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Posts posted by ShaggerG

  1. 1 hour ago, Bairn in Exile said:

    Strange. @Roboccop joined my year at school when he moved up from England and he had a very strong Brummie accent and he was an Aston Villa supporter.

    Here's a question; there was a guy who used to wander around Denny (who I think was English) wearing a top hat and tails and carrying a cane. Is it the same person? Time line would be about right. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    I’m more than happy if he starts with Yeats at right back tbh. His performances last season merit him getting the opportunity to consolidate the position a level up.

    For the first time for years I 150% trust our management team to make the correct decisions.

    Absolutely. As I say, he's been great and completely deserves the right to start. I just hope I'm worrying for nothing.

  3. 1 minute ago, PedroMoutinho said:

    Brilliant to get Tait signed up- a player with real quality.

    We have the basis of a really good squad to compete now. Think one more centre half and striker could really allow us to push for the top end of the league.

    This is not going to be popular, however, I'm still a little concerned about the RB situation. Young Finn's great, but I do think he may struggle a bit a league up and, although the reports are very good, we don't know if Adams will be able to make the step up. Morton have just signed Ballantyne from Airdrie; I'd have been happy to take him because he's predominantly a RB but can play anywhere across the back, which would have given us back-up for more than one position.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Bainsfordbairn said:


    He signed for us a few weeks back, and was.a Bairn at the time HSW posted. 

    There were reasons why the announcement was delayed so long. Let’s just put it down to professional courtesy from FFC.


    Wow, well done to everyone for keeping it under wraps. That's what I get for not going to the supermarket!

  5. 21 minutes ago, 60`s bairn said:

    I remember it too as it was the first time I had seen us play in anything other than a combination of Navy Blue, red and white. When I picture it I see "Joe McCallan" wearing it so I`m figuring around 77/78?

    I visualise Wilson Hoggan in it, so I'm thinking it would be in his 2nd spell with us whenever that was?

  6. 1 minute ago, Reggie Perrin said:

    Older players are always a risky signing.

    McGinn was quite superb for us initially but once injuries took there toll there was a huge drop off in performance levels when he was available to play.


    Good that he got a wee run of games at the end of last season but a pale shadow of the player we signed.

    I saw him limping quite badly after the Montrose game. Guy will probably have trouble for the rest of his life. 


  7. 2 minutes ago, CountryBumpkin said:

    I liked Lang, has the potential to be a very good defender if he ever manages to cut out the "win the ball at every opportunity" mentality that sees him regularly plough straight through the back of defenders and giving away stupid fouls. Sometimes its better to let the opposition get the ball and close out their options when they have it. It makes him quite a bit easier to play against as a forward when you know you're going to get a few decisions from the referee due to stupidity.

    Sure you're not thinking of Sean Mackie?

  8. 21 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    Certainly isn't a level playing field but it's allowed because it's queen's park. Haughey and lawell are the main players in Scottish football and if they say it's ok then it's ok. Why were queens park given so much money for a stadium they couldn't afford to run and paid nothing into it's regeneration when they were originally offered £1 for it. Why was haughey allowed to arrange the loan that the sfa got to pay queen's park for Hampden. Why having sold it are queen's park now allowed to play back at Hampden in a one sided deal. I mean Scotland training at Hampden once in a blue moon is going to damage the pitch far less than queens park playing there every second week. The whole thing is dodgy as feck and yet noone seems to raise an eyebrow. 

    Not if they lay an artificial pit...     Oh!

  9. 36 minutes ago, Shodwall cat said:

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm more than happy with our starting centrebacks. One is 26 and one is 29.  I don't see it as an area where we should be giving  a 34 year old a 3 year deal. We need an extra body in there as cover of course but a 3 year deal no chance.

    That's 2 36 year olds and a 31 year old in raiths defence next season . Should be interesting.

    Bearing in mind that both Mackie and Henderson can play CB too, I wouldn't be surprised if young Sinclair is included the squad for cover rather than signing anyone else.

  10. 22 hours ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    Don't think anyone actually signs anything off.  

    Both Motherwell kits last season were claret and amber.  Celtic always put out a green away kit.  Quite a few times last season teams had to wear previous seasons away kits to avoid clashes.

    And I've seen goalkeepers kits that are basically the same as the opposition kit loads of times in recent seasons.  

    And some times goalie shirts that are very similar to their own team's kit, which pisses me off TBH. Livingston springs to mind.

  11. 16 minutes ago, 60`s bairn said:

    Yes, the wee man was fond of a confrontation or two.


    He could have battered them all, including Sammy!

    One memory of wee Paddy was having a penalty awarded against him at Ibrox when he put his hand on Kris Boyd's back. No push, no force, he just touched him and down Boyd went.

    Penalty tae Ranjurs!!


  12. 7 minutes ago, Double Jack D said:

    Watch out for the "in McGlynn we trust" culture....

    Just sayin.

    The guy's got his deficiencies, no doubt about that. He struggled at times, season before last, to change things when needed and has made a few glaring f**k ups like the selection at Edinburgh when we scraped a draw and playing McCann at RB v Kelty. No manager gets things right 100% of the time though so I'm happy to see how he reacts to the inevitable adversity when it appears next season. We're obviously not going to go through the season unbeaten while blowing teams away and things are going to be a lot more difficult so he'll have to give some thought to how he's going to handle this. (Which I'm sure he is.)

    In the meantime we've just got to have some faith and trust.

  13. 16 hours ago, Nightmare said:

    This won’t be the most detailed explanation ever, but I’ll give a brief synopsis.

    It dates back to when our old board sold off the city end of the ground, where the purchasers of the land were planning on building a small stand & attached office space. The old terracing was then bulldozed before planning permission was even granted for this new project. Planning permission was then refused, and we’ve been sat looking at a hideous grassy mound / scaffolding ever since.

    The city end is now back in the hands of the club, thankfully. So at some point I’m sure get it sorted, but it’s quite low down the list of priorities for the club at this point.

    ETA - to answer the other part of the question, this end was sold and the terrace demolished in the late 2000s iirc. The land was only returned to the club a few years ago.

    Be sure to check with Doncaster and the Bigot Brothers before building a stand, it may not be to their liking!

  14. 28 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Commercially, if any club is going to move a season ticket holder from his seat. Then it should be written into the terms and conditions when the season ticket is bought. Then the individual has no cause to complain and, it is clear to the club what their responsibilities are regarding an alternative seating arrangement. With maybe a token of appreciation showing the fan has not been taken for granted.

    Keep the Customer Satisfied and they'll come back.

    It's a friendly.

  15. 21 minutes ago, McGuigan1978 said:

    Because players like Luke Connell, Will Gillingham and Aaron Darge would be on less money than the players in your squad. 

    That's probably true, but, like me, I assume that you have no idea of the inner workings of Cove's finances, so there's no chance that you can claim that there was 'no chance' that their budget was lower than ours.

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