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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Agree with that. I think that whatever eventually goes up on the east side needs to be connected to the two end stands in some way.
  2. Only problem I can see with a streaming service is that fans are likely to suggest getting together in each other's houses. DPB - 'you bring the beer, I'll bring the nuts!'
  3. Could have been a reasonable idea if it wasn't for two things; I wouldn't want anybody to die, no matter how misguided, stupid or uncaring they are and, if it does go ahead, then I'm afraid the attendees are going to potentially infect thousands more with the inevitable deaths that would follow.
  4. Well, that's quite handy. I assume however that the 'like minded people' that you mingle with would also expect to get the 'care and treatment that they're entitled to' if affected by the virus, even though this would take vital resources away from dealing with people who have other medical conditions? How did you manage to find other people to mingle with that are of the same mind incidentally? Did you all go to the same club before the pandemic struck? I see, as well, that it's been confirmed that the BAME population are much more likely to contract the virus. No doubt another reason for easing the lockdown in your eyes!
  5. I read somewhere that the terms of the contracts were dictated by whether we got promoted or not. Don't know if that's right but, if it is, then we may not have any players signed for the next season.
  6. Let's try to lighten things up a wee bit folks. Assuming that there would be a 'next season' (don't think there will be TBH), which players would you choose to keep? Ignore contracts, whether they're on loan or whatever, just base it on ability and value to the squad. I'd go: Keep - Mutch, Doyle, Dixon, G Miller, Gomes, Longridge, Connelly & McManus. Punt - Durnan, Buchanan, McShane, Telfer, Johnstone, McMillan, De Vita & Sammon. Undecided - Ferrie, Todd, Leitch, Laverty & Hall. I've no idea if we should keep Ferrie and Laverty as I've seen neither play. Re Todd and Leitch, I've seen very little of them but what I have has been quite good so may be tempted to keep. Similar with Hall I suppose. I'd also happily keep M&M as co managers with big Lee continuing his playing role. What do you think?
  7. Really? Are Hearts not as 'big' as Aberdeen?
  8. Aye, we were one point behind with a far superior goal difference, yet we were unable to beat Raith in 4 attempts. I don't think we would have needed to beat you last Saturday TBH.
  9. Actually, just occasionally, it can be nice to just go to watch your team play without the fear of dropping points.
  10. Thank God that it's only under 45's that go to the football. I was getting worried for a minute there!
  11. Beckett in particular became a hero among many Saints fans but hardly played for us.
  12. That well may have been the worst deal ever. I was only 13 or 14 at the time but remember wondering why the hell we were letting Robinson leave. Bryce wasn't very good although Better Meddle says that he started 7 games and was sub in 1.
  13. Rennie was a very good goalie. Wee Leetion was a good we player too.
  14. Yea, I agree with what you're saying, however, he was already spent when he arrived. I was more thinking of players that came with a reputation which they failed to live up to when we thought they would or someone who made an initial very good impression and faded when we had higher hopes.
  15. You may be too young to remember the reason that they changed from an 18 team top flight? Or, at least the reason that they gave us which was that there were too many meaningless matches for mid-table teams toward the end of the season and therefore very boring. Things got much more exciting when they changed to smaller leagues and a happy wee side effect was that the OF made more money, meaning they could pull away from the rest that wee bit more easily, leading to a less competitive league resulting in it becoming, eh, well, boring...
  16. Steven Craig's debut was sensational. He came on at half time v Livingston when we were 2-0 down and was unplayable. I think he scored twice in a 3-2 win? You're absolutely right though, he should have blossomed from there but was disappointing in the end.
  17. Thinking about Colin McNair earlier, how about a list of players who could have been excellent for us but, for whatever reason, didn't quite become as well remembered as they should have? McNair, Bobby McKell, Pele, Cedric Uras, Ken Eadie, Derek Ferguson, Nicky Henderson, Jim Fowler, Collin Samuel, Andy Thomson, Jean-Francois Lecsinel, Jack Compton. Add your own.
  18. Very versatile player too. Mainly left mid but played left back and left wing at times and I'm sure he spent some time as our main striker as well.
  19. Donaldson Kennedy, McGlaughlin Markie, Miller, Gibson McAllister, Latapy, Farid, Stainrod & Shirra
  20. If we ever get out of this lockdown and back to the fitba I think you should apply for the manager's job as you obviously have all the answers. It is maybe just a possibility though that Hughes realised that an ageing Latapy wasn't going to be around for much longer and he felt that a change of style was required?
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