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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. I think it's turned out to be a pointless signing, however I don't think he'd have been signed at all if we'd known that we were going to get Kelly. As far as the lad himself is concerned, I think he's looked quite capable in the few cameos that he's had, looks quite composed on the ball. Maybe he could be a possible option for wide left when Connolly's not available?
  2. I agree. I don't see Francis getting much of a look in at all once Keena is back, so it would be best to get him out on loan to let us hopefully get someone in that can challenge Keena for a place.
  3. Exactly right. McKinnon started him in midfield in his last game and there he stayed where he barely put a foot wrong for the rest of the season. Like a lot of others he's just not been at it this season at all so far, but I'm struggling to work out how the fans knew he was no good 13 months ago!? FWIW, I think I'd probably play him at RB as he's generally a more solid performer than Mercer who seems pretty inconsistent.
  4. Fair do's, Mercer wasn't great, apart from that though I did think the defence was okay.
  5. I thought the wind completely ruined the game, very difficult to play football in that! Thought the defence was fine throughout with Dixon possibly the best man on the park. Gomis was good, Alston was ineffective in the 1st half although he picked up a bit in the 2nd with some hints of quality. Todd and Morrison did very little. Sammon is definitely putting more in to games although the ball doesn't stick with him really. I think he headed the ball today more times than all of his other games put together! I actually thought that Dowds did okay when he came on as well. Guy said to me a few weeks ago 'you're team's playing well'. 'Not really, we're just the best of a bad bunch', says I. I still think that's the case.
  6. Logged on to P&B for the first time today and the first words I read were 'it's an utter disgrace' from Shadwell!!
  7. I think you make a valid point. Dowds certainly isn't a natural goal-scorer but he does have something about him. He's usually quite good on the ball and can create chances but, like you, I think it's difficult to see where he fits. He needs to have the right kind of partner, maybe Keena can provide that but we'll just need to wait and see.
  8. Whilst I essentially agree with you about how we win the league not mattering, I would obviously much prefer to win it comfortably and with some style because I would want us to have at least the nucleus of a settled team and playing style going into the Championship. Let's hope it's a dilemma that we face come the season end!
  9. Keep the faith mate. Stick with your, clearly out of his depth, manager, like we did and you'll be down here soon enough.
  10. Mutch Miller Hall Dixon Kelly Gomis Alston Telfer Connolly Morrison Sammon
  11. The good thing about Sunday matches is that your whole weekend isn't wasted!
  12. Keena not even being on the bench today concerns me a bit. He was hoping to be quoted today and to get a start next week but the fact that he wasn't there I think means that the best we can hope for is seeing him on the bench v Partick.
  13. Footballs a strange game. Against Clyde we had 4 efforts on target from 6 and scored 3, against Peterhead we had 13 on target from 20 and scored 2.
  14. Got exactly what we deserved. Let's face it though, it was hardly a surprise! Defence, Gomis and Connolly were fine, the rest, including the subs, were completely pish! Having said that, we were in control and played not too badly for the first 20 minutes or so. We'll need to do that for 90 next week while taking our chances too.
  15. At least some deserving cases can be pushed up the queue to be vaccinated as those that feel precautions are unnecessary will surely refuse to take theirs? I mean, they couldn't be so hypocritical, could they??
  16. Aye, I think that would be inevitable. Everyone needs to behave themselves and follow the rules to make sure this doesn't happen. The usual suspects won't of course!
  17. Fingers crossed that that won't happen, I'd rather win it on the park than by default and have some of our fans acting the billy big baws like many Raith fans did!
  18. Big Russell (Rusty) McLean banging them in every week now. His father's a pal of mine so all I can say is that Rusty's mammy must be a really good footballer!!
  19. Correct, there's just something gnawing away at the back of my head though, can't think what it is!
  20. Wonder what the odds are for Goodwillie getting a hat trick of penalties?
  21. Possibly damaged a while ago and only just noticed? We certainly seem to suffer more than most from storm damage, presumably something to do with the stadium design?
  22. Durnan certainly isn't a QoS "hero" but I would happily drive to Grangemouth and bring him back here. I'd also have Buchanan in the boot and dump him at your door. Is Obileye any good?
  23. QotS are leaking goals. Surely a reunion of Durnan and Buchanan, who were at the heart of the defence with the best defensive record in L1 last season, would tighten things up for them. Durnan is also a former QotS hero and would be welcomed back by Queens fans. We could swap him for Obileye.
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