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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Connolly would start in place of Alston for me. Telfer was excellent in the middle on Saturday and shouldn't be played wide IMO.
  2. Despite missing the 1st third of the season I still reckon that Keena will easily be our top scorer. I think they're likely to try Sammon & Keena together, if for no other reason that they've not really played together so far and they'll want to see if it works. I agree that Dowds will score a few for us though.
  3. Hope you're right! (Hopefully even more than 6)
  4. Telfer seems to have been hampered by being constantly played out of position, not just with us but over a lot of his career. His passing was great today, he definitely has the vision and skill to open a defence. I don't think it should be a choice between Telfer & Morrison, as they're very different players who should be playing in different positions, but Telfer and Alston. I like Morrison for his enthusiasm, pace and willingness to take defenders on but I don't think he's just quite as good as most folk think. I wonder if defenders are starting to suss him out as I thought he was pretty anonymous today. Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted that we've got him, but I wonder if we're putting too much pressure on the lad?
  5. As far as the game went, I thought Mutch made the one save that he had to, the defence was solid, (Hall looks much better beside Dixon), Gomis was good and Telfer and Connelly were excellent. Dowds played quite well and Sammon put in a lot of effort.
  6. I was just going to post that. I thought they played OK in patches and, although we deserved the win, there wasn't three goals in the game for me.
  7. Aye, Celtic's goal was offside. Clark couldn't dive as effectively as he could because Griffiths was next to him, and therefore interfering with play.
  8. There were a few wrong options taken too when, with the correct pass, we would probably have scored. Sammon should have laid the ball off to Morrison instead of shooting in the 2nd half and, ironically, should have done the same thing with his goal! My internet was fucked so I missed the fist half hour but, from comments on here, it looks like Dowds did the same thing a few times?
  9. They've not done anything wrong mate, apart from not winning every game by three or four (at least!)
  10. I think it's very unfair if we're made to play Montrose as well as Peterhead TBH.
  11. At the moment we don't have a striker that looks like scoring regularly, so I wouldn't be averse to playing one at top because I think an extra midfielder in there would give us more goals, as things stand. Different when Keena gets back. I'd be tempted to play Leitch as support for Dowds because he actually looks like he might score when he gets a decent chance, unlike Sammon or Francis. Ideally, it would be Miller up front but I assume he couldn't last a full 90?
  12. Rodgers was loved by Dumbarton fans as far as I can remember, I'm sure he was their player of the year. It was Mutch who was slaughtered by Dumbarton as well as Arbroath fans because he was on loan there too.
  13. I agree with that. Re the 1st goal, yes Durnan slipped/stumbled but made a complete hash of trying to head the ball in the first place. Looking at the FTV highlights it looks like PJ just meekly watches the ball roll past him, making no effort to get to it, but the angle shown by PS shows that Defoe puts it right in the corner, giving the keeper no chance. Looked like a fluke on the telly but I'm sure it was intentional given the quality the guy has. No keeper was getting to that free kick either, no matter where the wall was or what his positioning was. I agree that Mutch should be in as we're trying to get the guy into the shop window. He's a good goalie but I wish he'd cut out trying to prove how good he is with the ball at his feet! There's been a couple of high profile mistakes made and he got off with one recently when he tried to chip the ball over an attackers head, knocked it straight up in the air instead and had to head it clear. Just do the simple things Robbie and you'll be fine. If we do manage to sell Mutch, I'd be happy if we were able to get PJ in to replace him too.
  14. He'll be meaning that Miller won't be available because of covid.
  15. I think both Partick & Dunfermline fans will tell you that he's not very good at defending. He does seem to be okay in an attacking sense though so, if we were going to play with wing backs, then I think he'd be a good option.
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