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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Aye, I agree with this. The BOD won't look very clever if the refuse or are reluctant to answer any probing questions. I like Bairn in Exile's email too. We need to get the format changed if we can.
  2. I watched a Stenny v Forfar game and, along with John Baird, he completely ran the show.
  3. Yes, you make a valid point. I think there are two new accounts who have questioned some of the anti board stuff but I wouldn't say they were 'blindly' supporting them. Like me, I think they're just asking questions but I'm certainly not going to trawl through everything to find out. I'm not 'doing my best' to discredit anyone, I'd just like to know what's happening from all sides.
  4. Oops, seems like I've touched a wee nerve, I do apologise. I think the crux of your argument is that you have relatives and friends who are part of the CI group and that you think they've been poorly treated? You tell us of phone calls and letters that weren't nice but we've just to accept what you say. I'm sure you have no reason to lie about such things but the problem is that we only have to take your word for it without seeing any evidence. I repeat; if the Rawlins (Mr, Mrs or both) have been abusing our fans then they can do one as far as I'm concerned! Similarly though, if these new accounts (possible patrons) are simply trying to discredit the club to achieve their goals then they can do one too. We need openness and honesty from ALL that are involved. Regarding the current state of the club though I'm not sure that a change in the BOD would have seen us promoted and I'm not sure that the Rawlins can be blamed for our failure either given that they've only been a part of things for 6 months and unable to even come to Falkirk. We certainly need to hear and see more from them now though. I agree re Deans and the BOD regarding transparency and communication. They are effectively the go-betweens for Rawlins and the fans so we need to know just what the f**k's going on as, at the moment, the silence is deafening . Obviously £600k of new investment is serious cash for the club so, I repeat, we need to know why it was rejected. All I've seen is what I've read on here which is some folk saying that they were making demands and others saying they weren't. It may well be that, if these demands were unreasonable, they have done what's best for the club by rejecting it? To answer your question, I'm most certainly not a sycophant of the BOD although I'd be interested to know why you think this is the case. As far as I'm concerned they should be criticised if it's deserved and there is definitely criticism that can be leveled at them at the moment but I don't think they (or anybody else) should be just for the sake of it because that's just devisive.
  5. I've been sitting thinking long and hard about this and I feel like shit even posting it but here goes: If not seen as saviours exactly, the Rawlins were certainly welcomed by the general fan base and certainly by most on here. The outlook on them seems to have changed completely by a lot of people and I struggle to really see why. The main bone of contention is obviously the Patron's failed attempt to invest and get what they wanted, which is something that most of us wanted to see. (I pledged myself.) Having thought about all of the recent shit on here though, here's what I think has been happening: There have been a few new accounts which have appeared (maybe even multiple accounts from the same people) that seem to simply want to discredit the club, BOD, Holt, the Rawlins and, frankly, everything else to do with the club. I think these are people who are either major Patrons or are close to them and I think they're doing it to piss the BOD and Rawlins off in the hope that they walk away, allowing the fans group to get in. There are also quite a few long standing posters who seem to have changed their stance on the Rawlins and I think that they're simply being sucked in by the newbies. I really hope that I'm wrong but, if I'm right, then I wouldn't want people who behave in that way to be part of the governance of the club, just as I said that I wouldn't want people who threaten or abuse fans (i.e. the Rawlins as alleged on here) to be part of the club either. As I said before, I wouldn't want the club to be run entirely by fans as I believe there would be too much infighting, clashes of personalities, too many Billy big baws etc., but I wouldn't want it taken over by one guy, or family either. There needs to be a hybrid IMO with fans and the Rawlins involved but the prospect of that seems to be getting further and further away. As fans, we need to know more detail on why the fan's investment was declined and more about the discussions that were held when the bid was made. I'd like that to come from both sides. I'd also like someone to point me in the direction of the fans group so that I can read for myself what their aims are, amount of capital raised, time-lines etc as I haven't seen any of that I don't think. I suppose in these days of social media things can be painted a bit blacker than they actually are but I've supported Falkirk for over 50 years and seen a lot of bleak times however, we're at a particularly low ebb at the moment so, if ever there was a time that we need to stand together, this is surely it!?
  6. Are you going to answer mine, or do you just like answering selected questions?
  7. Did you find it quite remarkable before 'Chesty Morgan' arrived? Did you warn against the club getting involved with them before it happened? Were you happy to continue to have the two major shareholders, who are both fans, carry on running the show in preference to the Rawlins? It's no wonder that some folk don't want to get involved in our club when you read some of the vitriol on here!
  8. Because we're starting a development squad (allegedly), so I would imagine he'd be involved with that. We also need a back-up for McCann so we may see him do that rather than have to move Dixon wide.
  9. Do you know if it was investigated by the police and if that investigation has now been completed?
  10. Why do you think? Right, it's factual, I believe you. However, we are constantly told that the Rawlins are now the baddies, so why exactly can't the letter be posted therefore allowing us all to see what kind of people we're dealing with? I personally wouldn't want my club getting involved with people who are threatening or abusing our supporters, unless it's in response to something that's been sent to them of course, so I would have thought this would be a perfect opportunity to discredit them. How will this 'come out in the future'? By what medium will we be able to see the content of the letter? I get that you're pissed off at not being able to get involved, as I presume that you're one of the fans group but the constant negativity and moaning at this that and the next thing isn't going to further your cause very well. I, like many others, would like to see fan involvement in the running of the club but in partnership with the Rawlins or other benefactors because I don't think that sole fan ownership would be a good thing. Perhaps someone who has a foot in neither camp could act as a mediator because the two sides are simply going to become more divided as things stand and the prospect of fan involvement will get further away.
  11. Then the authorities should be informed and these claims looked into. Much the same as the letter that was supposedly sent by Rawlins which allegedly abused the recipient should be posted on here.
  12. So, are you saying that something fraudulent has gone on?
  13. For Falkirk being pish and fans not being allowed into the stadium due to Covid.
  14. Aye, but what do you think of the McCann signing?
  15. Leitch isn't a 'bad' player, he's one of those sort of 'nothing' players. Certainly got some skill and did chip in with a couple of goals and assists, but, all to often, it just didn't come off for him. I've no doubt he'll turn that around when he's playing against us of course.
  16. I'd be disappointed if we lose Keena, the guy's a natural finisher IMO and I don't think he'd miss many chances if we actually managed to make some for him. His scoring record isn't too bad at all really and we have no idea of how many minutes he actually spent on the pitch while scoring them. I really don't think that we'd be able to get much better at this level.
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