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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Nearly shat myself there! Lassie on the STV news just announced that, 'after leading Keltie Hearts to L2, Barry Ferguson has left to............ ...........become manager of Alloa'.
  2. Starting to worry that it may be Duffy or Rae now!
  3. I agree. Hall's more of a 'disaster waiting to happen' type rather than being consistently bad. Let's hope that he's back-up if he stays rather than a fist pick though.
  4. Ok Shadwell, explain to me how they 'screwed up' the Rice approach and then decided that Sheerin is 'suddenly the right man for the job'.
  5. I'm not suggesting that you have an axe to grind - far from it- but there are folk that post on here that seem to have turned against the club or, as I say, are making mischief. Some of the stuff that I'm reading is starting to turn previously rational posters into angry men and woman. Look at the stuff regarding Paul Sheerin for example. I fail to see how the BOD can be blamed for someone that the fans don't rate applying for the job but thatis apparently all of the board's fault. I'm no apologist for them, we most certainly need change and new blood with fans who have the best interests of the club to get involved, but we need to keep a sense of perspective. Some posters would be shouting the odds at the BOD because the cleaner had forgotten to clean the last bog in the row!
  6. That's what the guy's saying to be fair. I completely understand why folk feel the way they do at the moment (me included) but to suggest that the BOD don't want the club to do well is just daft. I have no knowledge at all of the workings of the board, or who they do or don't answer to, but I'm pretty sure that SA and MR didn't invest expecting to make a profit, or at least not a substantial one. There are folk on here who I'm sure will have more inside information than me but there are a fair few who I feel have an axe to grind or, in some cases, are just trolling and trying to piss everyone off. Can anyone comment on whether SA or MR (or others) have put money in expecting no return to pay for certain expenses? Things like the McKinnon debacle or paying players, managers etc off?
  7. Could've been. I may have been at the bog when that happened.
  8. I honestly don't remember Marcus Haber ever having at effort at goal!
  9. Martin Rennie for me but that's as realistic a shout as McInnes or Robinson. From the names mentioned I'm warming to a Stuart Taylor/Peter Grant combo for some reason.
  10. Me neither. He's managed one team and got them relegated. He's got a kind of haunted demeanor too.
  11. I know that you know who DF is. Do you think that DF knows that I know that you know who DF is? I think so.
  12. You're talking to yourself Duncan. Never a good look.
  13. I can think of a few posters who would be desperate for him to sign so that they could boo him if he failed. Boo.
  14. I'm not sure that it does confirm it tbh. Nothing wrong anyway in sounding out possible targets as well as inviting applications.
  15. How do you know that we'd approached McCann?
  16. What names would you like to see? Robinson? McInnes? Neil? Gerrard? Klop? Jock Stein? Aye, there are some of the usual suspects on there, some of whom probably haven't even applied, but there are one or two less predictable names there too like Holden, Taylor and O'Donnell who, again, probably haven't applied. I don't think we can realistically expect to see any up and coming guys who have already achieved anything decent being in the frame so the level of candidates that have been mentioned is probably what we're going to end up with.
  17. I thought Robertson was back at Inverness? McCann was only there while he was on compassionate leave.
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