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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. The 17 year old may have bullied him (or tried to) but I didn't see any Raith players get the better of him, not in a defensive sense anyway. Doyle's average at best but I've always thought that his defending was pretty weak but he stood up to everything in the 1st half, ushering the ball out of play a few times under pressure and made a crucial interception in the box when your player was about to shoot.
  2. I expect that I'm in a serious minority but I thought that McManus was pulled back by the defender at the penalty incident, in fact I think it's obvious in the footage. He could probably have stayed on his feet but that doesn't erase the foul. Also, I felt at the game that De Vita dived for his free kick, which you can't really see in the footage, however he had been fouled before hand so that was ultimately the correct decision. Certainly no foul on the goalkeeper from the cross either. As far as the performance is concerned we had an obvious game plan in the 1st half, allowing Raith to have the ball and sitting deep but that resulted in De Vita, Gomis and Longridge being completely anonymous. Gomis just wasn't at it at all, due probably to playing a role that he's not suited too. That meant that we constantly hit the ball long for McManus, which was never going to work. The difference when Miller came on was obvious, meaning that we could play it long and he won most of his headers and was able to bring players into the game. Longridge and even De Vita were much more involved after that. The defence was much more solid than Saturday (couldn't be any worse) with Durnan having a good game. Doyle, I felt also had a good first half, defending well. We obviously need to change it up for Saturday though and I would play Longridge up front with McManus which, when I saw the line-up, is what I thought was going to happen last night. Todd being fit would be a real bonus too but I don't know if he's anywhere near or not?
  3. Spot on; M&M should have known he was going to get injured and signed somebody else. Preferably someone with a guaranteed no-injury clause.
  4. If Todd's fit then surely McMillan is the one that will drop out of the squad?
  5. Well, quite, because, if we wanted someone to do that, he's the last guy in the team that we would ask. This makes his earlier suspension all the more galling. Edit to say that I've just noticed that Bairnardo's said much the same thing.
  6. A wee bit of perspective needed maybe folks? 1st league loss under M&M (which had to happen at some point) and 1st since early November. I know Saturday was bad however it was mainly from a defensive point of view, which has been unusual this season (somehow). I think that's the first time we've lost more than 2 goals as well? We need to back the team in numbers tomorrow, be up from it from the start and maybe the team will follow suit?
  7. We changed to 3 at the back. No room for a winger like him in that formation. He deserves credit for knocking down in that time and also for adding end product to his game. It's been a common theme of our recent and enduring shiteness that absolutely no one aside from the strikers wants to get in the box and gamble on a chance. Connolly is doing it and getting rewards from it. Subtle but more accurate IMO.
  8. Why would it be unpopular? He's a good wee player who gives everything he's got which is very important to the team.
  9. Yes he won the ball but he came through the back of Connelly to do it which is supposed to be a no-no nowadays.
  10. I don't ever remember a Falkirk team photo with Gordon in it unfortunately. There wasn't always a team photo taken back in the 70s. You can certainly tell him that fans of that era remember him though. No nonsense centre back and well thought of.
  11. Just watched the highlights and I reckon the ball was over the line when it came off the defender 2nd half. Not in the photo that was posted earlier though, the footage shows that it was on the way back out at that point.
  12. Nah, don't think you can tell from that. It's possible that he hasn't played the ball yet and the ball may already be spinning away from goal. I think the right foot being advanced of the left is a bit of an optical illusion as well. That's not to say that the ball hadn't already crossed the line before the picture was taken of course but, as I said earlier, it didn't look over to me at the time.
  13. Were you in the main stand or South? From my position at the back behind the goals, the ball came off the defender, looked like it was going to spin over the line but spun the other way instead. The defender hesitated for a second because I think he thought it was going in but then managed to get back to clear it. I don't think it was a goal.
  14. Can't really argue with that, a tremendous achievement for a wee club like East Fife!
  15. Main stand's a pound dearer. Just trying to keep the cost down for you.
  16. I refer you to my post in response to NBB's above. He's taking the piss and clearly looking for the type of response that you've so kindly provided.
  17. Personally I don't think McLean's any better than Raith have already. Struck me as a bit of a panic signing TBH when Miller knocked them back. He scored very few goals for Hearts and will be 38 this year. Not a signing that I'd have been particularly enthused about if he had come to us, but time will tell I suppose.
  18. Aye, it's not cheap. Bugger having to pay £15 to get the 3 kids into Bayview though when they get into our place for nowt! Absolute rip-off.
  19. I think the term 'under 18' on the website may be a bit of a clue.
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