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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Agree with your first sentence completely. I thought it best to retain them while we were well clear at the top as, although we were shit, we were the best shit in the league and I didn't see any point in binning them at the time. Hindsight's a great thing though and, as it turned out, I was wrong. I don't think we should bin all of the squad though, I think there are several players, i.e. Mutch, Dixon, Kelly, Morrison, Connolly, Keena and possibly Alston & Dowds that could do a job for us next season, if not as starters then as part of the squad. Would also give us some continuity which, as we've discovered in recent seasons, can be quite important.
  2. Well, let's face it Shadwell, it would be a major shock to (most) of the rest of us if you were!
  3. FWIW Taylor's been assistant a few clubs and managed in his own right at Limerick in Ireland for a season so he does have some experience.
  4. No way should he have been sent off for that. He should have been arrested before the ref had the chance!
  5. Just how good were Thistle last night anyway? I notice they only had 3 efforts on target, albeit that it looks like they should all have counted. Were they much better than Dumbarton?
  6. Thing is though is that I think it's important to have some sort of continuity. All of those that I mentioned I think could do a job in the right circumstances. I'd be happy to keep them as back-up.
  7. For me it would be Mutch, Dixon, Telfer, Connolly and Keena. Possibly Kelly, Alston, Morrison and Dowds. I think Keena would score loads if given the right service, Kelly could do us a turn (don't think he's ever been fully fit), and Alston and Dowds could be useful squad players. I don't think Morrison's as good as most make out but I'd keep him if he would stay although I believe he has a clause in his contract allowing him to go if we don't get up? If we kept that core we'd need to bring in another 12 or so that would be considered starters in the main.
  8. Although we've been shit all season we do appear to have become even shitier since Holt arrived. If the rumours are true that he's already having an input in team affairs, I can't see how he's suddenly going to change things now. Add that to the injury and suspension situation and we've surely got next to no chance of getting up?
  9. Can't see them approaching a manager that's under contract due to the compensation that would have to be paid as well as the cost of getting rid of M&M.
  10. Don't think Miller will start. Given our injury and suspension issues I'd think it'll be - Mutch Mercer, G Miller, McClelland, Sneddon Morrison, Alston, Leitch, Laverty Keena, Fotheringham Cantley, Kelly, Miller, Sammon and anybody else that I've forgotten that aren't either injured or suspended.
  11. There's no justification at all for allowing them to take the team V Peterhead. We may scrape a win which may keep us top of the league but there is no way that we're going to blow them away then proceed to do the same to the rest after the split. It's more likely that we'll be off top spot tomorrow evening and the BOD would then have to act (surely?) by letting Holt and Fergus take the team. Why wait? Do it now and get rid.
  12. Aye, I've never felt so disillusioned with Falkirk. We'll need major investment to get up because I reckon season ticket sales could easily half next season. I think I may start to go to the pub on a Saturday instead before wandering up to Ochilview to take in some of the game and a post match pint in the Wee bar.
  13. Absolutely fuckin horrific. They must go NOW!!
  14. Think I'll buy this now out of curiosity.
  15. If Telfer's out I think we'll see Gary Miller in the middle with Gomis with Sammon dropped and Keena forced to do the headless chicken routine up front on his own. It's obviously a crucial game for Cove too so they're likely to come at us which will leave gaps in behind that would be tailor made for Sammon to turn the central defenders. Don't think M&M will see it that way though.
  16. If they bring in Gomis, they'll drop Sammon.
  17. So you think we should have signed a keeper that would have challenged him for his place?
  18. I don't think that they'll want to put a teenager directly up against Goodwillie, which is probably why McLelland didn't start. If we're taking Durnan off then I'd prefer Deveney coming on and Dixon moving to CB.
  19. Don't know if anyone else noticed but I'm sure there were a couple of passages of play where we actually played some good football? Maybe I'm hallucinating? We haven't had a failure so far. Sammon is an atrocious footballer but he's proving to be a right nuisance and the Clyde defenders are struggling to cope with him. Alston and Telfer have both been very industrious too with both playing well. I just hope that the missed chances don't come back to bite us.
  20. I don't disagree however, on the assumption that last night was not their final game I would have hoped that the BOD would give them the ultimatum V Clyde.
  21. You said 'there's always one more game' which suggests that there will, err, always be one more game.
  22. No, there's not 'one more game' because I said that they should be away if they don't win the next one, not the one after that, or the one after that, or the one... FWIW I'd be quite happy if they don't get the chance to take us V Clyde because things have gone too far now. I was previously of the mind that I'd let them shitfest us to the title because I think a change would have been a dangerous thing to get right (still would be) but I now think that we're in a downward spiral that will be hard to turn around and it's likely that we'll now lose the title if we persist with them. Who we bring in is a big question too but, whoever it is, should only be in place for the remainder of the season.
  23. I think Clyde will beat us on Saturday as they seem to be playing quite well at the moment. I would also hope that M&M have been told that they're history if we don't win it.
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