at this level, as we all know. Why did that Largs millionaire b*****d not support Ayr ffs!!! Did he not dump his wife? Probably blowing his wad on hookers with big Calvin and his bitcoins.
  18. This, 100% Not so much a stitch-up, more of strategy. Probably involving all parties involved. Fair play to them all, just stings being on the losing end of it. On a positive note, the only thing that I can see changing is if McCall taps up any of our squad, other than that, I can see us doing really well again, up to winter. After that, it will all come down to recruitment and retaining. Still buzzing for the season ahead. Also, will be some games against Thistle. I can see them getting a bit nasty, a few reds and a right bit of needle in them. Thistle, the new Airdrie / Killie lite
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