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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Pure conjecture on my part but I think that M&M were appointed as a short-term solution. Subsequently they achieved some success and deserved to take things further with a new deal. I'm sure if they hadn't been given that extension that many people would've been (quite rightly) pretty unhappy at the time, especially given the previous two clusterfuck appointments. I would also suggest that they would be told: 'this is the figure we have to pay a management team' and that it would be considerably less that McKinnon and Taylor were on. I can't think why the club would insist on them being joint managers either and that's probably something that they decided between themselves. This would give them both some experience and standing of being manager rather than coach or assistant and would give them each a better chance of a permanent position elsewhere. I think it's reasonable to assume that we would get better this season, not worse, but, as we know, the football since has been pretty dire. I wouldn't get shot of them right now though.
  2. I've noticed that you don't seem to have the same affection for the club, based on your posts on here. You were usually quite positive but seem to be the opposite now Any particular reason?
  3. That's a pity. I was hoping they just thought he was pish and we could get him on loan!
  4. I assume that Jakubiak's injured? Doesn't seem to have ben mentioned.
  5. Completely agree. However, Jack Ross was once the manager of Sunderland and I know for a fact that Jurgen Klopp went there once. I think he's already realised that he's taken Liverpool as far as he can and would relish a new challenge. Plus, some parts of Germany are quite like Scotland...
  6. I've no idea either. If testing was a lot more expensive to begin with though then that would presumably answer the question re testing straight away? Even at, say, £50 a time though then you're looking at well over a grand a week if only testing once. That's an expense that every lower league club would want to avoid and many couldn't afford.
  7. Was that not at the start though? I've seen quotes on here claiming that testing is now very much cheaper. Could be a lot of pish of course.
  8. How much are they being paid as a matter of interest?
  9. The guy's been supporting his team for 60 years and has never seen football being forced to close down before. Of course people die from all sorts of shit every year, that's life (and death), but society usually does all it can to prevent this through medical care etc. There is absolutely no point in 'just' existing, we need to have some quality of life, however, if we don't do all we can to prevent the spread of Covid, then that's exactly what we will be doing for a long time to come! If this means that we can't restart the leagues after the shutdown, then so be it. You're right, plenty of people die of flu each year but they don't tend to be queuing up in the hospital car park to do it! Assuming that the vaccine can cope with the new strains then the majority of folk in the old and vulnerable groups should be vaccinated by the end of February, that, I would think will allow some of the restrictions to be progressively lifted, which may include not only football restarting, but fans being allowed back too at some level.
  10. I'm sure he'll be a shoo-in when Robertson joins Barca!
  11. I would imagine that there's a sell on deal involved, which I think means that we've only two potential sums to come from the possible sales of Fulton and Tony Gallagher?
  12. Aye, it was Smith himself that declared that he was the main man. Pressley signed him on the back of a good performance for Ayr v Farid. I think (may be wrong) that his first game playing alongside Flynn was away to Partick. Neither of them had a clue what to do.
  13. Chris Smith held the defence together that season.
  14. Flynn had a terrific attitude, that's about it. I remember us taking centre, the ball getting knocked back to Jonny who proceeded to play it right across the park and out for a throw about 10 yards from our corner flag!
  15. Aye, might have been nice if they'd picked up the phone to tell the lower league clubs what they were doing before they read about it on P&B though. Imagine what would have happened if they'd done that to Sevco & Sellic? 'Oh aye, you're not playing for the next three weeks. Sorry, completely forgot to let you know'...
  16. Aye, he was at ICT before us (with Butcher maybe) but was punted due to his shenanigans, came to us and was a bomb scare, then did similar at Dundee. When you think of the different types of managers that had him, he didn't respond to any of the different management styles. Always thought that he wasn't cut out for football.
  17. Roberts was a very good player IMO, very pacey with a fantastic shot and could finish. Don't think I've seen a player with a poorer temperament though. That incident with the ice bucket at Alloa was unreal, however, given his track record, it was entirely predictable. Everybody could see it coming except Holt himself. Edit to say that I remember Rakish Bingham doing something outrageous with the ball just minutes into his debut and thinking 'we've got a right good player here'. He then proceeded to do absolutely feck all for the remainder of his time with us.
  18. Got a job on the Railways. Think it was with the company that was installing the electric lines.
  19. Not a chance it'll only be 3 weeks though, or, at least, it certainly shouldn't be.
  20. Anyway...anyone know what the score was tonight?
  21. Yea, that's why I put vulnerable in inverted commas. I probably didn't explain myself very well.
  22. Aye, as vaccinations increase restrictions should slowly be lifted (hopefully) as the strain on the NHS should ease. The problem with the new strain though is that, as we know, it's spreading more quickly but is also affecting the younger generation to a much greater effect. I think part of the problem with people not following the rules is that most didn't know anybody that had caught it so it was something that 'wouldn't happen to them'. Personally, I knew of a couple of people that had it, were ill, but survived and are fine. However, since the easing of restrictions over the holidays, I now know of 10 people in my wider family who have it, all are under 60, 2 of them early fifties with the rest 20's or 30's. One of them is very ill in hospital, another phoned for an ambulance but was told the symptoms weren't severe enough yet (couldn't breath and had nothing to eat for days) and another very ill at home. The ambulance took nine hours to turn up to take the hospitalised one in! There is no doubt that the young are now entering the 'vulnerable' group at a much greater rate and the thing is running riot! The NHS simply can't cope and we need to go full lock down NOW or we're going to have folk suffering in hospital car parks! I really couldn't give a f**k whether Falkirk are promoted as champions or the season's null and void, ALL football should be stopped right now IMO!
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