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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. I got my current job partly through a telephone interview but all others that I've had since then I've just crumbled. I get pissed off as I feel if an interview was face to face my natural confidence would prevail but over the telephone I dont really feel that people can gauge what you're like.
  2. I love my job at Sky, it's just that I need a dayshift and there are never any dayshifts available in the small dept that I'm in. Anyway, good luck with the permanent position interview and hopefully you wont be in this thread with a job related nag.
  3. I have a telephone interview at 10:45 am on Friday for a job with HBoS. I'll be in this thread at 10:50 am on Friday moaning about how I fucked said telephone interview up.
  4. I have to work tomorrow therefore the chance to go to the pub with my auld man to watch the Scotland game is right out the window. On the plus side I'm off on Wednesday for the Georgia game. Anyone have a decent paid dayshift job for me?
  5. He was bad enough that Pete had to tell a woman with a small child to stay away from that general direction. He was conscious though as he was screaming really high pitched and shouting about why the car was on the pavement. Hope he's ok.
  6. Not petty at all but yesterday my son and his grandad were very nearly in a serious accident. Pete had taken him for a walk up to Homebase in Kirkcaldy and after coming out he walked straight across the zebra crossing while the guy that was behind him in the queue went to put his trolley back. A Renault Megane apparently went shooting over the crossing and hit the guy who went to put his trolley back. The guy was knocked into the air and was obviously in a lot of pain while the car sat and over-revved whilst stuck on a bollard. Pete said if he was 20 seconds sooner, he and the wee man would have been in the cars road and would have been hit. The older lady driving the car was suspected to have pressed the accelerator rather than the brake!
  7. Didnt take you long to get into the Glasgow way of life. Seriously though, good luck with the job search. There's a Sky call centre in Paisley if you need a wee stop gap with decent wages.
  8. Did one dude not start a thread thanking Gaz for getting him free cash? Expect he'll be on this thread soon. Either that or he'll start a thread along the lines of 'Those Nigerians are getting smarter'.
  9. Champions league tonight and tomorrow. I love the Champions league and support the OF like I'm one of them but I have to sort problems with Champions League Live Streaming or Live Screaming as we call it. Do these people calling up not know that I'm trying to watch the match that they are having problems with? How selfish can you get?
  10. I can relate to that. Some aspects of my job are fantastic like being able to watch the football or go on the internet but half the people that call in are totally stupid. Call I had last night regarding customer signing up for popular product on her digibox involved her going into the Interactive option then pressing a few buttons to take her to the correct option. I listened to her attempting this and it was obvious she had pressed the wrong buttons but didnt want to say incase she sounded stupid. I asked her, "What option are you in on the system?" and she replied that she was in the living room. I had to put her on mute so I could laugh. My Merc isnt a big flashy number but it cost me £500 to get it serviced a couple of months back. I like driving it but I dont like paying for it!
  11. Good idea! We could also utilise junkies. Tell the useless b*****ds that if they find the kid they'll be 'sorted' for the remainder of their lives. She'd be found in no time.
  12. Good luck if you try for them. I think I made an arse of my phone interview. I was pretty gutted as the wages are between £20,000-£25,000!
  13. I thought you were quite bright too Adam. Get her pimped oot man! Hays the recruitment consultant are employing a number of folk at the mo by the way. Lyn-Marie would probably have the qualifications for that would she no'?
  14. The best things come to those who wait LM, just make sure you get it right up them when you do leave.
  15. Aye, lets get them on the Trisha show. She lie detects everybody! It's in her contract that she cant be further away than 10ft from a lie detector.
  16. I was a whoosh virgin till then so jumped in with both feet.
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