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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. Monster would chew them up and shit out four £100 notes like a robotic ATM machine. Top man.
  2. I've thought about those 'car watching' wee fuckers often and came up with a plan. Ned asks you if you want your car watched, say yes and that if he's there at the end of the match you'll give him an extra fiver for doing a good job. If Ned is stupid enough to be there (Probable) take your initial payment back off him and drive home happy in the knowledge that you just done a wee tinks mither out of 10 Lambert & Butler.
  3. Shy, Sober. Same thing as far as I'm concerned. I've been in enough trouble over the past 6 months anyway.
  4. I was laughing at the text you sent Philpy when he texted you about the Orange walk. I had a wee burst of 'Hail Hail' and then realised that those neanderthals would probably not think twice about kicking my c**t in. LM is a wee hotty. If I was single I'd have gotten reekin and asked her if she fancied a wee jaunt to the bogs. Cause I'm classy. B)
  5. My legs are still sore from my 'exertions' at the 5's. I also have a bruise under my knee from where the un-named Weans World player kung-fu'd me.
  6. The neighbours call us 'The Snobby neighbours' based on Carol being well spoken, us having a big t.v. and driving a Mercedes. I'm posh as f**k man. B)
  7. The guy that did the M.O.T said that he thought that the sensor in the brakes was faulty as we told him that the warning light was coming on before he took the car in. I wouldnt be surprised if he didnt even bother looking at the car.
  8. £220 to fix my brake discs, replace brake pads and fit a new back tire to my car. Plus M.O.T stations that dont even realise that your car is nearly braking metal to metal.
  9. *Wipes brow, puts ad for penis pump (only used once) on Ebay and removes tights from head as bank wont need robbed any more.*
  10. In the three years that we have nearly been together she is well ahead of me in terms of erm.... finishing first. I like witty, intelligent girls and Carol is both and pretty too. What the f**k she is doing with me I dont know, I dont have loads of cash or a porn star sized tadger!
  11. Strangely enough all that carry-on has made the two of us really appreciate what we have and made us realise that we were both guilty of taking each other for granted. We get on great now!
  12. Queens of the Stone Age - Sick Sick Sick. Brilliant mental tune.
  13. Ok Lyn-Marie, I see what you're trying to hint towards but I'm actually back in the good books at home. It would have been fun too. Sorry.
  14. Spiderman 3. Fucking brilliant, Venom is shit hot and even the Sandman character is quite good. Some genuinely funny parts too. 8/10.
  15. When did you lose your job Bowie? I mind you saying that it was pretty imminent.
  16. Back to work tonight. Does anyone know of any well paid dayshift jobs on the go?
  17. There's nothing worse. My PTTGOYN, Working tomorrow but on the plus side I'm then off until next Thursday.
  18. Fair enough RiG. I just get pissed off at the level of abuse that heads Neilly's way, he's a top man, admittedly daft at times but he wouldnt do anyone any harm. Everyone that I know who knows Neil all think the world of the boy.
  19. Maybe he realised that it was a wee bit out of order and decided to delete the post? Or am I giving Philpy too much credit. If it had been anyone else that posted what he did there probably wouldnt have been anything else said about it.
  20. Apologies if I shouldnt be posting this but I was told of the site www.tv-links.co.uk last night where there is a reasonable version of Spiderman 3 amongst other movies and general t.v. things. Not perfect quality on Spiderman 3 but probably watchable.
  21. I expected Borat to be shite but I gave it a chance and was pissing myself laughing almost all the way through.
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